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Showing posts from January, 2024


Nalulungi finally got a job after job hunting for 2 and a half years. On her first day, she showed up well dressed, and ready to impress the bosses. After a brief introduction to the staff, she was called into the boss’ office and told that a ‘bareface’ cannot work in that office and she should put on some makeup. A list of recommended makeup brands was also given to her to choose from and ‘start from there’. Nalulungi wants to know if it is legal for the company to demand that she puts on make-up and if so, who pays for the makeup?.    WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? According to the law in Uganda, employers cannot forcefully make you do something not required by law or that particular industry you work in. For example, lawyers must have a practising certificate (licence) before representing clients in court. If you are hired to represent clients in court, then your boss can demand that you have that licence as a requirement for you to do your job.  Similarly, the law allows an emp

Hon Obigah Rose Rallies for Immediate Procurement of Road Equipments for New Districts and Compensation of WestNile Region Tobacco Farmers.

The Terego District Woman MP Hon Obigah Rose has requested government to fasten the process of procuring road construction equipments to the newly created District in Uganda. While speaking on the floor of Parliament on Tuesday 30-1-2024, she said, road maintenance has become a challenge in the new districts due to lack of these equipments. Lawyer-turned-Legislator, she urged government to increase the budget for Police and Prisons. Following the increasing number of street children in Uganda, Hon Obigah Rose suggested for increment of funding to Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development so that the enormous challenges of street children can be addressed. In her concluding remarks, the Woman MP reminded government about the dire fate of WestNile region tobacco farmers who have upto date remained unpaid / uncompensated after Continental Tobacco Company Ltd took their tobacco over 7 years ago on credit and disappeared. #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power  #we_inform_t


Wako and Maria met at church, and after some encouragement from the pastor, they got married. In their 3rd year of marriage, Wako got a scholarship in Thailand and went for his master's degree. The ‘happy’ couple continued talking almost every day until the day Wako returned. At the airport, he came dressed in Buddhist monk robes, and Maria thought he just wanted people to know where he had been.  The joke stopped being funny when they got home, and she woke up at night to find Wako humming and meditating with Budha. Maria has done everything to convince him to change his mind, but Wako is a ‘real’ monk now. Maria says she is left with no choice, and she can no longer be a wife to a confused person who changes his beliefs.  Can Maria divorce Wako because he changed his religion? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? According to the law, the religion someone enters a marriage with is important. The law allows you to ask for divorce if your spouse has changed from the religion they had

Terego District Celebrates 38th NRM Anniversary.

The political, technical and residents in Terego District have on Friday 26-1-2024 joined rest of the Ugandans in celebrating the 38th Anniversary of National Resistance Movement (NRM) party. Dignitaries at the event recounted achievements of the National Resistance Movement ever since it took over power by gun on 26-1-1986. A historical in NRM Party, Mr Andama Richard J Ferua while quoting the Biblical Nicodemus who went to meet Jesus at night, urged opposition people like the Terego LC5 Hon Saka Wilfred who is an Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) party member, to join the NRM party. The Terego District LC5 Chairman Hon Saka Wilfred who has been reported severally to security operatives, as an opposition who is frustrating government programs, has defended himself as a politician who is weeding out the rot in government. Former Aiivu Sub-county LC3 Chairman Hon Afadriayo James and a member of the party structure,  who represented the NRM vice Chairman during the c


📸: CNN No one could really explain why Ssebaduka married Nagawa. She was very dark-skinned, yet Ssebaduka and his entire family were very dark as well. His mother used to joke about ‘diluting’ their skin colour by marrying a lighter person. However, the truth is Ssebaduka liked Nagawa’s ‘inner beauty and that was all that mattered to him. Recently, Ssebaduka went to drive some goods to Mombasa as part of his work, and he ended up staying there for ‘kyeyo’ for 3 months.  At that time, things were changing with his wife. He came back to find a very light-skinned wife in his house. Nagawa laughed off his concerns and said it was her new and improved look. Ssebaduka is very unhappy and yesterday, he finally told Nagawa that he did not want or marry a light-skinned woman so he will be getting a divorce.  Can Someone be divorced for bleaching? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?. According to the law, even married people can go their separate ways and end their marriage. This process is call

Uganda Traditional Healers Association Seek Clearance to Conduct Sensitization in WestNile Region.

