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UGANDA INDEPENDENCE DAY MESSAGE. UGANDA @56 in 9 October 2018. This typical one is written by my Editor in UK. It is a long article though! Those who have poor Dr Reading Culture, will always wallow in Ignorance and Bury their minds away from Truths. Thanks. In past month is politic situation in Uganda very turbulent. Hard to predict what will happen next day, but there are certain things which took my attention. As person with deep social sensitivity, I have often problem to keep own emotions down and be objective. But by other hand, this sort of empathy allows me better understand feelings of my Ugandan friends, to whom is this article addressed. Two days ago, 9/10/2018 Ugandans celebrated Independence day. Day which allowed them take affairs of their country out of colonial hands and start to govern themselves. New Uganda is historically still very young. History is slow machine. Development – and I am not talking only about visible development of infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, but no less importantly also about development of knowledge how to manage the country, development of understanding the responsibility for own affairs and also lessons how to govern the country for its leaders. Development of democracy. At very first I must thank all my friends from  Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media platforms which due to our discuss and even arguments help me a lot to understand their views and also to understand Uganda itself better. Sometimes we can best understand other person in the moment when we look into mirror. During different chats I felt strong emotions. Arguments became passionate and sometimes I was over reacting. After such as moment when emotions calm down, I try to go back in the time and understand why I was reacting this way. What made me feel so strong emotions that I started to make things personal. And most importantly, if certain thing made me so emotional, how much emotions must feel Ugandan facing them personally? When they affect his life directly? In this article I would like to share some of my humble observation and address few problems, which as I believe, are reason of actual “politic jam” in Uganda. One very important part of human nature is, that we simply can’t be objective. Who considers himself completely objective is usually most biased person. Everyone has different values. Some values we have hard coded and are not able to compromise. In my case this value is protection of human life and health. Protection of quality of the life. For other person it can be economical prosperity. For third person it can be tradition or religion. There is no man who is able to stay unbiased on all those things. Neither do I. And I believe this is big part of problem. I would call it generation issue. Politic in Uganda after its independence was sad and bloody. There was too much of bloodshed in many different cases. Under many different leaders and I will not dig in this past now, but past is what builds our presence. This is world wide valid truth. What is happening now will affect the future same way as we are affected by past. Uganda is the country where majority of people is under 35 years of age. I strongly believe that this is one of problems now. When Yoweri Kaguta Museveni finished revolution in 1986 and achieved power from Obote’s government, he had huge support across the nation. Country literally became yellow and people felt agony and happiness that their country is finally getting right direction after Amin and Obote’s regimes. I deeply believe that there was those days best will not to repeat old mistakes. When I seen old Y.K. Museveni’s speeches, I seen passion and will to change things to better. Everyone feels that make things better is easy – but it is not. Not at all. In fact it is one of hardest tasks and this is why in whole human history the perfect society was not developed yet. When regime in Uganda changed in 1986 things seemed to work well. Reason is simple – after any big revolution which is supported by people, country is motivated. People are proud on themselves, proud on their country and willing to work for it .Willing to participate and at the beginning they understand that nothing can be changed over night. But big problem is that people expect things to change fast. Other problem is that after distraction many things simply return to its previous past. People love big changes. Changes of government, politicians, and they often expect that this changes simply will fix issues itself. But people hate to change own behavior. New NRM government in late eighties and during nineties had as major task to establish peace in the country. And this was achieved. I consider it one of biggest achievements in Uganda during last 30 years. It makes each “bush fighter” truly proud and this pride is valid. It is very reasonable because no country can be developed during war. War is not development, but destruction. Destruction of properties, destruction of lives. After long decades Uganda have peace. This must be credited. No one can make it look as small achievement and every older Ugandan who remembers days before 1986 must confirm it. Next task was to democratize country. Even this was done. Country got new constitution in 1995 which is very democratic, balanced and i would say in its original version nearly perfect. It is focused on citizens rights, it is focused on democracy in the country and democratic institutions. This