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Osuta Yusuf Resumes Back On Internet. Below is What My Fellow Online Publication Team, My Fellow Activists And My Fellow Technology Team Published On The Day (28-12-2019) i Sadenly Resurfaced On Internet After My 2 Months Disappearance.It is a long Write-up.

Never Ending Lies Created Trust Issues

Never Ending Lies Created Trust Issues.
We live in world of lies – once we tried to separate what is real, what is lie, what is fake, what is truth – we still do but we lost the track so much.

In society and politic whole history is made by alternating facts. In past people had not many ways how to confirm, true or false certain information given. Media, newspapers, TVs all was controlled by certain groups (governments, business groups) and were serving their interest. One source of news made possible to keep people following certain “truth”. It was easy to control, make or obtain evidence, spread it. Doubters could just doubt but had no ways (at least not easy ways) how to find alternative sources of news.

Power of media was hugely used by wise – but not always good leaders. It was more than obvious in Nazzi Germany, where minister of propaganda Joeseph Goebbels made available TV as one of first in the world for citizens, Newspapers were controled by state, Radio broadcasts, professionally made propaganda managed to convince people that wicked acts of regime are mandatory, important to do and in long term benefitial. Hitler had over 90 percent support from citizens.

Another example is much more recent. Sad incident of genocide in Rwanda 1994, where media played huge role in fueling violence and brutality of genocide. In justification of acts which is not possible to justify – during those horrible days lies and twisted facts were accepted and spread by all media, even churches and result is about 1,000,000 dead people in only 100 days.. Can you imagine? It means 10,000 people slaughtered each day in average. 416 people dying each hour, day or night for incredibly long 100 days. Whole time media tried to make it look OK and fanatized people believed so.

Wicked media – biased media or media controled by certain group with own interest, can do huge damage and in recent past it was impossible to fight with them.

During cold war media were used to deliver views of opposite side in conflict. Short waves radio stations were listened in Socialistic sectors and stations like Voice of America or Free Europe were localized for each country. Governments tried to disturb them because they knew power of media well. But still in best cause listener got two to three different and in all causes less-more official sources of information and propaganda.

Modern – new era of news and “fake news” era.

Internet slowly and unspoted brought another revolution to the news distributions, information sharing and also new disadvantages and challenges.

Internet removed part of power from organized media. For this reasons many governments and other groups try to regulate it, cenzor it – but box with the ghost was already open.

In past problem was the access to different sources of information. With internet and social media platforms things changed rapidly and keep changing. Technology is changing lives in many things to better, but also with side effects. Pendulum made its move from very narrow information sources (few newspaper and media houses, often under same roof to unlimited amount of different sources from geniune to absolutely fake ones).

Internet gave access to information to masses and also huge ability to share, spread information. It is very good as it makes hard to spread too obvious lie without corrections, but also brings problem how to recognize which information is genuine and which is false.

We moved from extremely narrow sources of news to extremely huge amount of sources. Technology grows faster than ability of society to follow the changes. All old ways of governance, media control and propaganda spreading are failing. You can thousand times say truth and this will be thousand times doubted, declined, trashed by others with no way how to fight it, and opposite. False news can easily be spread for different purposes. Propaganda became even more vital then ever before and internet gave chance to nearly anyone, how to address people even in different continent or country. All can be achieved very easily – for example creating this web site costed nearly nothing – domain name for free, any webserver and few hours of work to make site up and running. Anyone can do it – who has little of technical knowledge – and it is on his own responsibility and will, what he will publish. There are not many ways how to stop him if he decides to spread lies or hatred.

Advantage is that for bad government is hard to cover its bad deeds, to silence everyone, to block people from sharing their oppinions on big social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

Different autocratic governments choose different approach (depending on their abilities and also budget) – China is blocking social media completely, while for example Uganda decided to make hard access to social media to its poorest citizens by creating OTT tax – this makes difficult to access social media services (Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype and other) without paying daily tax 200UGX (approx. 0.033USD) which sound like tiny amount, but can be difficult for family with more members when income in Uganda is some few hundreds of thousands shillings per month (if for example income of family is 300,000UGX per month – there are five family members, then OTT per month could be even 10% of family income). But even this doesn’t work well. Taxation can be avoided by use of VPN which makes possible to access social media from “different country” and this way avoiding taxation.

Internet can’t be muted – it became too strong.

Too much of informations, too much of confusement.

Most of us used to read own selected news paper, possibly watch evening news in TV and thats it.. Now we have source of news and information in any smart phone, computer, nearly in any internet connected device. And there is so many sources of data which often can trash official news from established media houses. After reading this all we are loosing the track. We found out that we were lied to us too many times. We loose ability to recognize what is reality and what is fake. Societies are more and more divided and confused. Side effect of this is growth of populism – more technically developed country, more of populism, propaganda, wise use (and abuse) of media we can see. Everyone is able to claim that some news is false (without any evidence) or push own approach (again without any evidence).

Different groups smuggle themselves into local affairs of different countries – internet should be used always to share knowledge, views and to debate – so far it is OK – we all are humans so humanity should be suppreme over state interest or political interest – human in one part of the world can and should genuinely care about human in different part of the world, but how to recognize? Who is really just sharing his concern and who follows own agenda?

There is evidence about countries and their governments using media to purposefully spread false informations – for own objectives or interests. There is also evidence about governments twisting facts to cover own bad deeds and avoid punishment for them (war crimes is clear example).

Such as confusement made people doubtful. They trust no more anyone or anything. They don’t trust science, they don’t trust governments, they don’t trust media houses and worst is that no one can blame them for that.
When someone lies to us 10 times he should not be surprised that eleventh time we will not trust him even if he was saying truth that time.

Governments with their lies lost credibility – and with themselves trashed credibility of all government funded institutions including academy and science. People doubt everything. It is most obvious in USA but it is spreading. It is possibly because USA has biggest record of lies – false evidence, conspirations, citizens human right abuse (especially African Americans but not only).

USA is big example where the life in lies leeds people to. All possible conspiration theories are hugely accepted there including most absurd ones.
Today few hundreds of thousands Americans believe that Earth is flat – that all information about roundy Earth are fake – scientic conspiration (for what reason??)
They decline any evidence, any scientic results and knowledge. Why? Because they lost trust – trust in institutions, trust in news, trust in governance, and sadly often even trust in democracy itself.

We can keep on spreading lies, we can try to cover all bad, pretend and try to make bad things look OK – but it is sure way to disaster – people are getting more and more divided – even in topics which were undoubtful few years ago. Optimists would say that it will settle with the time, but I don’t think so. In fact it will get worse.

What is solution?.

Very honest answer – I don’t know… Maybe you, dear reader, can have some ideas? Yes there is many ways – condemn lies a load – damage of lie can be mortal. Make lie unlawful – but will it work? It will be abused again (because someone will be there to decide what is true – in case of science it is not as difficult, but what about politic?)
We are on the crossing – we must decide which way to take – we see many direction in front of us – we want to follow the true by our nature – but what actually is true? Religious person has it easy – he can see “own true” which is in religion – but again – there is many religions and each claims to be true one..
In many things science is opposing all of them. And we have another reason for doubts.
I believe we must try our best to have open mind – consider with best knowledge and common sense all different information – try to look for evidence of each claim, try to use common sense and own logic before blindly following some given facts but most importantly we must put on account all liars and show them that they can’t carry on by saying lies and when this is exposed simply decline that they ever said it.


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