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Darkness in Arua as Soldiers and Police insists on Beating and Arresting Youths on Claims of being idle.

[12/13/2018, 21:27] Hashim Bruce: Something must be done,  the army seems to over step.  Captain Augustine please get to my inbox if you read this message


[12/13, 21:31] Osuta Yusuf: We Link up about this!

[12/13, 21:32] Osuta Yusuf: At the same time, @⁨Hashim Bruce  and @⁨Ojobile⁩  we may also discuss privately and do something to avert this madness.

[12/13, 21:32] Osuta Yusuf: I have written to Hon Wadri Kasiano and waiting for  his Feedback.

[12/13, 21:34] Osuta Yusuf: As the way Forward is to Contact the MPs of other Constituencies; Maracha East and Maracha West, Terego East and Terego West, Adjumani, Obongi, Moyo, Ayivu, Koboko and Yumbe.

[12/13, 21:46] Kasiano Wadri: Mr Osuta good evening to you. How are you. Your report on the arrest of the youths has equally pained me if they have nothing to do with the spate of armed robberies in Arua of late. I wish you could give flesh to the information so that I can link up with the security apparatus on the ground. I came back from Arua yesterday. The information which was on Radio Pacis on Tuesday was that the police had recovered one killer gun from some people and the DPC confirmed this to me on that day. This evening, I also got information that another gun was recovered  from some people and wanton arrests were made and that the police will screen the suspects tomorrow. I equally sympathise with the innocent. But it is also a fact that security in Arua town is a matter of concern as gun wielding men have made life difficult for our people. Iam informed today a facility was attacked in Onduparaka and the suspects arrested with a gun that sparked the arrests. We all collectively need to make Arua and the Region safe for all of us.

[12/13, 21:52] Osuta Yusuf: This moment of the ugly incidences got me and still Here in Onduparaka.

Yes Of course, it is unfortunate and regrettable fact that, some Heartless thugs made their way through and Robbed on Gun Point, both the Waitresses and Customers at the Bar of Mr Mmamma (RIP) who was short dead by unknown thugs, on January.

[12/13, 21:54] Osuta Yusuf: But, such things would have not escalated unjust and unfair arrests and Beatings of Youths in the  Whole Of Arua Town.

[12/13, 21:57] Osuta Yusuf: I Osuta Yusuf, i am someone who Condemns Gunwielding Thuggery, Killings and Robbery but at the same time, not abetting Gross Human Rights Violations as a PayBack or in Compensating Crimes being Committed.

[12/13, 21:58] Osuta Yusuf: This is not the First time Our Youths from WestNile are being Rounded Up and Beaten then Jailed on Claims of being idle and disorderly.

[12/13, 22:06] ‪+256 703 ***607‬: I don't think beating is the solution the security goons should learn to be civilized.

[12/13, 22:11] Osuta Yusuf: The Medias are Feeding People on Wrong informations, including Our same MPs who are Believing the Lies of the Traditional Medias (TVs and Radios).

[12/13, 22:12] Osuta Yusuf: This is why i exist.

This is why you exist.

This is why we all exist.

[12/13, 22:13] Osuta Yusuf: To Feed the Public on Rightful information.

You may all hit for more Write ups.

[12/13, 22:15] Osuta Yusuf: On 4 October 2018, an similar operation occurred.

[12/13, 22:16] Osuta Yusuf: What did the Medias say about it?.

Did the information reach the Public? Yes, i wrote about it and who paid attention to it, if it reached?.

[12/13, 22:17] Osuta Yusuf: Over 70 Youths were Incarcerated and then Transported to CPS, using FUSO Lorries.

[12/13, 22:19] Osuta Yusuf: Youths Transported by Foot, are escorted like Goats! With their Hands tired up with Ropes.

[12/13, 22:20] Osuta Yusuf: Those transported on Vehicle, are Transported like Fire Wood Logs.

One is thrown on top of the other.

[12/13, 22:22] Osuta Yusuf: Since then, there were no Cases of Gunwielding Thugs Robbing and Shooting People.