is another achievement which must be credited. The constitution of Uganda 1995 Those two achievements were done politically (which was not very difficult due to country wide support, and majority in parliament together with the good will. Also democratization of the country was partially motivated by western countries, whose were ready financially support development in Uganda. Also military skills of president Museveni together with brilliant planning were very helpful in establishing peace across the country. Of course not everything was made perfect way and there were unnecessary lost of lives during last wars, lot of brutality and cruelty. But this is how war always is – war is never decent. Never clear and never played perfectly by rules. This is why wars should be avoid by any mean. Most of people don’t know what the war is like and can’t even imagine it. This is probably reason why new wars start. What went wrong When there was peace and constitution on the place. Time for development started. Economy was growing fast in absolute numbers. GDP (public wealth) was steadily increasing. But certain issues stood. Problems which is hard to resolve when leaders or governments are ready to compromise. Issues with corruption. Issues with misuse of public resources. Problems with nepotism. Older NRM generation somehow underestimated those problems. Those people were still happy with achievements done and forgot that “little people” – poor Ugandans will forget fast the history but will face issues of the presence. Will see that in their region hospital has no needful medicine, will see that without bribe they can’t achieve certain tasks. When New millennium came satisfaction of people was decreasing already and achievements which looked huge when they came (peace, constitution and also immunization of children) were simply normal for new growing generation. They didn’t see it as “something new” they considered it already as normal part of their lives. They started to see more problems than achievements. It is hard to ask someone who has empty plate to appreciate newly built road. Opposition started slowly grow in Uganda and in 2005 multi partial politic system was re-established in Uganda after referendum, where over 90 percent of Ugandans supported the change. Work of opposition in general is always to challenge the government. I believe that it is very important part of politic because monopoly don’t work perfect. Where is no competition there is no motivation. Problem is that at that moment NRM was already suffering from big amount of corruption, nepotism and failed to address those issues. It is not easy task to govern country where is more than 30 million of people. It is not easy task to govern country where is over 50 different tribes and huge pressure from inside and outside world. And corruption especially is so difficult to destroy especially when petty corruption is nation wide socially acceptable. And also when corruption become normal politic tool. My personal opinion is that if president Museveni stepped down after elections in 2006 he would be once forever celebrated as true liberator and messiah for Uganda. But I also can understand his feeling of unfinished job and unfinished tasks. Problem is that they will never finish. No country can say “we are done with development, everything is working now”. Change of the constitution to remove presidential term limits in 2005 poisoned a lot feeling of democracy in Uganda and brutally silenced protests as well. I believe at this very moment popularity of NRM crossed the line and started to decrease. And also popularity and support for president Museveni. Another and in my eyes really history changing factor is failure to stop brutality. Using of extensive and often mortal force by Ugandan security agencies is not helping either. Trust of citizens to their security agencies is also decreasing or steadily very low. Small salaries for police officers often force those to participate in corruption. I heard personal stories of few Ugandans who didn’t performed any crime but had to bribe themselves out after being accused of some. One of my friends which is foreigner student in Kampala was released from police station after paying partial bribe and harassed by phone to pay rest of bribe by police officer. All those reason gave big support to opposition parties from especially young citizens which could not compare life before 1986 with actual life in Uganda and FDC chairman Dr. Besigye became their alternative. After 2005 Ugandan police is lead by general Kale Kayihura. His approach brings more of brutality and unlawful activities into police force. He spreads fear from special police units, and is suspected to cooperate even with criminals to achieve his goals as leaked on in TV interview last year. All those things are fueling growing resistance against president Museveni and NRM government in general. Now NRM will soon starts its 33th year in power. In many ways successful development is sadly very shadowed by issues. Opposition can’t be silenced in Uganda. It can’t be destroyed because it is living mass of young Ugandans. Young people might be inexperienced, might be too passionate, sometimes too angry and radical but it is huge power and wise government must count on it. Standard procedures or tools will not work. Young man’s thinking is simply different. In most of cases bribery will not work, neither will force. Young people are still too proud and ready to risk. Like was NRA in 1986. History