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Showing posts with the label March 09

Minister Betty Amongi Witch-hunted by NSSF Board Members for Refusing to Approve Fraudulent Figure of 400 Bn Shs to Purchase Land.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Click here for details. The Minister of Gender, Betty Amongi has said that she blocked the purchase of land in Nakigalala due to variance in costs. Amongi while defending herself before parliament yesterday said that the Fund had requested 400 billion Shillings while the government valuer had estimated the cost at 246.1 billion Shillings. NSSF prob investigation reports suggested that minister Betty Amongi would resign from office for irregularity and misuse of office. Committee made its rolling relying on the 6 billion which wasn’t realized according to minister Amongi. The land in question measuring 400 hectares is owned by the Muljibhai Madhvani family and is located along the Kampala-Entebbe Expressway. Reports indicate that Madhvani has been trying to sell the tea estate to

Residents Caned Terribly Over Failure to Attend Burial Ceremony.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read details in the link. Residents of Bukedea District witnessed a shocking incident on Wednesday 8-March-2023 when a group of individuals were caned for not attending a burial. The individuals, one woman and six men were reportedly found drinking alcohol during the funeral instead of paying their respects to the deceased. According to the video, the group was rounded up by members of the community and caned as punishment for their absence. Each of the individuals received more than two canes in front of a crowd of community members. The video has sparked outrage among residents, who are calling for an investigation into the matter. Some have expressed concern about the use of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure, especially for something as seemingly minor as missing a funeral. The legality and morality of such a punishment have also been called into question, as it is a clear violation of human rights. Corporal punishment is often used as a disci

Residents Caned Terribly Over Failure to Attend Burial Ceremony.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read details in the link. Residents of Bukedea District witnessed a shocking incident on Wednesday 8-March-2023 when a group of individuals were caned for not attending a burial. The individuals, one woman and six men were reportedly found drinking alcohol during the funeral instead of paying their respects to the deceased. According to the video, the group was rounded up by members of the community and caned as punishment for their absence. Each of the individuals received more than two canes in front of a crowd of community members. The video has sparked outrage among residents, who are calling for an investigation into the matter. Some have expressed concern about the use of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure, especially for something as seemingly minor as missing a funeral. The legality and morality of such a punishment have also been called into question, as it is a clear violation of human rights. Corporal punishment is often used as a disci


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more details in this link. Sande started his business during the COVID lockdown. Before he knew it, his neighbour and their neighbour had also started one. Because business has been good this year, he plans to open up six more businesses for his wives and his ‘side people’ and advertise them on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp business, Jumia, Jiji and many other online platforms. If you are like Sande and his neighbours, you are probably thinking of starting your own small ‘side hustle. What do you need to do to run that business at home? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? Simply, the law (The trade licensing Act) requires you to get permission before being part of certain trade/business activities in a trading centre. This permission is known as a Trade Licence. This is because there are areas designated by law to be trading areas so that the local authorities (such as the municipal council) can collect taxes and fees from the business activities carried out in thos