By Golooba Richard.
5th December 2023.
Members of Parliament from West Nile region held an engagement with the officials from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development on the implementation of electrification projects within the districts of West Nile. In the meeting several interconnection issues were highlighted and Ministry assured them of Government's committment to address all the issues on electrification.
In attendence was Hon Atima Jackson Lee Buti, Government Regional Whip for West Nile, Hon Okia Joanne Aniku, Hon Dr Atae Sharifah, Hon Zumura Maneno, Hon Dr Bhoka George, Hon Baba James, Hon Dr Musa Noah, Hon Leku Joel, Hon Obigah Kania, minister of state for Urban Development, Hon Adriko Yovan, Hon Paparu Lillian, Hon Ezama Siraje, Hon Otimagu Isaac, Hon Etuka Isaac, Hon Feta Geofrey, Hon Achibu Agnes, Hon Mamawi James, Hon Onzima Siraje, Hon Driwaru Jennifer and Hon Hassim Sulaiman
The meeting discussed connections to government institutions like schools, health centres and administrative centres within the region and the need to fasttrack them. This comes at a time when the connection to National Grid is taking shape with the Sub stations of Arua and Nebbi at nearly 94% completion stages, the connection of the region to national grid will bring along industrial reliable power to surp industrialization, that will eventually propel empolyment for the readily avaiable labor from the youth and women.
In 2020 President Museveni did a groundbreaking of Muni Sub station in Arua, and assured the people of West Nile that the region will be connected to the national grid, equally Ministers Hon Dr Ruth Nankabirwa Ssentamu and Hon Okaasi Opolot have been to the region several times, engaged with various stakeholders on the connection, even most recently when President Museveni was on a countrywide tour in Arua City and Obongi District, the ministry reemphasised it's commitment to deliver on the connection, since the 33Kv Olwiyo sub station was already energized and commissioned on 23rd March, 2023 and the transmission line seriously on course.
Hon Minister Nankiribwa and team have demonstrated commitment to fulfil the promise of NRM governmnet, which is a brain child of the His Excellency President Museveni, who monitors the progress on a daily basis. The supply solution of West Nile is the constructed 132 Kv to deliver 200MW of bulk power.under the Grid Expansion and Reinforcement Project that is financed by the world bank.
The meeting that has been held in the Ministry boardroom, where MPs raised concerns on the silent issues of connections of townships, costs of connection and the need for government to commit more funds to the interconnections within the region.
The substation of Kole, Gulu, Nebbi and Arua will have capacity of 80MVA each. And there will be a 33kv short power lines connecting substations to the existing distribution network. Kole substation was energized in September 2023, while Gulu is ready for energization as Nebbi and Arua substations are undergoing commissioning tests.
Minister Okaasi has informed the MPs that the ministry together with Uganda Electricity Transmissional Company (UETCL) have adopted a strategy of gazetting the transmission line corridor for the Grid Expansion Reinforcement Project to faciltate acquisition of the pending right of way, and working with Ministry of Land Administration Department on the modalitites.
West Nile sub region has for long been electrified through power grid operated by West Nile Rural Electricification Company Limited (WENRECO) with power generated from 3.5MW Nyagak I hydro power plant in Zombo District. The Kole-Gulu-Nebbi-Arua power transmission line is expected to be completed by the end of April 2024.
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