is repeating itself. Presidential elections in 2016 and removal of amendment 102b from constitution In 2016 president Y.K Museveni was once again elected as president of Uganda for the term which should be his last due to constitution of Uganda from 1995 where was specifically mentioned top age limit for presidential candidate as 75 years. Election in 2016 itself were not clear. There is big suspect of ridging, election were as it is usual in Uganda witnessing violence, arrest of opposition candidate or supporters, intimidation and unclear practices of counting votes. However actual result is that dr. Besigye was defeated but new star started to shine from very unexpected background. This new born politician is Robert Kyagulaniy Sentamu alias Bobi Wine. Those days just 35 year old musician who became politic was at his beginning not even taken seriously – but it changed when he beaten with huge gap NRM candidate in elections to the parliament and became new member of the parliament of Uganda. Robert Kyagulaniy can’t be more different from president Museveni by one hand and more similar to him by other hand. What those men have the same? – ability to mobilize masses – very smart mind and ability to analyze, name the problem – entertaining talent (sense of humor or singing) – passion for their goals. What is different? – background – completely different – military background and non military background President’s decision to keep power for a life time made further damage to Ugandans trust in politic – arrogant ignorance of their voice, brutality with they were always facing on any protests which was slowly growing each further demonstration and also incident in parliament during debate about presidential age limit removal when many opposition MPs were brutalized by SFC on the ground of the parliament further decreased level of decency in Ugandan politic. From this day it was clear that not even members of parliament are immune against security forces, which are fully in government control. As expected amendment was passed but it was bitter victory – victory for one man, and further lost for many. 2018 IGP change, OTT, People Power movement, Arua incident Year 2018 is full of political actions in Uganda. When beginning of the hear started with hangover after passed constitutional change which took away any hope from Ugandans for a peaceful power transition from president Museveni in 2021 as they due to previous elections don’t trust that election can lead Museveni to step down (and to be honest, I don’t believe it either). Big incident was replacement of GIGP Kale Kayihura in position by Martin Ochola. It brought hope that police will be cleaned from criminals, and will become more friendly institution for Ugandans. I believe it partially happened. In further demonstrations police didn’t use mortal force against citizens – this I must credit highly. There still were and are incidents of using too much of force, beating, or unnecessary usage of tear gas even against peaceful protesters, but people were not killed. If this was only change, I consider it big change. In July started to work law about OTT and mobile money tax. I personally consider it one of worst tax laws in the world. It is non systematic, it is discriminatory tax and it is unfair tax. It is also against any common sense of taxation. I will keep on this topic for a short time. Why I consider it as bad law? Because of results. Positive result is income into country budget. But that’s all – now let start with negative ones: People are massively opposing the tax. It is important to bring money into the country budget but political price can be too high. When support for government is already decreasing there is not good idea to make (especially young) people more angry Most poor citizens are most affected by both – either by mobile money taxation either by OTT tax (for readers from outside Uganda OTT means Over the top – tax is paid on daily base and it is tax for using social media on mobile devices. Yes it is not a joke – seriously – Ugandans have to pay tax for using their Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype and other social media. Tax is fixed and it is 200UGX per day (approx. 0.04£ ) It seems to be small money but if person makes 300,000 UGX per month then paying 6,000 for using social media can be felt in the budget.)  Most affected are unemployed people which often used WhatsApp groups or Facebook to seek for job opportunities, students which use it for discussing different topics with other students. Tax can possibly increase petty crime or hooliganism because while even poor person could before tax was invented sit at home and chat on Facebook now can certain amount of people perform different more harmful activities. Some people use social media for small business – their income is also affected. If their business uses mobile money transaction they pay second tax from it. Mobile money tax slows down economy and many people will try to avoid mobile money services. First tax was 1% and often was paid twice (by sender and by recipient) OTT is paid by mobile money – which are also taxed – person pays tax 1% when paying tax for OTT which increases OTT tax by another 1% I started with OTT because it was ignition for establishing People Power movement where hon. Robert Kyagulaniy (Bobi Wine) became unofficial leader. Slogan People power started to be viral after demonstration against OTT in Kampala which was once again forcefully stopped by tear gas even thou it was