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In my well coordinated, documented, factual and effective presentations, I will be highlighting to the people of Arua Central Division *(Awindiri, Mvara, Pangisha, Tanganyika, Kenya and Bazar)* who overwhlemingly voted me in 2021 as their MP in the 11th Parliament on NRM ticket to work as a linkage between them and the central government, and I will forever be greatful to all of them. When I took  oath to serve my people in May, 2021, I was  honored to be appointed the Government Regional Whip for West Nile by *Rt Honorable Thomas Tayebwa* , who was by then the Government Chief Whip, to whip the NRM MPs from West Nile over government programs and coordinate them to effectively participate in Parliament. 
As you might be knowing there are  four (4) major roles of a Member of Parliament

    1 *.Legislation* : Members debate and pass laws through which the institutions of government endeavor to guide the country’s process.

2. *Budget Approval/Appropriation* : Members of Parliament (analyse) and pass (approve) the national Budget every financial year.
3. *Oversight* : As an MP Monitor and bring to the attention of Ministers and the public, government misuse of funds, violations of rule of law and unlawful activities.
4. *Representation* : Represent their constituents’ views in Parliament. MPs bring to the attention of relevant Ministers different matters of national concern

Back in our the constituencies , we hold consultative meetings with our constituents, update them on the activities of Parliament and government policies, and gather their views and concerns on issues, which affect their livelihood. Something, that I have effectively done over the years in *Arua Central Division .* 


As an MP from Arua Central Division, in Arua City located in West Nile, I went there with the knowledge of the need to increase on the tarmac coverage within the region, to have it interlinked for easy transportation of goods and services and persons, to help in the promotion of regional border trade with our brothers and sisters in DR Congo and South Sudan, facilitate the access of essential services like healthcare, education among others. Subsquently the issue of the poor road network was raised on the floor of Parliament, as I was charged to lead and coordinate an engagent between MPs from West Nile and Uganda National Roads Authority *(UNRA is mandated to develop and maintain the national roads network, advise Government on general roads policy and contribute to addressing of transport concerns, among others)* , where many attended and discussions were held, resolutions made and field trips organised, as well contionous communication and engagements for the benefit of the ordinary people. We strongly highlighted the need to fast-track the rehabilition of Karuma-Pakwach, Pakwach-Nebbi and Nebbi-Arua, as well as many others which included Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road, Nebbi-Goli-Zombo Roads. The progress on some of these roads is visible by now.

I want to very much appreciate *HE President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni* for the continous efforts, dedication and commitment to transform West Nile through improved road network, equally the line ministry of Works and Transport, Uganda National Roads Authority, Parliament of Uganda, the MPs for the spirited fights and citizens for always peacefully demanding their share from government. *Awadifo* . 

Not forgeting our arch critics, who have always reminded us to fulfil our manifesto through social media, radio talkshows, and at any given opportunity they get. You really make us be thorough and agressive in pursuit of our noble duty as MPs to serve our people better. *Asante Sana* .


In this part II of my submission, I dive into the waters to explore the importance of sports (football) among others in the development of communities, and our contribution to it, many of us MPs have contributed in unmeasurable ways to different sporting discplines (netball, boxing, football, etc) in schools, communities among many, As the MP for Arua Central Division, I have personally contributed alot, in Parliament am the unsed subsitute of the Parliamentary Football Team, but super fit and talented. My passion to see our sports talents supported, nurtured and promoted, as seen us successful for the first time in FUFA Drum 2022. On this note, I wish to express my gratitude to West Nile Football Association for having trusted me, recommended me to Federation of Uganda Football Association (FUFA), a body charged with footballing matters, I was elected the FUFA Drum -West Nile Coordinator 2022, along with my sister Hajati Medina Nahum, the Director Finance and Administration at NRM, we assembled a formadible team, which had very commited personal (players and technical) and we mobilized our supporters across West Nile (Arua City, Arua, Madi Okollo, Obongi, Terego, Maracha, Koboko, Yumbe, Adjumani, Moyo, Zombo, Nebbi and Pakwach) and throughout Uganda. We mobilized, motivated, and coordinated our team throughout the journey and West Nile was crowned the FUFA Drum 2022 Champions in Lira City. Awadifo for the support


Games and sports develop in us a sense of fellow-feeling. They train our minds and shape our thinking. They develops in us the spirit of co-operation discipline honesty and sportsmanship. Students should take part in games and sports because a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. It is not just a form of entertainment, but it also promotes physical fitness, social interaction, and mental well-being. However, when we talk about sports, we tend to focus on international events. We forget that there are unique local sports cultures that are equally important and valuable.

