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Showing posts with the label February 20


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in this link . Ministry of Works Estimates 2,500,000 vehicles are registered in Uganda and on average 2m vehicles move on various Uganda roads per day. The Police needs 340 billion to construct 10,000 police units per year. Assume Uganda Police comes with a Policy whereby a police officer who charges a traffic offender will take 50% of the charge and remit 50% to the police housing account with instant tickets. This will ensure the officer becomes more than willing to charge a traffic offender. Out of the 2m cars on the road per day, let’s assume at least 20,000 cars are charged per day. That will be only 1% of the total cars and an average charge of 100,000 UGX. The officer will take 50,000 and remit 50,000 to the Police housing account. That will bring 1 billion to the housing account per day, 30billion per month, 360 billion per year. By end of 6 years, all our Police officers will be housed in descend accommodation. Joel Aita Joadah Design Inst

Suspected Child Trafficker Found in Possession of Military Items in Arua City.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in this link . BY ANDREW COHEN AMVESI. ARUA. Security operatives in Arua City have recovered a military jungle boot, three tins of Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) and several documents including bank slips from the house of the recently arrested suspected child trafficker. Sabiri Siraj, 27, and his co-accused-wife, Geriya Salima, 28, were last Tuesday remanded to Arua government Prison until March 14, 2023 by Christine Imalingat, the acting senior grade one magistrate, over allegations of child trafficking. The duo was arrested for the second time on February 1, 2023 at Hotel Arua in Arua City, six months after they had been arrested on the same offense in Maracha district but were released by Police. Intelligence operatives found the suspects keeping over 40 children at Continental Hotel in Arua Central Division awaiting to be transported to a non-existing Al-Rahman Islamic Primary and secondary school said to be located along Kampala- Gulu highway in