reported to institutions and police on time. But slogan People Power became famous mostly after incident in Arua. New shinning star of Bobi Wine’s carrier and his big support between young Ugandans helped to different opposition parties during few recent by-elections. But last time it was different. By-election in Arua – nort-western part of Uganda supposed to find replacement for recently brutally murdered MP Abiriga. Many leaders and politicians were supporting their favorite candidates, including dr. Besigye, Robert Kyagulanyi (Bobi Wine) and also president of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Incident happened at the last day of rallies when group of youth people allegedly attacked presidents convoy with stones. Bobi Wine’s driver Yassin Kawuma was found shoot dead likely by SFC which shortly after incident invaded the hotel where opposition politicians were hosted. 35 opposition politicians and supporters were arrested, beaten and there is suspected torture to some of them. Conditions of many is not good until today and between brutalized Bobi Wine got biggest attention by Ugandans and also by international media. Ugandans were strictly demanding release of all arrested suspects and slogan People Power filled media and social media, I believe partially because of very bad management and very suspicious evidence, and whole process. Bobi Wine was at the first charged with unlawful guns possession when guns “were found” in his hotel room. However hotel stuff declined that any guns were handled to the hotel. State later dropped charges and put new charge of treason, together with other suspects. They were lately bailed and after some playing around allowed to go for treatment over sea from injuries which appeared itself on their bodies as state claims that they were not tortured. Bobi Wine managed to obtain attention around the world during his presence in United states. Ugandan government claimed to punish all Ugandans who supported him oversea after they return to Uganda. Most recently High court with suspect was postponed. Where we are now and what to do. This last part will be once again just my personal analyze and view about current status. And I will also mention few humble advises either to opposition either to government how to stabilize situation or my personal feelings what I believe could work. But in one point I am already convinced that it will not be accepted even thou I believe that it is very important point. After disaster in Arua (I believe for all sides it was disaster) president Museveni made many speeches – much more then he usually does – and some of them were really good – they were true presidential speeches where in some sauce of history were addressed real issues and also (this I heard for the first time from him) reasons why those issues happened and plan for their solution. Also many business deals were made with China, with India and new plants were open. If deals were good will show the history but I believe they were made with good will and it must be credited. Once I mentioned on Facebook that arrogance is what is killing NRM and one my friend asked me for examples. It was not difficult to find some but I kept thinking about this topic further – what brings the arrogance at first place. And it took me back to the point with which I started at the beginning. Generations. Issue is gap between age of government and leaders and age of average Ugandan. I know from own experience that as we become older we lost part of connection and understanding with young generation. It is normal and it happens all over the world. Technology and internet indirectly affected natural hierarchy – where elder member of family was usually most wise one – had long experience, knowledge achieved by decades of life. But this has changed because of quickly changing technology. With use of internet, it is much more easy to obtain information and young generation is simply better in using technology. 15yo boy will be 10 times faster in searching for information than his 60yo grandfather. It is good thing, but also bad because it destroys natural hierarchy – with easy access to world wide knowledge is knowledge obtained with age simply devalued. And this possibility also makes young generation more proud and less respectful. By other hand older generation tries to keep its natural “supremacy” in knowledge and indeed not every knowledge or skill can be obtained from internet. I thing this problem – growing with the time – is major reason for many problems which is Uganda (but not only) facing today. Leaders have vision which is often based on their knowledge from past not fully considering how fast world is changing. It creates this sort of arrogance “I know better than you and don’t need to explain”. As each person is different and certain people are arrogant by nature there are also claims like “Pay tax, or die”. It is wrong attitude. Very wrong and very damaging. Because as youth I would think “OK if you will not talk to me, then I will keep my oppinion and go against you” and by numbers youths will win. What I believe would help to government to get back support and trust: 1. Communicate. Communication is clue – be more open to other’s opinion. They might be wrong and you might be right but it is always good to hear what other person thinks and understand why. Communicate more with people before making decision affecting their lives because even small error affects too many lives and of course changes political view of people. 