The world of football, or soccer as it's known in some regions, is a colossal universe that extends far beyond the 90 minutes on the pitch. With an estimated four billion fans globally and 270 million active players, football's reach is undeniable. But its impact is not just measured in goals scored or trophies won; it's increasingly quantified by its influence on the economic and social fabric of communities and nations.

 *Football: A Catalyst for Economic Growth in West Nile* 

The financial implications of football are profound and multifaceted. From the grassroots to the glamorous world of professional leagues, football generates billions in revenue, stimulates job creation, and can even influence the economic outlook of communities, spur development and create employment.  Football is not just about sporting spectacle; it's a magnet for tourism, hospitality, and retail, providing a significant boost to the local economy.

 *Beyond the Pitch: Inclusiveness in Arua Central Division* 

As a strong supporter and promoter of sports develolment, I am determined to ensure that  football's value extends into societal benefits such as education, integration, and health. By promoting inclusion and fostering a sense of community, since  football serves as a powerful tool for social development. It engages youth, deters crime, and can improve educational outcomes, potentially leading to greater lifetime earnings for those involved. Am proud of the football administrators in West Nile, promoters, club owners, media, players, schools, coaches, sports or football academy owners regardless of the challenges therein, our own sports ambassadors acorss the country and the world, like Peace Proscovia, Shaban Muhammed among many for flying the regional flag high. Awadifo


In this edition, I highlight the apparent importance of food security within our communities, as urban dwellers living in Arua Central Division (Awindiri, Mvara, Pangisha, Bazar, Tanganyika and Kenya), where our gardens are in the markets, It has always been my desire to support my comminities to ensure we address the issue of food security. As the MP since 2021, I have recevied quality maize seeds from Parliament of Uganda ,through National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADs), procured by government of Uganda. And for the two seasons I recevied the seeds, I have given them out through the Local Councils(LCs) who have been mandated to distribute them to the residents within Arua Central Division. 

Government of Uganda, in it's efforts and programs to ensure our people have food, has through Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) planned and budgeted for these seeds, and used us as political leaders to distribute them, which I have done effectively. I wish to extend my appreciation to Ministers Hon. Matia Kasaija, Hon. Frank Tumwebaze, my Speakers Rt Honorable Anita Annet Among and Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa, Government of Uganda, Parliament, NRM party leadership and most importantly HE President Yoweri Kaguta Mussveni for the visionary directions in the fight for food security.  

As for my people of Arua Central Division, I have always requested them to utilise the opportunity availed to us, once you get the seeds plant them back them. I look forward for more support from government to my people of Arua Central Division. 


In this part 4, I zero down on the need for us as a community, especially leaders to ensure we aspire, inspire and mentor our young generation in various fields. I for a long time got to explore my roots and the fruits of my identity. My roots as a humble boy from Maracha (Otravu), growing with my mother, uncles, and other relatives, those roots have  represented my values and beliefs that are grounded so much in my upbringing. My late uncle *Rt Rev Dr Enoch Lee Drati* (RIP) who was the Bishop of Madi and West Nile, he taught me the real values of service to humanity with too much expectations in return, hardwork, patience, love for us, and determination to succeed. These values have propelled me and opened doors of blessings to me, I appreciated the trust and confidence vested in me by the people of Arua Central Division (Mvara, Pangisha, Kenya, Tanganyika, Bazar and Awindiri), to serve them as their MP in the 11th Parliament of Uganda. *Awadifo* .