📸: Police at Arua City Central Police Station stamp on the permission letter. The association of Uganda Traditional Healers, under their umbrella body "Uganda Ne Ddagala Lyayo ''  have on Monday 22-1-2024 kicked off sensitization of traditional healers  / herbalists and the communities in WestNile region. Its leadership says, this is a countrywide wide event which they first started in Central Uganda, now they are in the WestNile region and later they will be in the Eastern region for the same sensitization exercise. The President of Uganda Traditional Healers Association, Salongo Waliabira Karim advised the genuine traditional healers to stick to their principles and not mingle themselves with the Witchdoctors. Mr Kayizi Godfrey Bahingana the spokesperson for Uganda Traditional Healers Association, who warned those practicing witchcraft to desist from it, says, the Witchdoctors are fighting and frustrating their efforts of organizing the industry. The Kenya W


📸: Daily Monitor. Travelling to the village in Apedi is always a nightmare for Opari. There are always 15 people stuffed into Toyota Ipsum, so there is no breathing space or a chance to scratch yourself once you are. This time around, he promised himself that he would travel in style and paid for the whole co-driver’s seat so he would not ‘suffer’ like the rest. Halfway through the journey, it started raining, and the driver refused to let anyone take the front seat with Opari. The back passengers started calling him a selfish man who wanted people to remain stranded on the road. In the end, the driver stopped the car and promised to refund some of Opari’s money, but he would put someone in the seat with Opari.  Can Opari be forced to give his extra seat away?   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? When two people agree on something, and they start doing that thing, the law does not allow one of them to back out in such a way that they inconvenience the other person without consequences

Gun with 18 Bullets Recovered in Arua City.

📸: The recovered gun. The security operatives in Arua City, led by the central division Arua City Deputy RCC Mr Ezama Ham Mizamil has recovered an illegal gun with 18 bullets. The gun identified as pistol, was recovered days ago through a dialogue. The deputy resident city commissioner for Central division Arua City Mr Ezama Ham Mizamil, who spareheaded the recovery of the gun urged other group of gangs who are having guns to come out and surrender the guns to security operatives in exchange for pardon. He rallied them to join fruitful programs of government, like Emyooga and PDM in order to have a productive life. Stay tuned here for more news and updates on regional, national and international stories that matter to you. #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power  #we_inform_the_uninformed


Nakato could never have been able to afford any of the things she has. Her car, washing machine and cooker came from drinking beer or collecting soda bottle tops and checking them. She even has a book with all the radio stations and the shows where money and prizes can be won, and she has won from all of them!  Last month, a new radio station called Situka FM opened, and they promised a 43-inch flat-screen TV’ to their lucky winner who answered their ‘Situka prize question. Nakato, being the ‘pro’ that she is, kept calling until she won. The presenter asked for her personal details and told her to go to the station on Friday to collect her prize. It’s been two weeks, and Nakato keeps going there, but they tell her to wait. Finally, last Friday, she met the manager, and he told her that it was a joke.  Should Nakato give up on her prize and move on? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? When one person promises to do or give you something in exchange for you doing something, that person ha

Uganda Traditional Healers Association Launch Countrywide Sensitization.

The association of Uganda Traditional Healers, under their umbrella body "Uganda Ne Ddagala Lyayo ''  have on Monday 22-1-2024 kicked off sensitization of traditional healers  / herbalists and the communities in WestNile region. Its leadership says, this is a countrywide wide event which they first started in Central Uganda, now they are in the WestNile region and later they will be in the Eastern region for the same sensitization exercise. The President of Uganda Traditional Healers Association, Salongo Waliabira Karim advised the genuine traditional healers to stick to their principles and not mingle themselves with the Witchdoctors. Mr Kayizi Godfrey Bahingana the spokesperson for Uganda Traditional Healers Association, who warned those practicing witchcraft to desist from it, says, the Witchdoctors are fighting and frustrating their efforts of organizing the industry. The Kenya Ward LC2 Chairman Mr Ejaga Samari who also doubles as the Chairmen o