2. Be more humble. Be able to say “I did wrong” – it doesn’t make one weaker but more trustworthy. When I say something and I am proven to be wrong – then I say “I am sorry I was wrong” – will it make me weaker? Is it better to be either silent or say “No I was right and you are stupid”? What produces possibility to avoid problem next time and what produces just injustice and anger? Don’t insult people who scream out their pain – even if it is invalid claim. Of course government can employ all citizens and if they cry about it they are partially wrong because primary responsibility is on them – but when president calls himself grandfather and young citizens grand sons – then government becomes parent and parent must deal with even wrong requests of his kids – of course he can beat them – or he can explain to them what they do wrong or explain that he can’t do more. “pay or die” is not right in any mean. 3. Don’t dwell in past. It is over. Bush war was success and will be remembered but it is over now. It is not good to keep same practices and sort citizens to friends and enemies – they are not enemies not even opposition is enemy. They are Ugandans and have same rights and interest as you and your kids. To develop. To be listened to. To be considered. To participate. Claim that sleeping NRM MP is better than hardworking opposition MP is wrong. Hard working MP, even opposition can bring ideas, can find solution for certain problem, while sleeping one will just pass whatever without using brain and if there is for example mistake in law he will not spot it. 4. Involve opposition directly – give opposition responsibility, functions (minister responsibility) – they will find out that it is easier to oppose than to do something. 5. Avoid use of violence, force, unlawful practices. Don’t protect perpetrators of those even if they were very loyal. You save one but hurt many – and it will come back from other side. People can forgive but can’t forget. And forgiveness is always depending on regret. Where is no regret there is hard to forgive. One dead citizen will produce 50 – 100 mortal enemies to the regime. Avoid to produce them. Tortured citizen will produce even more enemies because many people see death as more acceptable than torture. Avoid beating those who are not threat. Never beat person who just stays aside. It never brings anything good – just more of radicalization. 6. (and this point will be dismissed immediately I am sure..) President should finish his term and during time prepare possible new leader which will be offered to nation to continue NRM program after next presidential election. Not because he is performing bad – but because people must be able to compare to see that he is not performing bad. Even if president did 100 good things and 1 wrong – people will never appreciate it UNLESS they can compare with performance of other president. Older Ugandans remember Obote or Amin – young ones Born and live whole lives just with Museveni. This is why people protest, young people protest. And it will be worse because new youths are growing to age of adults each year while those who remember past are slowly leaving the world. 7. Listen to people outcry – remove OTT and mobile money tax and claim directly that it is because of listening to people. Be people government and also be ready for compromise  What I believe should opposition do 1. Unite and plan. Not address just issue but also offer solution. I often hear shouts like “remove Museveni” – but I never got answer when I asked “OK – imagine that he is gone, so what now?” Now people are angry and emotional – they want change. But one day they will need plan – please have it. 2. Don’t repeat government’s mistakes. Don’t use same tools against which you are fighting. Don’t consider enemy everyone who disagree with you. Where is difference then if you don’t allow people oppose you? It invalidates all your requests if you want to continue with same practices, just want to be the one who is in charge. It might be your interest but not interest of Ugandans. 3. Don’t do to government what you don’t want citizens to do to you if you will be in charge. If something is achieved and it is good for the country, don’t try to mock it or paint black – because it makes you just moaners and people are capable to make own opinion and validate facts. 4. Don’t create fake bad news!!! Spreading rumor might help for very short time but in long term you lost trust. 5. Don’t support radicalization – in wars no one is real winner because price paid is too high – radicalization leads to bloodshed, pain and tears – communication is clue. 6. When communication is offered – always accept and be ready for compromise – try to negotiate – better is to make acceptable deal than  no deal – don’t expect perfect deal. 7. Priority for Uganda is Uganda. Not removing Museveni – it might be important but not first important thing. Try to communicate more and fight less – if there is good law which you want passed – there is no matter if signature on this law belongs to Museveni or to someone else. At very end I wish Uganda with small delay happy Independence day – Uganda is great place to live and quality of life depends on Ugandans. On their leaders but also on themselves. Each person affects lives of others – not only government – kindness to your own neighbor changes his life. Your country is God’s wonder where everything is beautiful. Nature, people, resources. Use it wisely for your well being. God bless you my beloved Ugandans.


