📸: Maracha District headquarter. The Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) which is a Government of Uganda financed programme launched on 24-1-2014 and designed as one of the interventions of Government in response to the high unemployment rate and poverty among the youth in the country, has made some Youths in Maracha District to run to Exile. 📸: LC V Hon Obitre Stephen during the council sitting on Friday 29-9-2023. Photo by Information is Power. The LC V Chairperson Hon Obitre Stephen while presenting Maracha District state of affairs address report in the 1st Ordinary Council Sitting of the 3rd session of the 3rd Council on Friday 29-9-2023, decried the behavior of the Youths who have fled to exile after borrowing the YLP funds. He appealed to them to come back to the district so that these issues can be resolved. 📸: Hon Amazi Sarah speaks during an interview on Friday 29-9-2023 after the Council Sitting. Photo by Information is Power. Maracha Dist...
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