[12/13, 22:24] Hashim Bruce: Am at large brother.

[12/13, 22:24] Osuta Yusuf: Frankly Speaking, someone may not wish to see their beloved ones undergo this kind of Gross Human Rights Violations.

[12/13, 22:26] Osuta Yusuf: Even if you are an NRM or FDC or DP or JEEMA or PPP or UPC, or may  be, by Religion you are a Christian or a Moslem, this is a General Syndrome.

[12/13, 22:26] Osuta Yusuf: This is a Syndrome Eating up Pur Youths regardless of Political Party affiliations or Religious affiliations.

[12/13, 22:28] ‪+256 703 ***607‬: The inhuman behavior exhibited by the police is because of the suffering the go through for example most of them are servicing heavy loans which at the end results into them unleashing their terror on innocent Ugandans.

[12/13, 22:29] Hashim Bruce: Let's discuss much independently in our inboxes over strategies,  or call me tomorrow,  am in an evaluation meeting right now.

[12/13, 22:29] Hashim Bruce: 🤝.

[12/13, 22:29] ‪+256 702 ***621‬: Hi s, in strongly suspect the Mafia is out to punish Arua youth for receiving bribes from Brian White and voting for another candidate. Those guns and killing may be having roots to state operatives to justify their crack down on the population. In other parts, we saw it in Barlonyo in Lira, Acolibur, Burcoro, corner Kilak where citizens were slaughtered by suspected government soldiers and blamed on Sony.

[12/13, 22:29] Hashim Bruce: True%.

[12/13, 22:30] ‪+256 702 ***621‬: I meant Kony.

[12/13, 22:32] Osuta Yusuf: As i may be sorry to say this!, the intelligence system of this dictatorship regime is too shallow up to the extent, it fails, at what time to identify and capture gun wielding thugs.

[12/13, 22:34] ‪+256 702 ***621‬: How can they capture their own?.

[12/13, 22:35] Osuta Yusuf: Without fear or favor, the open day mass arrests of Our Youths has nothing to do with these Night Gunwielding Thuggery, Killings and Robberies.

[12/13, 22:39] ‪+256 702 ***621‬: They may be connected in that the same people carry out robberies and killings to justify their  arrest innocent people. They did it in Luweero during the bush war. I must admit I do not know dynamics of Arua well but mine is food for thought.

[12/13, 22:43] Osuta Yusuf: Many are left wondering, if this Law "idle and disorderly" was amended only for we the People of WestNile.

[12/13, 22:47] Osuta Yusuf: We spend time, on daily basis, with the Youths.

[12/13, 22:48] Hashim Bruce: Time has come for us to get an answer to this in their courts, let's not lose focus. Our strategies will help direct us in what best to do.

[12/13, 22:56] Mp-Acidri-James: My guess as well! Let's handle this with high intelligence. We may need to avoid unnecessary to  security. In fact the youth could start their own patrols to guarantee security in Arua. You will eventually know the devil.

[12/13, 22:56] Osuta Yusuf: History has it, that, Harassing Youths, simply means, the Person has Pressed a Wrong Button.

[12/13, 22:57] Mp-Acidri-James: *exposure.

[12/13, 22:59] Osuta Yusuf: We Swore Our Mission as the Youths, either to Stop Arresting our fellow Youths or this "idle and disorderly" Law is dropped.

[12/13, 23:00] Ojobile: Mr. Osuta, We have seen these issues. Its very painful and actually insightful.

I and the Jobless Brotherhood are authoring a document/petition to the dpp over ILLEGAL arrests against the poor.

We couldn't have a problem with arrests, but may be targeted arrests against the poor people.

Take a sample, idle and disorderly, pick pocketing, hocking, among other crimes against the poor is disheartening and disorderly.

Its the poor who are always rounded up illegally while at bus stops and walking on the streets. They are tortured and money extorted from them. Those who fail to offer money are thrown to the prisons and as we speak, prisons are full. A ward meant for 20-30 inmates, you find over 80members.

