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Showing posts with the label February 24

Entertainment; “Sign of Victory” Singer R Kelly Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Enticing Children for Sex.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read details in this link. A United States court has sentenced singer R Kelly to serve 20 years in prison for charges of child pornography and enticement of minors for sex. But US District Judge Harry Leinenweber announced on Thursday that Kelly could serve most of his new prison term at the same time as his previous  30-year sentence , which was handed down last year for racketeering and sex trafficking convictions. The result is that Kelly will only serve one additional year of prison time, avoiding a lengthier stay behind bars had the judge agreed to prosecutors’ requests that the two sentences be served back to back. list of 3 itemslist 1 of 3 R Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison for sex crimes list 2 of 3 Brazil footballer Dani Alves arrested over alleged sexual assault list 3 of 3 Bill Cosby found liable over sexual assault of teenager in 1975 end of list In a statement read aloud to the court, a victim identified as “Jane” expressed the pain she en