If you bought land veeery far and the nearest person to you is 2km away, is this one still your neighbour? According to the law, your neighbour is not the person next to you or who lives in the fence next door or 1km away.  It is, instead, any person who might reasonably be harmed/injured by what you do (your acts) or what you fail to do (your omissions). For example, if you spread a rumour that you know will injure/harm someone in another country, and as a result of this rumour, this person loses their job. The person about whom you spread the rumour is your neighbour, regardless of distance.  In short, what determines who your neighbour is whether what you do affects them. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? If you knew that pointing your finger could poke out someone's eye, would you do it? (If you are normal, ) the answer is NO!. So once you can reasonably foresee that your actions or failure to act injure or harm someone, you must take reasonable care to avoid

Stakeholders Rally Support for Culture in Kakwa Tribe.

📸: People dancing during the traditional music festival on Saturday 20-1-2024. Photo by Information is Power. Education stakeholders and elders from Kakwa tribe in Koboko District have on Saturday 20-1-2024 urged children to embrace cultural activities. The stakeholders made the appeal during a cultural music dance where the elders also offered a cultural prayer to cleans a family whose children had started getting misfortunes and falling sick because their grandmother who willed traditional dance to be conducted at her funeral, wasn't done. 📸: Diba John Lega, Elder. An elder in Kakwa tribe, Mr Diba John Lega said, in those centuries when someone dies and the death is suspected to be caused by another person, the elders would sit down, put five stones and give them names, one of which would bear name of the suspect, a chicken is slaughtered at this point, they put it in the middle of the five stones, and the named stone where the chicken eventually dies, p


When Namuddu’s grandmother died last year and left a small plot for each of her grandchildren in Entebbe, most of Namuddu’s cousins already sold their plots, and they were swimming in money. However, Namuddu has not sold her plot because her husband insists that the plot belongs to both. After all, they are married, and he will only allow her to sell because he gets half the money from the buyer. Namuddu wants to know if her inherited property also belongs to her husband. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?. Not everything you own automatically belongs to whoever you marry. In fact, not everything you get while you are married also belongs to your spouse. According to the law, what belongs to you and your spouse depends on what you each contributed to it. For example, if the plot you bought was 20 million and you contributed 5 million, then that is your share - 25%. Your contribution does not have to be in cash only. The court may consider other things, such as the work you have been do

Information is Power hits 60,000 Likes with 10 million viewers and 18million post reaches.

📸: Information is Power logo. Information is Power hits 60,000 Likes with 10 million viewers and 18million post reaches. Kindly like and follow Information is Power on various platforms and channels as we strive to bring you news and updates to inform you of regional, national and international news stories on humanity, corruption, sports, politics, business, technology, health and social life events that matter to you. Instagram: Blog:   Telegram: Threads: LinkedIn: YouTube: Pinterest: Facebook: TikTok:   With such a big audience


📸: Unsplash  At the end of the school term, Mr. Terembe would ask all his children to line up with their report cards. They would line up, and the names, marks and positions would be read out loud for everyone to hear. This holiday, Johnny was wondering why his two sisters and brothers' surnames were Terembe, unlike his, whose name is Kakooza.   His mother later explained to him after supper that his father was different.  He did not think of it afterwards, as he was not treated any differently from the other children. When Mr Terembe passed on, Johnny was shocked to hear that he could not get anything from Mr Terembe's properties. Johhny is wondering why they are saying he is not Mr Terembe's child, yet he took care of him, paid his school fees, and lived in his house until he left and got married. Can one inherit from their stepfather/stepmother?    WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? When a person dies and they have properties or money left behind, the law is clear on wh

Clans in Tara Launch Orientation on Culture as They Trace Their Origin.