[12/13, 23:04] Ojobile: I wish our members of parliament can give us some information to back up this petition.

Legal justifications and administrations to help in giving flesh to the petition.

We feel that way we can achieve a country where petty crimes stop either at Police or LC 1 level.

We advocate for empowerment of local level councils to avail understanding and mutual growth.

[12/13, 23:06] Osuta Yusuf: Yes of Course, dear fellow Activist Ojobile.

[12/13, 23:07] Osuta Yusuf: This is the same reason why, i would wish us to petition Our MPs from the entire WestNile region.

[12/13, 23:08] Osuta Yusuf: It is a fat fact that, Our MPs in WestNile have that Power to stop this messful arresting of Youths on claims of being idle.

[12/13, 23:09] Osuta Yusuf: From then, we the Youths would then begun our own patrolling of Towns and Trading Centers in WestNile

[12/13, 23:10] Osuta Yusuf: Thanks Hon @⁨Mp-Acidri-James⁩  for suggesting Youths to start Patrolling the Trading Centers and Town in WestNile but Remember; Two Kings can not Rule a Kingdom.

[12/13, 23:10] Ojobile: We are petitioning the DPP to stop sanctioning such cases to court.

Without sanctioning, court does nothing. We want petty cases dropped from court and promote community-based rehabilitation.

[12/13, 23:11] Mp-Acidri-James: Osuta you aren't duplicating, but showing that you arent suspects, but responsible citizens..

[12/13, 23:13] Mp-Acidri-James: It's called community policing.

[12/13, 23:13] Osuta Yusuf: Better.

[12/13, 23:15] Ojobile: Its a national problem. This is an order to make money in the third arm of government.

I was in Luzira two weeks ago. One day 148 prisoners were brought to Luzira from just one court. Buganda Road court was the court. Out of 148 prisoners, 100 were of petty offenses. This is shit. Why must it happen.

[12/13, 23:16] Osuta Yusuf: Indeed, it is a National Disease.

Factfully, We are Worst, MeThinks.

[12/13, 23:17] Ojobile: That's if those patrolling are not as well arrested for Xmas money.

[12/13, 23:18] Osuta Yusuf: Nor in a Target of Festive Season!.

@⁨Ojobile⁩  get a day to spend some time with Local People (as well the Youths) your ears won't believe what they tell you.

[12/13, 23:19] ‪+256 702 ***621‬: This will require a constitutional amendment. Look at article 120 of tje Ugandan constitution if I recall well.

[12/13, 23:20] Ojobile: My bro, I spend 80% of my time with youth. The youth are scavenging for survival.

[12/13, 23:23] Ojobile: No please. Police introduced community policing. What's the reason for using Ugandans money to facilitate a dysfunctioning servicce.

[12/13, 23:23] Hashim Bruce: I understand and conquer with this strategy, 

We can always put forward other means of strategic plans to have the army carrying such operations compelled to letting the public know what the operations are about.

[12/13, 23:31] Osuta Yusuf: Below is what i wrote on 4 October 2018.

Fellow Ugandans, Africans and the World at large, i am encapsulating definite missive in a moment everyone is seeming to be silent on the fate of marginalising the Youths.

Like i have been saying before and will continue to say,


Behind me, are over 10 million Youths, whose Voices are meek and go unheard.

I will not mind the Suffering, Circumstances, Torture amidst this Legacy Cause for Youths in WestNile, Uganda, Africa and around the World because i am One of those, God inspirited to Speak for the Voiceless.

As i am Writing this, my Humanity Heart is Heavy with my Eyes Teary.

I Copyright my audacity mainly to the Notice of, and recall Our MPs, Human Rights Organizations (both Local & international), NGOs, Foreign Entities as well and the Global Communities to acquire an impact to ascertain availing Total Freedom for Our Youths.

That Country called Uganda, has some Laws that never at all renders Free, Safe, Happy and Secure Environment for the Youths to live in.

