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BOBI WINE POISONED TO DIE, BUT GOD IS GOOD ITS BEEN DETECTED!!! From Sauti Ya Vijana Uganda SAD NEWS!* Wednesday 5 September 2018. This has never been my Handwriting! The AUTHOR UNKNOWN. Bobi Wine's blood samples have tested positive for Dimethylmercury, a category 2 man made slow killing poison manufacured from North Korea. Research shows that absorption of drops as low as 0.01ml have been proven fatal with signs of poisoning manifesting after 6 months which is definitely late for any kind of treatment. The good news is that diagnosis has been done at an early stage however his doctors have recommended thorough tests to be made at both the National Screening Center and poison control centers in the US and the Rambam Health Care Campus in Israel who possess capacity to detect all kinds of poison. Dr. Barbara Kirrane a medical toxicology consultant based at saint barnabas medical center in New Jersey has joined the medical team of doctors working on Hon. Kyagulanyi. It is not yet clear where Hon. Bobi wine was poisoned but unconfirmed reports indicate this was done while he was arrested and held under military detention in Gulu and Makindye. It is not the first time for an opposition figure in Uganda to suffer from poisoning. Hon Hussein Kyanjo, former Makindye West MP revealed that he was poisoned when he became too vocal on the oil documents and sharing agreements that raised dust in parliament back in 2010. We shall keep you posted as more details emerge... ©Sauti Ya Vijana

Wednesday 5 September 2018. This has never been my Handwriting! The AUTHOR UNKNOWN. Bobi Wine's blood samples have tested positive for Dimethylmercury, a category 2 man made slow killing poison manufacured from North Korea. Research shows that absorption of drops as low as 0.01ml have been proven fatal with signs of poisoning manifesting after 6 months which is definitely late for any kind of treatment. The good news is that diagnosis has been done at an early stage however his doctors have recommended thorough tests to be made at both the National Screening Center and poison control centers in the US and the Rambam Health Care Campus in Israel who possess capacity to detect all kinds of poison. Dr. Barbara Kirrane a medical toxicology consultant based at saint barnabas medical center in New Jersey has joined the medical team of doctors working on Hon. Kyagulanyi. It is not yet clear where Hon. Bobi wine was poisoned but unconfirmed reports indicate this was done while he was arres

Tale of Story Over My Arrest.

Fellow Countrymen, Countrywomen and Fellow Global Human Rights and Political Activists, it did arise that, i was Arrested and detained in the previous days and then released on Bond, the same day my Father died in the Hospital, on Monday 27 August 2018, being Charged of already Cooked Up Charges and i don't mind of that because this current Uganda under military dictatorship reign of Mr Museveni, is known for such gross Human Rights violations of those, whom, he thinks, might be causing uncertainty to his forcefully imposed rulership in state house. In the Fracus that ensued towards the arrest, i lost shillings 200000 and i still have no idea, if the money fell down from the pocket of my Shirt or it was Hand-picked. At the due course of being rounded up by 14 Soldiers, 4 Police officers (17 were Men and One Woman), some of the Soldiers kept saying that, We will shoot you people! That, Bobi Wine Boi Wine, who is Bobi Wine, they Continued saying this while nor Smartphone was allowed

OUTBREAK OF EBOLA DISEASE IN UGANDA. Uganda Ministry of Health Running Awareness Campaigns about the new Ebola disease outbreak in Uganda. Interestingly amusing! With this dilapidated Health Care systems in most Hospitals and Health Centres in Uganda, Relatives and Friends of Ebola disease Victims are gonna die off due to the Humanity and Love people have for their Relatives and Friends and In-laws. They are Livid and their Heart is so Heavy too for their Own. No Sane Being Human wishes their Own to die but the fishy battling fate of not accepting, i am now Incompetent and Unable to serve a 21 century young blood generation Arii bee aci aci, that needs a personality of this calibre too to serve them well, is Costing. Methinks, it renders beneficial when most Resources wasted here in the Abaza advertisements on TVs and Internet platforms which are currently not accessible to a deeply remote Villagers who canot afford a mere Analog TV nor a mere Wooden Screen and to the worst of it all, Poor People (75% population of Ug) in the Country were shutdown from using such Luxurious (Museveni Termed it) Social Media Forums. It deserves No lectures, on, using most times depleted Donor / Budget funds miggerly allocated for Pertinent sectors, to be used direct to the field than Running Gasiya Mingi adverts with nor solid medication delivery to the Poor, should be directly directed to impoverished, by the field health officers. These same dudes were seen publishing PRESS RELEASE about "Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever" (CCHF) blah blah blah blah blah blah... It may cost only the shortsighted and doom to be convinced in to believing that, the current Uganda Government is pursuing Good service delivery to most Ministries. This is yet a hint, more writings are coming up regularly and on daily basis. After all, we keep on loosing Our dear Ones on a mere simple matters that can be solved and agreed. And, this same defunct system is eating up anyone on their way. Stay tuned.... Thanks. ALUTA CONTINUA AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

