#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read details in the link. Suspected North Korean nation-state actors targeted a journalist in South Korea with a malware-laced Android app as part of a social engineering campaign. The findings come from South Korea-based non-profit Interlab, which coined the new malware RambleOn . The malicious functionalities include the “ability to read and leak target’s contact list, SMS, voice call content, location and others from the time of compromise on the target,” Interlab threat researcher Ovi Liber said in a report published this week. The spyware camouflages as a secure chat app called Fizzle ( ch.seme ), but in reality, acts as a conduit to deliver a next-stage payload hosted on pCloud and Yandex. https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-7983783048239650&output=html&h=312&slotname=2185767680&adk=2138192652&adf=4257282429&pi=t.ma~as.2185767680&w=375&lmt=1676719550&rafmt=1&armr=2&fo...
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