UGANDA @56 in 9 October 2018.

This typical one is written by my Editor in UK.

It is a long article though!

Those who have poor Dr Reading Culture, will always wallow in Ignorance and Bury their minds away from Truths.


In past month is politic situation in Uganda very turbulent. Hard to predict what will happen next day, but there are certain things which took my attention.

As person with deep social sensitivity, I have often problem to keep own emotions down and be objective. But by other hand, this sort of empathy allows me better understand feelings of my Ugandan friends, to whom is this article addressed.

Two days ago, 9/10/2018 Ugandans celebrated Independence day. Day which allowed them take affairs of their country out of colonial hands and start to govern themselves. New Uganda is historically still very young. History is slow machine. Development – and I am not talking only about visible development of infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, but no less importantly also about development of knowledge how to manage the country, development of understanding the responsibility for own affairs and also lessons how to govern the country for its leaders. Development of democracy.

At very first I must thank all my friends from  Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media platforms which due to our discuss and even arguments help me a lot to understand their views and also to understand Uganda itself better. Sometimes we can best understand other person in the moment when we look into mirror. During different chats I felt strong emotions. Arguments became passionate and sometimes I was over reacting. After such as moment when emotions calm down, I try to go back in the time and understand why I was reacting this way. What made me feel so strong emotions that I started to make things personal. And most importantly, if certain thing made me so emotional, how much emotions must feel Ugandan facing them personally? When they affect his life directly?

In this article I would like to share some of my humble observation and address few problems, which as I believe, are reason of actual “politic jam” in Uganda. One very important part of human nature is, that we simply can’t be objective. Who considers himself completely objective is usually most biased person. Everyone has different values. Some values we have hard coded and are not able to compromise. In my case this value is protection of human life and health. Protection of quality of the life. For other person it can be economical prosperity. For third person it can be tradition or religion. There is no man who is able to stay unbiased on all those things. Neither do I.

And I believe this is big part of problem. I would call it generation issue.

Politic in Uganda after its independence was sad and bloody. There was too much of bloodshed in many different cases. Under many different leaders and I will not dig in this past now, but past is what builds our presence. This is world wide valid truth. What is happening now will affect the future same way as we are affected by past.

Uganda is the country where majority of people is under 35 years of age. I strongly believe that this is one of problems now.

When Yoweri Kaguta Museveni finished revolution in 1986 and achieved power from Obote’s government, he had huge support across the nation. Country literally became yellow and people felt agony and happiness that their country is finally getting right direction after Amin and Obote’s regimes. I deeply believe that there was those days best will not to repeat old mistakes. When I seen old Y.K. Museveni’s speeches, I seen passion and will to change things to better. Everyone feels that make things better is easy – but it is not. Not at all. In fact it is one of hardest tasks and this is why in whole human history the perfect society was not developed yet.

When regime in Uganda changed in 1986 things seemed to work well. Reason is simple – after any big revolution which is supported by people, country is motivated. People are proud on themselves, proud on their country and willing to work for it .Willing to participate and at the beginning they understand that nothing can be changed over night. But big problem is that people expect things to change fast. Other problem is that after distraction many things simply return to its previous past. People love big changes. Changes of government, politicians, and they often expect that this changes simply will fix issues itself. But people hate to change own behavior.