In a special cultural sitting on Thursday 11-January-2024, elders above the age of 60 years have thoroughly traced and narrated the origin of their clans and people who eventually got permanently settled at Tara in the 1950s. The cultural gathering comprising of Olua clan, Pajama clan among others which took place  in Tara Sub-county, Maracha east constituency in Maracha District is one of the rare occasions witnessed in WestNile region where elders converge to trace, tell Youths their origin and also orientat them on traditional norms and values. 📸: Tito Apamaku  An elder with Disability, Mr Tito Apamaku says these days when elders fall mentally unstable, it becomes hard to get someone to tell our oral history. The current generation of people do not know their history, Mr Tito added as he urged the elders to thoroughly teach them about it. 📸: Amazu Felix  Mr Amazu Felix blamed the deteriorating culture on lack of respect between Youths and Elders


📸: Unsplash  When Mama Joana went to visit her in-laws in the village over Christmas, she was given a hen to return to Kampala with. This hen made her very happy because it meant she had been acknowledged by her inlaws as their own. So, Mama Joana decided not to eat it until New Year's.  She even painted its feathers to make sure no thief would steal it. On New Year’s Eve, mama Joana went shopping and overstayed in town. On getting home, Joana her daughter started asking for forgiveness because she had failed to stop the neighbour’s dog Simba from eating their hen.   That very night, mama Joana marched to Kasumba’s home to demand for compensation, but Kasumba refused to pay for the actions of his dog Simba because it was not, he who ate the hen. He told them to arrest Simba who benefited from eating the hen.   Mama Joan is so frustrated that she is wondering if an animal can be arrested and punished.    WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? Under the law, only a person (human being)

UPDF Asks for Shs 2.5 Billion to provide security to EACOP, as URA Asks for Shs 31 Billion to Monitor Oil and Gas Sector.

UPDF is seeking for Shs2.5Bn to provide security to the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), while the Uganda Revenue Authority also asked for Shs31.5Bn to develop an oil and gas monitoring system to be used to monitor all taxpayers within this sector. "You know the security of our oil pipeline isn’t catered for, Tanzania is ready, they have already budgeted for. It is a thorn in our back, it has remained unfunded," said Vincent Ssempijja, Minister of Defence, while appearing before Parliament's Defence Committee. Wilson Kajwengye (Nyabushozi County) asked, “Are you saying that on the part of Uganda, you haven’t provided for the security of our pipeline? It is first of all Uganda’s pipeline before it becomes East Africa, so how can you not provide for it?”. The Army is also seeking for an extra Shs997.020Bn for payment of salary for the soldiers & other staff, after the request of Shs2.049Trn was made, but only Shs1.052Trn was p


📸: EAC Flag. Jesse was watching TV when his baby brother came to ask him for help with his homework. In Social Studies, the first question was if the Parliament of East Africa makes laws for Uganda. Jesse quickly said yes.     But his brother said his teacher told them that the Parliament of East Africa makes laws, but Uganda can choose to follow them or not. Now, they do not know how to answer the question.     WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? The East African Parliament makes laws for the member states of the East African Community. These countries are Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.     However, these laws are not binding. This means that it is not compulsory for the countries to follow these laws. Each country must sign a document to accept certain laws made by that Parliament to apply in their country.    It is therefore not against the law if a country within the East African Community refuses to follow a law made by

Auditor General Faults URA for Failing to Collect Shs 52 Billion in Gold Export Tax from 2021 to 2023.

The Auditor General has faulted Uganda Revenue Authority for failing to collect Shs52.238Bn in gold exports, saying this has denied Gov’t revenue for service delivery. URA blamed the delayed collection of gold taxes on the an interim order issued by Court, halting the collection of this tax until concerns raised by the gold exporters are disposed of. "The exports in 2021/ 22 weighed 30,167,582 & those of 2022/23 were 40,648.2kilograms, totalling to 70,837.91Kgs. This translated into US$14,167,582 equivalent to Shs52.238Bn that was not collected, contrary to the Mining and Minerals (Export Levy on Refines Gold) Regulations 2023. The uncollected revenue denies Government resources to deliver services. URA explained that an interim order was issued restraining it from enforcing the statutory instrument," read in part the December 2023 Auditor General's report. Uganda Revenue Authority is seeking for an additional Shs167Bn to recruit 1,278 new st