Uganda Ministry of Health Running Awareness Campaigns about the new Ebola disease outbreak in Uganda. Interestingly amusing! With this dilapidated Health Care systems in most Hospitals and Health Centres in Uganda, Relatives and Friends of Ebola disease Victims are gonna die off due to the Humanity and Love people have for their Relatives and Friends and In-laws. They are Livid and their Heart is so Heavy too for their Own. No Sane Being Human wishes their Own to die but the fishy battling fate of not accepting, i am now Incompetent and Unable to serve a 21 century young blood generation Arii bee aci aci, that needs a personality of this calibre too to serve them well, is Costing. Methinks, it renders beneficial when most Resources wasted here in the Abaza advertisements on TVs and Internet platforms which are currently not accessible to a deeply remote Villagers who canot afford a mere Analog TV nor a mere Wooden Screen and to the worst of it all, Poor People (75% population of Ug) in

THIS IS ANOTHER PLOY TARGET TO CURTAIL MEDIA FREEDOM, FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND FREEDOM AFTER SPEECH AND PRESS FREEDOM. 23 August 2018. This is an Automated Publishing via Osuta Yusuf Applet Trigger. Mozambique imposes crippling taxes on independent media. Mozambique has implemented new rates for the registration and accreditation of local and foreign journalists in the country, immediately denounced as exorbitant by the defenders of freedom of the press. Quietly adopted in cabinet last month for the official purpose of better regulating the media market, the new government decree came into effect on Wednesday. Under the new grid, it now costs the equivalent of 1,500 euros to a foreign journalist to report in Mozambique and up to 7,500 euros per year if he wants to settle as a correspondent of a media foreign. This sudden increase hits the local media just as much. The tax required by the authorities to record a television channel has risen to 45,000 euros. Influential members of the Mozambican media community including Media Institute of Southern Africa, MISAMozambique requested support to have Mozambique’s constitutional council review the decree’s constitutionality and legality. These measures are adopted on less than two months away from the next municipal election scheduled for October 10.

23 August 2018. This is an Automated Publishing via Osuta Yusuf Applet Trigger. Mozambique imposes crippling taxes on independent media . Mozambique has implemented new rates for the registration and accreditation of local and foreign journalists in the country, immediately denounced as exorbitant by the defenders of freedom of the press. Quietly adopted in cabinet last month for the official purpose of better regulating the media market, the new government decree came into effect on Wednesday. Under the new grid, it now costs the equivalent of 1,500 euros to a foreign journalist to report in Mozambique and up to 7,500 euros per year if he wants to settle as a correspondent of a media foreign. This sudden increase hits the local media just as much. The tax required by the authorities to record a television channel has risen to 45,000 euros. Influential members of the Mozambican media community including Media Institute of Southern Africa, MISAMozambique requested support to have Mozamb


Thursday 23-August-2018.   This is an Automated Post via Osuta Yusuf Applet Trigger.            #We_inform_the_uninformed. Charges against Ugandan musician turn lawmaker have been dropped by the military court sitting in the town of Gulu. MP Robert Kyagulanyi popularly referred to as Bobi Wine was arraigned before the court last week over charges of illegal possession of firearms. After reports of him being beaten and mistreated in detention emerged, there has been an unrelenting call for his release at home where security forces clash with protesters on a daily basis. The hashtag #FreeBobiWine has also gone viral on social media; people in the arts industry, politicians, human rights groups and a number of western governments have all joined the call for his release. The latest move means that he was due to be transferred from the military court to a civilian court where he was due to be charged with treason. The reason being that his actions had endangered the life of the president.


Fellow Countrymen and Women, i have yet again got a brilliant moment to write up for everyone about the sorrowful state of NRM collapse in WestNile region. The NRM Government headed by Mr Museveni, has been in power for Three Decades (30+ years), and out of its heydays, despite its segregative and hidden motives for the people there in WestNile region, they have been having great Love and Support for the NRM Junta Government. HERE ARE A FEW THINGS I WOULD WISH TO HIGHLIGHT AGAIN THOUGH I HAVE BEEN NARRATING IT IN PREVIOUS YEARS FOR MY PEOPLE OF WESTNILE AND UGANDA AT LARGE. These are facts, for sometimes back, i have been Writing about but some Young Malnourished Social Media people criticise me for fighting for my people. So many people misinterpret my articles and they attack me on a daily basis! But i have a thick skin. What some of these people do not know is, i will die for the sake of Humanity, Dignity, Integrity, Honesty and Justice. I fight for my people, not because i am a Uga


I, Osuta Yusuf, would wish to thank Mr Ejiku Robert, Our Supporters, the entire Campaign team, Task force and the General Public, for working extra hard to ensure that we complete rallies / elections Successfully, which at last minute, delivered us at the third position in the recently concluded Arua Municipality MP by-election. Though we finished in number 3, Our hope was to be the number 1 Winner!. If i may not be wrongly interpreted to, taking advantage of this missive, to shoot at the Government and Our Other Opponents who were also in the race, there are some Loopholes that have not only affected Our Candidature but it affected the whole Voting process: 1. LACK OF CIVILITY. There was lack of civic education and sensitisation of the general public about electioneering. In 2016 General elections, the number of registered Voters, was about 42000 and if you calculate the duration from that year (2016) up to this year (2018), the number of legal Voters would have risen even up to 50000