Uganda Government amended a Law that is generally Targeting Youths.

The Law permits Police to carry out routine patrols throughout the Night to Midday (10PM to 11AM) in Trading Centers, Urban Areas, Towns, Cities and anyone or people who are found Staying, are Arrested and Accused of being "Idle"!, They are then remanded to the Police Shells.

Those, who have Relatives and Money, are often released on a Cash of Shillings 50000 (15$) while those who have none, are taken to Court.

In the Courts of Law, this Law Charge has only 2 Punishments: 1. The Suspect may be subjected to Community Work for 3 Weeks, or, if is unlucky, 2. The suspect may face 3 Months Jail Term.

Cry Our Youths.

Of so many Other Books i have Read both Online and Hard Copies, i have never known or seen some countries roughing up the Youths for being Idle.

Uganda has a Population of about 40 million People and out of which, 70% are Youths living  Slavery Life.

Some of the Youths are Educated while others are not Educated.

So many people have just found it to be so strange and Unique only in Uganda, that, a Government that has totally failed to Employ Vibrant Youths, Jails them.

This unfair and Unjust act of arresting People on Accounts of being "idlers" will not create any job for the Youths instead it will breed more tension and riots because "Injustice Somewhere is Threat to Justice Anywhere".

We believe, if we go by Elder's Greed

statement that, "YOUTHS are the Future and Leaders of Tomorrow" yet, they are busy Exploiting and masturbating Youths to breed Barrenness, we are long dead.

Since the Government is neither Creating more excess Jobs (skilled / unskilled) nor Rehabilitating the Youths, it is upon everyone regardless of Ethnicity, Country, Religion and Continent, let us all Rise up to stand Together in Agitating for a Campaign to Compel Our MPs to Scrap off this Law which is Targeting and Charging the Youths of being "idle".

We have gotten refreshed and energized.

As the Youth Generation, we have embarked on to a Struggle of Ending; Torture, Impoverishing, illegal arrests, Incarceration, economy hardening, Oppression, Joblessness and Brutalising of Our fellow Youths.

In fact, History teaches better but is bitter hard truth barely agreeable by the self-centered.

In 2014, Oppression and Unemployment of Youths in CHINA was alarming, to the extent, it became a huge threat for the Government. Youths flooded with Protests on to the Streets but their Government was clever to quick Listen to the Youths and Public Outcry, which eventually forced the Chinese Government to Resolve it.

LEST the Various Authorities and Governments have Care attentions about the Youths, they will regret and pay a price for not Minding about the Youths.

To Well Wishers and anyone, let's partner to forge a way forward on what could exactly be done to Rescue this dire syndrome Eating up the Youths Generation.

Contact on Whatsapp Number: +243810842056.

NB: Every Articles written on this Website, are Copyrighted by Osuta Yusuf. The articles are not in anyway affiliated with the Interests or Opinions of Individuals, Foreign Entities, Any Government, Organization or Groups i may have connections and links with.

They are my Opinions and Write ups alone.



[12/13, 23:34] Osuta Yusuf: If indeed the Youths are Jobless, the Government would have looked for an option to Rehabilitate the so called "idle & disorderly" (Jobless) Youths rather than Arresting them and later on Freed on Cash.

[12/13, 23:35] Osuta Yusuf: Neither this is the first nor the last time they are rounding up the Youths.

[12/13, 23:36] Ojobile: Now that is our focus. Over 75% of youth unemployed and continuing to keep them in prison is total murder to the future of the country.

[12/13, 23:37] Osuta Yusuf: Worst obsession is when, they are arrested, later on Freed on Cash.

[12/13, 23:38] Osuta Yusuf: Dying Country.

[12/13, 23:39] Ojobile: It's now business in Kla. Each parts by paying over 150.000 shs.

[12/13, 23:39] Osuta Yusuf: While in WestNile is 50000/-

[12/13, 23:40] Osuta Yusuf: Can you imagine, you buy your God given Freedom!.


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