📸: Unsplash     Nambi is no longer single. On December 31st she went for an overnight at her church, and the pastor told them that it was the year of getting married. He instructed the ushers to lock the doors until there were no more single people left in his church. Then he told all the singles to ‘mingle’ and pray together until they heard God. The church was cold, and Nambi really wanted to sleep so she and Sajjabi, one of the ‘common’ church single men agreed to be ‘married’. The pastor called them in front and ‘wedded’ them. Then the ushers allowed them to leave and go home. Nambi is stressed because she does not know how to tell her family that she got married without informing them.   Is it a marriage if Nambi was forced to marry Sajjabi?     WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?     Every person who is above 18 years, has a right to get married if they choose. One of the legal requirements for a valid marriage in Uganda, is consent. Consent means the permission that you voluntar

Assassinated Masindi DHO Dr Abiriga to be Laid to Rest on Friday in Maracha District.

The burial of slain Masindi district DHO Dr Abiriga Jino to be held on Friday 12-January-2024 in Tumvea village, Offude parish, Tara Sub-county in Maracha District. There shall be a special council sitting in the morning by Maracha District council, to honor the late for his immense contributions to Maracha District, WestNile region and Uganda at large. The late Doctor was OK Sunday 7-January-2024 slaughtered and stabbed several times at the back and stomach by unknown killers and his body dumped near his neighborhood in Masindi district. #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power  #we_inform_the_uninformed

Residents Accuse Leaders in Maracha District of Abandoning Them, as They Demand State Funeral for Murdered DHO Dr Abiriga Who Fought Ebola in Masindi District.

Residents from Tara, Maracha District are demanding for the government of Uganda to offer a state funeral for the death of Dr Abiriga Jino, District Health Officer (DHO) for Masindi district  Dr Abiriga Jino met his death on Sunday 7-January-2024 after he was gruesomely slaughtered by unidentified assailants. Mr Afedra Michael from Tumvea village , Tara Sub-county wondered why the government of Uganda would not offer a state funeral after their son Dr Abiriga Jino saved so many people when Ebola broke out years ago. He said, if the government can not take the burial as a state funeral, let the body remain there and it should not be taken to Maracha District. The elder decried the brutal murder of the DHO, and he requested for government to handover the culprit to them to go and explain why he or she had to murder the DHO in such a distressfull manner. Mr Abadridria Nobert the younger brother to the late requested government to present the postmortem result first before any

Hospitals Demand for Increase in Government Funding.

The Director of China-Uganda Friendship Hospital, in Naguru, Dr.Emmanuel Tugaineyo has decried the inclusion of the name China on the hospital, saying this has alienated the hospital from receiving support from western donors, yet the Chinese Government mostly provides the hospital with acupuncture needles and gloves. The name China-Uganda Friendship hospital have alienated us from implementing partners, you know the people who wouldn’t want to put their money where that name and yet they are the main funders and implementing partners and yet Government feels the Chinese are helping us and yet they don’t. what they bring us in kind usually contain acupuncture needles, gloves, things like that,” said Tugaineyo. Dr.Tugaineyo made the remarks while appearing before Parliament’s Health Committee where he had appeared to defend the 2024/25 national budget, and noted that the nomenclature to the hospital has isolated it from the main financial partners from the west who prefer n

Preparations Underway Ahead of Murdered Masindi DHO's Funeral.

📸: Dr Abiriga Jino, killed DHO. The relatives, clan members and politicians have on Monday 8-January-2024 kicked off preparations in Tumvea village, Offude parish in Maracha east constituency, Maracha District ahead of the funeral of District Health Officer (DHO) for Masindi district Dr Abiriga Jino. The news of his death went viral on Sunday 7-January-2024 after it was revealed that, some unknown assailants slaughtered him with knife and dumped his body near the neighborhood in his residence in Masindi district. 📸: Abadridria Nobert, brother to late DHO. Prison warder Abadridria Nobert who is the younger brother to the deceased appealed for justice to be served for his brother's death. While describing how social and generous Dr Abiriga Jino was, Mr Nale Edward one of the clan members in Tumvea clan who had a personal experience when he went to the late Dr for treatment some years ago, he was given 250,000 Shs on top of the free treatment he gave to him,

Cultural Gala Held to Celebrate Funeral Anniversary.

