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LOP Hon Senyonyi Celebrates Deportation of Joy Ruth Acheng Uganda's Ambassador to Canada and Mr Henry Mayega the Deputy Ambassador to UAE Over Their Misconduct.

The Leader of Opposition (LOP), Hon Joel Ssenyonyi has asked other Countries to follow the example set by Canada and deport all Ambassadors, saying for long, Uganda has specialized in exporting its incompetence to the global scene through the appointment of jokers & political failures as Uganda's representatives in other nations. 

Joel Ssenyonyi made the remarks during the Press Briefing at Parliament, while reacting to the recent decision by Canada to deport Uganda's High Commissioner, Joy Ruth Acheng, & also the expulsion of Henry Mayega, Deputy Ambassador to United Arab Emirates for turning Uganda’s Consulate into a Casino and Gambling hub.

"Some countries are very serious, Canada is a very serious country because she (Acheng) hired some people seeking for asylum- Kenyans, Ethiopians, dressed them in yellow and gave them some dollars protesting on the streets of Canada, that you see, Museveni regime is doing a very good job. I don’t know if they (Ambassadors) are oriented into those roles. We are glad that Canada took that decision that it took because this incompetence, while it can thrive here in Uganda, in some countries, it is unacceptable. And we are encouraging other countries, where you see these incompetent ambassadors, send them back home,” said Joel Ssenyonyi.

"They represent the image of Uganda, but they are out there, many of them being jokers involving themselves in unscrupulous things. So, we are glad that these steps have been taken. Our hope is that they can be a thorough review of all the ambassadors we have in this country because, majority of the Ambassadors that we have sent, to the different countries are political failures. Why don’t we nurture, don’t we have career diplomats that can represent us well? These people that have failed politics, you can appoint them as RDCs, so that that confusion can remain here, but when you export that confusion elsewhere, it makes all of us a country look bad," added Joel Ssenyonyi.

"The Deputy Ambassador to UAE has been recalled over the gambling machine scandal. That our Consulate in Dubai turned into a Casino. You can imagine. During day it is a Consulate, but at night, it is a gambling Centre. And then, a one Joy Ruth Acheng, has also been expelled by Canada which declared her persona non grata for uncouth behavior. The challenge we have in this country is that, people aren’t appointed based on meritocracy because we should be having Ambassadors who are career diplomats, who know what to do,” argued Joel Ssenyonyi.


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