In Parliament, I was  honored to work with, an icon, mentor, leader, statesman, a champion of unity, a distingushed selfless man of God, a humble servant of Uganda, *Rt Hon Jacob L'Okori Oulanyah* , who became our Speaker, but served for a short time and was recalled by God on 20 March 2022.  He was a Ugandan agricultural economist, lawyer, and politician, who served as an MP Omoro County 2001-2026 and 2011-2022 where he served as Deputy Speaker for 10 years and Speaker for 8 month. 

I was honored to have worked with him as his campaign mobilizer for speakership of the 11th Parliament,  Government Regional Whip (West Nile) and coordinated his Greater Northern Uganda tour of West Nile, Lango and Acholi along with my colleagues *Hon Ricky Awany of Agago* and *Hon Tonny Ayoo* of Kwania County. It was a great honor. He taught us the values of time management, humility and service beyond self. He was a true nationalist. As leaders of today be it in our homes let's inspire, aspire and mentor the young generations to be hardworking, honest, commited and focused.

Atima Jackson Lee Buti
MP Arua Central Division
Government Regional Whip/ PLU Coordinator West Nile 



UETCL was mandated to construct interconnection system to evacuate power from Karuma and feed into the national grid.

The increased capacity  would then allow power supply and accessibility to northern Uganda  including West Nile, Acholi, Lango and parts of Karamoja with a number of substations installed along the way  .

SMEC International PTY Ltd, Air Water Earth (AWE) and Associated Engineers & Surveyors were deployed as consultants who prepared the Compensation and Resettlement  Action Plan in the affected areas where the transmission  lines had to pass to reach the desired destinations.

Energy and Mineral Development  Minister Gorreti Kitutu , represented President Yoweri Museveni at the signing ceremony and  assured the people of West Nile through their Members of Parliament  that government  was  commitment to have the region on the national grid to spur industrialization and job creation for the people.

 ” We are resolved and focused on ensuring our brother and sisters who entrusted you to be their leaders see your hard work on this project” she noted. The singing ceremony was attended by State Minister for Energy Hon Simon Dujanga,

 *Pressure  group for West Nile electricity* 

Ms. Evelyn Anite, State Minister for Privatization and Investment is the  patron of Voice of West Nile Electricity Connectivity Committee, that  was set up to lobby, coordinate and update on the  progress of  West Nile  connectivity to the national grid.   He Committee is chaired by city lawyer Caleb Alaka, Vice Chair, Arua businessman Jackson Lee Atima, who is the chair Chamber of Commerce Arua, Secretary General Mr. Adomati Dickson and Mr. Matua Job Richard a vibrant cadre of NRM government.
Anite thanked President Museveni for fulfilling his promises to the people of West Nile and Uganda at large. “If you remember he started with tarmac from Karuma to Oreba border, electricity although it has not been sufficient for the much needed investments, the Referral Hospital and now Arua City” she noted.

The ongoing work to  connect  West nile to the national grid according to the chairman Board of Directors Uganda Electricity Transmission Company (UETCL), Dr. Ocanda, is expected to be completed within six months. The  132KV power line will have four sub substations at Kole, Gulu, Nebbi and Arua.


In October 2020, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni did the groundbreaking of Muni Sub station in Arua City, a ceremony which was held under strict adherence to SOPs during COVID19 pandemic, I was honored to have attended and notable amomg the invited people was Rt Hon Jacob L'Okori Oulanyah (RIP), Gen Moses Ali, Hon Evelyn Anite, Hon Grace Freedom Kwiyucwiny, NRM flag bearer then Mr Atima Jackson Lee Buti,now MP Arua Central Division, the contractors and Ministry of Engery technical team 


Government is committed to have  West Nile region connected  to the  National Grid  next year as members of parliament assure their  constituents  following  President  Yoweri  Museveni’s directives and the subsequent  signing of a contract for the Kole-Gulu-Nebbi-Arua transmission line worth $100 millions and commissioning of  the Muni Sub station in 2020.

The two sub stations of Nebbi and Arua will each have to receive 80Mega watts to be distributed to the region.