📸: Subjects participating in the cultural gala. Clan leaders, members from Lurujo, Tara, Padruku, Pajama and many others have held a cultural gala to commemorate the funeral anniversary of Ms Abelea who was murdered when she was a wife of Mr Ali Kenyi one of the then famous clan leaders in Kakwa tribe in the past 300 years ago. The event organized in Abele village, Midria Sub-county in Koboko District showed hundreds of people gathered to participate in the traditional music dance using cultural music equipment like drums, tail of cows, spears among others. The leader for Padruku clan, Mr Bayoga Malisi who participated in the cultural gala said, because of the lack of traditional ceremony been held to offer cultural prayer to commemorate life of their deceased grandmother who died over 200 years, it manifested into a traditional misfortune called "Nyoka" that caused the death of many people in the family. While explaining the importance of such cultural gathering


📸: Unsplash    On the 1st of January 2024, everyone was ushering in the new year and in celebration many people displayed fireworks.   Unfortunately for Angella, her neighbour’s fireworks landed in her garden and burnt down her crops. Can Angella sue her neighbour for the destruction of her crops?   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?    The law states that where there is a dangerous non-natural use of land and that thing escapes from your land to another person’s land and causes damage, then the person in charge of that dangerous thing is responsible for the damage caused to the other and must compensate them.    It is important to note that, if you bring something onto your land, then you must take the utmost care of that the said thing does not escape and cause any harm to your neighbours. Where you fail to control that dangerous thing, then you take responsibility of any damage that it causes.    Angella therefore can sue her neighbour for damage to property as result of the neighb

IRS: Mother and VHTs in Maracha Survived Lynching After They Entered to Spray a House Without Owner's Permission.

📸: The house that sparked off the chaos. A youth by the names of Candia Brian in Okokoro Town council, Maracha District has on Monday afternoon 1pm 8-January-2024 attempted to assault his mother Olda Anguparu and VHTs for conducting Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in his house without his permission. Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) is a Uganda government initiative through the Ministry of Health launched in 2022 to avert alarming cases of Malaria by spraying houses and other hideout places for mosquitoes. 📸: Candia Brian  Candia Brian the youth who refused to be interviewed live on Camera, explained that he tried to resist the IRS exercise and later became violent because it was conducted in his house without his permission. 📸: Olda Anguparu, victim of the incident. His mother Mrs Olda Anguparu, whom our reporter found locked herself inside a house for fear of been beaten by him, said, her son came with Salisher and started abusing her and even vowed to kil


📸: Unsplash  In case you did not know, giving someone a cheque knowing it will bounce is a criminal offence. A cheque bounces when the bank refuses to pay out the cheque because there is an error on the cheque, it has expired (an older date), or there is not enough money on the account. If you have done one of these things with a cheque you have given someone, here is what you can do to avoid prison for a bounced cheque.    1. First, always make sure the information you write on the cheque is correct (names, amount, and dates – and NO CROSSINGS).  2. Tell whoever is taking the cheque to “cash it in time” to avoid the issues of expiring cheques (stale dates).  3. If you have more than one account with the bank, use a linked account so that if one account does not have enough money, then money from the other account can be used to cover.  4. If you can, add an overdraft protection to your account. (a loan automatically given by the bank that allows a customer to pay for bill

Bako Judith Sucked from ONC District Coordinators List.