New NRM government in late eighties and during nineties had as major task to establish peace in the country. And this was achieved. I consider it one of biggest achievements in Uganda during last 30 years. It makes each “bush fighter” truly proud and this pride is valid. It is very reasonable because no country can be developed during war. War is not development, but destruction. Destruction of properties, destruction of lives. After long decades Uganda have peace. This must be credited. No one can make it look as small achievement and every older Ugandan who remembers days before 1986 must confirm it.

Next task was to democratize country. Even this was done. Country got new constitution in 1995 which is very democratic, balanced and i would say in its original version nearly perfect. It is focused on citizens rights, it is focused on democracy in the country and democratic institutions. This is another achievement which must be credited.

The constitution of Uganda 1995

Those two achievements were done politically (which was not very difficult due to country wide support, and majority in parliament together with the good will. Also democratization of the country was partially motivated by western countries, whose were ready financially support development in Uganda. Also military skills of president Museveni together with brilliant planning were very helpful in establishing peace across the country. Of course not everything was made perfect way and there were unnecessary lost of lives during last wars, lot of brutality and cruelty. But this is how war always is – war is never decent. Never clear and never played perfectly by rules. This is why wars should be avoid by any mean. Most of people don’t know what the war is like and can’t even imagine it. This is probably reason why new wars start.

What went wrong

When there was peace and constitution on the place. Time for development started. Economy was growing fast in absolute numbers. GDP (public wealth) was steadily increasing. But certain issues stood. Problems which is hard to resolve when leaders or governments are ready to compromise. Issues with corruption. Issues with misuse of public resources. Problems with nepotism. Older NRM generation somehow underestimated those problems. Those people were still happy with achievements done and forgot that “little people” – poor Ugandans will forget fast the history but will face issues of the presence. Will see that in their region hospital has no needful medicine, will see that without bribe they can’t achieve certain tasks.

When New millennium came satisfaction of people was decreasing already and achievements which looked huge when they came (peace, constitution and also immunization of children) were simply normal for new growing generation. They didn’t see it as “something new” they considered it already as normal part of their lives. They started to see more problems than achievements. It is hard to ask someone who has empty plate to appreciate newly built road.

Opposition started slowly grow in Uganda and in 2005 multi partial politic system was re-established in Uganda after referendum, where over 90 percent of Ugandans supported the change.

Work of opposition in general is always to challenge the government. I believe that it is very important part of politic because monopoly don’t work perfect. Where is no competition there is no motivation.

Problem is that at that moment NRM was already suffering from big amount of corruption, nepotism and failed to address those issues.

It is not easy task to govern country where is more than 30 million of people. It is not easy task to govern country where is over 50 different tribes and huge pressure from inside and outside world. And corruption especially is so difficult to destroy especially when petty corruption is nation wide socially acceptable. And also when corruption become normal politic tool.

My personal opinion is that if president Museveni stepped down after elections in 2006 he would be once forever celebrated as true liberator and messiah for Uganda. But I also can understand his feeling of unfinished job and unfinished tasks. Problem is that they will never finish. No country can say “we are done with development, everything is working now”.

Change of the constitution to remove presidential term limits in 2005 poisoned a lot feeling of democracy in Uganda and brutally silenced protests as well. I believe at this very moment popularity of NRM crossed the line and started to decrease. And also popularity and support for president Museveni.

Another and in my eyes really history changing factor is failure to stop brutality. Using of extensive and often mortal force by Ugandan security agencies is not helping either. Trust of citizens to their security agencies is also decreasing or steadily very low. Small salaries for police officers often force those to participate in corruption. I heard personal stories of few Ugandans who didn’t performed any crime but had to bribe themselves out after being accused of some. One of my friends which is foreigner student in Kampala was released from police station after paying partial bribe and harassed by phone to pay rest of bribe by police officer.

All those reason gave big support to opposition parties from especially young citizens which could not compare life before 1986 with actual life in Uganda and FDC chairman Dr. Besigye became their alternative.