Ministry of Energy officials led by  Hon. Okaasi Opolot, the minister of State for Energy  briefed the  West Nile  MPs  about the progress made to have the region access power and commited that West Nile will be connected to the national grid in 2022 .  The Mps included  Hon Atima Jackson, the Regional Government Whip, Hon James Baba, Hon Obiga Rose, Hon Leku Joel, Hon Paparu Lillian, Hon Okumu Gabriel, Hon Otimgiu Isaac, Hon Dr George Didi Bhoka, Hon Acibu Agnes, Hon Feta Geofrey, Hon Avako Melisa, Hon Dr Musa Noah, Hon Adriko Yovani, Hon Alero Tom Aza and Hon Tonny Awany .

 *Progress made at KARUMA DAM* 

The contractor SinoHydro has completed 98% of the works, undertaking tests for the facility to be switched on and handed over to government of Uganda. The mega project has six power generation units, with high technology.

Eng Abdon .A, the Assistant Commissioner for Electrical Supply Division, assured the MPs and people of West Nile, that by September 2022 the region with be connected to National Grid, which is reliable and stable for massive industrialization.

The project engineer reassured the MPS that by the time the transmission line is done, power will be on and running for the West nile region.

‘ We are very impressed with the progress of Karuma Dam and hopefully, if you had engaged us earlier to take us through, we would have had  a clear picture. So improve on your communication gaps to enable our people appreciate their government for such good and well intended investments, that are meant to benefit them’ MPs stated


The line is under construction by contractors who informed the MPs that they have procured 90% of the required materials for project, and laying of foundation bases, as well as erection of poles had started from Nebbi to Pakwach, Pakwach to Oliwyo.
“ Government is committed to delivery of bulk power to West Nile to spur industrialization that will offer employment to the people, and the President has tasked us to deliver on time,” Minister Hon Okaasi Opolot  stated.

MPs called on the ministry and contractors to ensure local content in terms of employment and supply of materials, as they enhance ownership and in a way a  strategy in fighting thefts.

Hon Grace Kwiyucwiny, the minister for northern Uganda, assured her colleagues MPs and Minister of her support to ensure that the region is gets on the national grid.

The team leader Hon Atima thanked His Excellency President Museveni and government for all the efforts geared towards  have power evacuated to West Nile .


State Minister for Energy  Hon  Okaasai Sidronius Opolot  has been in Nwoya District in Northern Uganda to have stakeholder engagements with the communities and local leaders to assess the implementation of the Grid Expansion and Reinforcement Project and resolve pending compensation claims that could delay the completion of this vital development initiative .

The Grid Expansion and Reinforcement Project undertaken by the government of Uganda through the Ministry of Energy is intended to connect northern Uganda and West Nile Regions to the national grid with industrial reliable power to spur development and enhance job creation.

The resettlement action plan which started in 2013 with surveys done throughout the districts of Kole, Lira, Gulu, Nwoya, Pakwach, Nebbi and Arua ( Madi Okollo and Arua City) and completed in 2015 has been successful in many areas apart from a few challenges experienced  in Akako and Pakwach where some  people who were compensated have backtracked on their commitments -claiming that the compensation they received was not adequate .

This has prompted the area leaders who included  MPs Hon Atima Jackson of Arua Central Division who doubles as Government Regional Whip (West Nile), Hon Leku Joel-Terego West and Hon Acan Judith- Nwoya District together with Minister Okasaai to engaged the people of Akako Village in Anaka town council in Nwoya District along with the LCV Chairperson  Mr Orach Emmanuel, Resident District Commissioner Mr Omara Christopher, District Police Commander Afande Nyangoma and the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Mr Edema Stephen Budraa to engage the residents in rder to arrive at a lasting solution .

The political leaders were also joined by the  Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd officials  led by Eng Abudon Atwine to work out ways of allowing  the construction and completion of the  Kole-Gulu-Nebbi-Arua transmission line.

During the engagements , Minister Okasaai  expressed government and his ministry ‘s commitment to resolve the dispute between the people and government over the compensation rates .He directed all the concerned agencies in the  ministry to resolve the issue with utmost urgency to ensure that the project implementation works are not affected and delayed .