📸: Bako Judith on the left takes photo with Matua Job Richard in the middle and Collins Dramani during the day of her appointment on 20-12-2023 in Kampala. Mrs Bako Judith an Independent contestant in Maracha District woman MP race in 2021 General election and lost, was on 20-12-2023 appointed as the Office of National Chairman (ONC) Coordinator for Terego District. However, her appointment was canceled after an article published on 23-12-2023 by #Information_is_Power exposed her political journey and background as an opposition cadre, contrary to what the principles and rules of that position may desire. On 8-December-2020, Bako Judith was recorded in news campaigning for the then National Unity Platform (NUP) party candidate in 2021 Presidential race Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine who, in his speech, travelled to Maracha District to rally people of Maracha District and Uganda at large to depose President Museveni's regime. 🎥: Bako Judith campaigns for Robert Ky


Kalevu is in big trouble at his workplace. About 3 weeks ago, his uncle in the village called him about a very good deal. One of the neighbours was very sick and was selling 5 acres of land with coffee at 9 million. Kalevu immediately called a money lender who was advertising on Facebook, and he received a ‘salary loan’ which was to be repaid in February 2024. The money lender took his Staff ID, Medical Insurance Card and gave Kalevu the loan.   Now the trouble is, the HR at Kalevu’s workplace has asked for the Staff ID so that she can issue new ones, and those who do not have them and did not report them missing will face disciplinary action. Kalevu is worried because the HR warned everyone not to share their cards with anyone.    Should Kalevu just confess and if he does, can he be fired for this?    WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?  An ID (Identification Card) is any document is used to identify or associate a person with a place or group. For example, a National ID is proof that

Arua district engineer Ijuka Norman Arrested for Allegedly Embezzling Shs.130M.

ADMIN Norman Ijuka, Arua district water engineer, was apprehended by the Inspectorate of Government (IG) for the alleged misappropriation of government assets valued at 130 million shillings. His arrest, which occurred on January 3, 2024, in Arua district, precedes his scheduled appearance before the Anti-Corruption Court on January 5, 2024, where he will face charges related to the abuse and theft of public property. Deputy Inspector General of Government, Dr. Patricia Achan Okiria, revealed that Ijuka is accused of pilfering 847 water pipes intended for the Odupi water project in Omugo sub-county, Terego district. Additionally, he stands accused of embezzling materials, including iron bars, concrete blocks, and assorted paints valued at 30 million shillings, from the construction site of the Arua National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) office. The IG’s decision to apprehend Ijuka

The use of excessive and lethal force by URA on unarmed civilians - By Hon Oguzu Lee, MP Maracha Constituency.

By Oguzu Lee Dear Commissioner General, Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), I am writing to express our outrage and condemnation of the killings and shootings by the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) enforcement officers in West Nile and other parts of the country. These actions are not only unlawful and inhumane, but also counterproductive to the goal of enhancing domestic resource mobilisation and fighting illicit financial flows. We are appalled by the reports of innocent civilians being shot and killed by URA officers who are supposed to protect the public interest and uphold the rule of law. We demand that the perpetrators of these crimes be brought to justice and that the victims and their families be compensated for their losses. We also urge the URA to review its enforcement strategies and adopt a more humane and professional approach that respects human rights and due process. We are equally concerned by the widespread and systematic tax evasion and avoidance by the wealt

MP Obigah Rose Tells State House to Stop Massaging Corruption as Security Minister Jim Muhwezi Blames it on Witnesses Who Refuse to Testify in Court.

📸: State House Uganda. State House is seeking for Shs57.14Bn to buy new security equipment, household items and vehicles for the presidency.  However, only Shs21.722Bn has been allocated in the 2024/25 national budget, thus leaving the Presidency grappling with a funding gap of Shs35.418Bn. According to the breakdown, State House is seeking for Shs14.401Bn to continue with the process of refurbishing Entebbe State House, another Shs13.468Bn to procure new security equipment. State House is also seeking for Shs6.549Bn to procure vehicles for the President as well as another Shs8Bn for travel abroad. Jane Barekye, State House Comptroller defended the need to procure new vehicles for the Presidency noting, “For the smooth operations of the Presidency, State House operates various equipment for security, household, press, office and transport. The operations of the Presidency require a large fleet of vehicles for both the Principals and support staff. State House also operates