Abandoned LCs in Maracha District Threaten to Resign and Sue EC, Uganda Government Over Unpaid Ex-gratia.
📸: Their Chairperson Hon Obeti presenting the resolution in a meeting held recently. Photo by Information is Power.
The association of LC1, LC2 and Parish councilors in the 11 newly created administrative units have given Maracha District local government ultimatum period to respond about their unpaid ex-gratia or they will lay down their tools and sue government.
Motino ward councilor Hon William Ezaga who doubles as the secretary for social services in Agaii Town council, disagreed with his affected colleague councilors, LC1 and LC2s, stating that, he doesn't think resignation is the solution for this impasse but rather they should continue to fight the war.
Hon Ajidiru Yobuga Annet the deputy speaker for Oleba Town Council blamed LC V Chairperson Hon Obitre and Maracha District council over the mess because when they were passing budget, they didn't thought of the LCs & councilors in the newly created administrative units.
She conferred with her colleagues to lay down their tools if the district leadership doesn't respond to their concerns.
We want our money, Hon Dribia Charles the Councilor representing Lamila ward to Okokoro town council irked, adding that, they are not fighting the government but rather it is some few officials in Maracha District local government who are fighting government.
He warned LC V Chairperson Hon Obitre Stephen to stop hunting him because he is fighting for his ex-gratia.
Resolutions of the LCs.
1. All LCs in the new admistrative units to handover their working tools to LC V Chairperson Hon Obitre Stephen.
2. All their NRM party documents to be handed over to District NRM Chairperson Mr Ofekua Gabriel.
3. Government and Electoral Commission to be sued in court.
4. All the affected LC1 and LC2 Chairpersons to mobilise the community to inform them about their actions of laying down their tools and if someone wants to sale land or animal, they should sale it on their own way without permit from the LCs.
5. All LC3 Chairpersons of the newly created administrative units should resign.
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