Hon Atima thanked the people of Nwoya District for the support accorded to the NRM government and urged  them to appreciate the efforts undertaken by government to transform Northern and the  West Nile regions- by extending  the  national grid to the regions to  enable  investments  in industries  that will  create jobs for the many unemployed youth and stir economic growth .

” My brothers and sisters we have investors ready to invest in our area (Acholi, Lango and West Nile) but are only waiting for the  availability of power . The investors have already  secured land, identified projects and are very willing to invest and  employ our children. We have a huge market across the border in  Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. So, let’s support government by agreeing to allow the project  to proceed as the last group of affected people are  compensated ,” Atima made a passionate appeal to the locals .

Hon Judith  Acan encouraged government agencies to always involve local leaders in the projects undertaken by government from the initial stages- to enable ownership  and appreciation  of the benefits that come along with these development interventions.

Mr Omara Christopher the RDC assured the people the project will be completed because it has the strong backing of  President Museveni  and warned against corruption in its implementation .

The community had sought the services of lawyers to file for an injunction in  court stopping the continued implementation of the project.  The area MP Hon Tonny Awany then moved swiftly to coordinated with the Ministry of Energy  to engage with the community to avert the court process.

Hon Leku Joel assured the people of Nwoya of the support from West Nile.” We as MPs from West Nile are in full support of your concerns and am hopeful government will address them immediately.”


The Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, Ruth Nankabirwa has commissioned the Olwiyo substation and the 400KV Karuma-Olwiyo and 132KV Karuma-Lira transmission lines to boost power supply in the Greater North and West Nile regions.

Commissioning the power project  on Thursday in Nwoya district, Nankabirwa said government is committed to supplying reliable power to the two regions of the country that have the potential to become industrial hubs, given the abundant natural resources they possess.

“Govt recognises and is committed to supplying adequate and reliable power to Greater North and West Nile in order to support industrialisation of these regions and therefore enhance their economic, empowerment. West Nile region in particular, that is not connected to the national grid continue to face unreliable power supply,” she said.

The minister said the long-term solution to address unreliable power supply in West Nile region and Greater Northern Uganda will be achieved through the 132KV Kole-Gulu-Nebbi-Arua transmission line that is being constructed under the World Bank-financed Grid Expansion and Reinforcement Project. She said the line will have the capacity to supply 200 megawatts [MW].

Government, the minister said, among others licensed power company Electromaxx to install 8MW thermal generators as a short-term solution to the increasing power demand in West Nile but the company has failed to provide reliable power due to challenges in securing the required fuel stocks to operate the plant.

The commissioned power evacuation lines are part of the Karuma interconnection project which aims to meet Uganda`s power needs, adding that  government will soon connect West Nile region to the national power grid.

The construction of Karuma Hydropower plant kicked off 10 years ago and it is one of Uganda`s flagship project financed by the Export Import Bank of China.

The plant, according to government, is critical in addressing the country`s increasing electricity demand arising from urbanisation and industrial development.

According to development economists, inadequate power supply is one of the key bottlenecks to fast-tracking Uganda`s economic development.

According to government , Karuma Hydropower project  will generate electricity in a phased manner, starting with the already completed turbines until the final turbine comes online, leading to an installed capacity of 600MW.


With a population of 3,899,084 million people, West Nile has the third largest population after Buganda and Busoga, according to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) recent data collected from 10th to 25th May, 2024, with the census night on 9th May, 2024.

The West Nile region is bordered to the West by the Democratic Republic of Congo and to the East by the Acholi sub-region (Amuru and Nwoya districts). To the North by the Republic of South Sudan, and to the South by the Buliisa district. The region is composed of eleven district local governments namely; Pakwach, Nebbi, the Zombo, Madi Okollo, Arua, Koboko, Maracha, Yumbe, Moyo, Obongi, and Adjumani.

 *Get Ready to transform West Nile...* 


Hon Atima Jackson Lee Buti, has in the process of supporting his community of Arua Central Division donated a coaster bus for the community, it helps them during burials, weddings, etc and also the faithfuls of St Phillips CoU Arua got a drone model van for evangelism missions. 

 *Additional Write Up By Golooba Richard*.









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