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RDC Icogor Charles Recovers Stolen PDM Money in Kotido District.

By Richard Onapatum.

In a silent move , Kotido Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Charles Ichogor has recovered embezzled funds meant for beneficiaries of the Parish Development Model (PDM) program in Kodeke Parish, Rengene Sub County. The recovery of the stolen funds is a major blow to corruption in the district and a testament to the RDC’s commitment to accountability and transparency.

📸: Icogor Charles, RDC for Kotido District.

The embezzlement scheme was uncovered during a recent monitoring visit by the RDC, who discovered that Parish Chief Napeyok had fleeced 100 PDM beneficiaries of 2 million shillings. The RDC’s swift intervention led to the recovery of the stolen funds, but he has made it clear that this incident is just the tip of the iceberg.

“We will not hesitate to take action against any parish chief or public official who engages in corrupt practices,” Ichogor warned. “Our office is committed to ensuring that government programs benefit the intended recipients, not lining the pockets of corrupt individuals.”

The PDM program is a flagship initiative of the government aimed at empowering local communities through economic development. However, corruption has been a major hindrance to its success, with funds meant for beneficiaries being embezzled by corrupt officials.

The recovery of the embezzled funds in Kotido is a significant milestone in the fight against corruption. It sends a strong message to corrupt officials that they will be held accountable for their actions.

LC3 Chairperson of Rengen Town Board, Lobur Elijah, commended the RDC’s swift action, saying, “This is a clear message to all public officials that corruption will not be tolerated. We must work together to ensure that our programs are implemented with integrity and transparency.”

The handover ceremony of the recovered funds was attended by beneficiaries, local leaders, and government officials. The event marked a significant milestone in the fight against corruption in Kotido, with beneficiaries expressing gratitude for the return of their funds and the leadership’s commitment to accountability.

Ichogor’s bold move has sent shockwaves through the district, with parish chiefs and other public officials scrambling to ensure they are in compliance with government regulations. The RDC’s office has pledged to continue monitoring government programs and taking decisive action against corruption.

As the fight against corruption gains momentum, community members are urged to remain vigilant and report any instances of corruption to the authorities. With leadership committed to accountability and transparency, Kotido is poised to make significant strides in promoting good governance and ensuring that government programs benefit the intended recipients.

Source; .





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