After 2005 Ugandan police is lead by general Kale Kayihura. His approach brings more of brutality and unlawful activities into police force. He spreads fear from special police units, and is suspected to cooperate even with criminals to achieve his goals as leaked on in TV interview last year. All those things are fueling growing resistance against president Museveni and NRM government in general.

Now NRM will soon starts its 33th year in power. In many ways successful development is sadly very shadowed by issues.

Opposition can’t be silenced in Uganda. It can’t be destroyed because it is living mass of young Ugandans. Young people might be inexperienced, might be too passionate, sometimes too angry and radical but it is huge power and wise government must count on it. Standard procedures or tools will not work. Young man’s thinking is simply different. In most of cases bribery will not work, neither will force. Young people are still too proud and ready to risk. Like was NRA in 1986. History is repeating itself.

Presidential elections in 2016 and removal of amendment 102b from constitution

In 2016 president Y.K Museveni was once again elected as president of Uganda for the term which should be his last due to constitution of Uganda from 1995 where was specifically mentioned top age limit for presidential candidate as 75 years.

Election in 2016 itself were not clear. There is big suspect of ridging, election were as it is usual in Uganda witnessing violence, arrest of opposition candidate or supporters, intimidation and unclear practices of counting votes.

However actual result is that dr. Besigye was defeated but new star started to shine from very unexpected background. This new born politician is Robert Kyagulaniy Sentamu alias Bobi Wine. Those days just 35 year old musician who became politic was at his beginning not even taken seriously – but it changed when he beaten with huge gap NRM candidate in elections to the parliament and became new member of the parliament of Uganda.

Robert Kyagulaniy can’t be more different from president Museveni by one hand and more similar to him by other hand.

What those men have the same?

– ability to mobilize masses

– very smart mind and ability to analyze, name the problem

– entertaining talent (sense of humor or singing)

– passion for their goals.

What is different?

– background – completely different

– military background and non military background

President’s decision to keep power for a life time made further damage to Ugandans trust in politic – arrogant ignorance of their voice, brutality with they were always facing on any protests which was slowly growing each further demonstration and also incident in parliament during debate about presidential age limit removal when many opposition MPs were brutalized by SFC on the ground of the parliament further decreased level of decency in Ugandan politic. From this day it was clear that not even members of parliament are immune against security forces, which are fully in government control. As expected amendment was passed but it was bitter victory – victory for one man, and further lost for many.

2018 IGP change, OTT, People Power movement, Arua incident

Year 2018 is full of political actions in Uganda. When beginning of the hear started with hangover after passed constitutional change which took away any hope from Ugandans for a peaceful power transition from president Museveni in 2021 as they due to previous elections don’t trust that election can lead Museveni to step down (and to be honest, I don’t believe it either). Big incident was replacement of GIGP Kale Kayihura in position by Martin Ochola. It brought hope that police will be cleaned from criminals, and will become more friendly institution for Ugandans.

I believe it partially happened. In further demonstrations police didn’t use mortal force against citizens – this I must credit highly. There still were and are incidents of using too much of force, beating, or unnecessary usage of tear gas even against peaceful protesters, but people were not killed. If this was only change, I consider it big change.

In July started to work law about OTT and mobile money tax. I personally consider it one of worst tax laws in the world. It is non systematic, it is discriminatory tax and it is unfair tax. It is also against any common sense of taxation.

I will keep on this topic for a short time. Why I consider it as bad law? Because of results. Positive result is income into country budget. But that’s all – now let start with negative ones:

People are massively opposing the tax. It is important to bring money into the country budget but political price can be too high. When support for government is already decreasing there is not good idea to make (especially young) people more angry

Most poor citizens are most affected by both – either by mobile money taxation either by OTT tax (for readers from outside Uganda OTT means Over the top – tax is paid on daily base and it is tax for using social media on mobile devices. Yes it is not a joke – seriously – Ugandans have to pay tax for using their Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype and other social media. Tax is fixed and it is 200UGX per day (approx. 0.04£ ) It seems to be small money but if person makes 300,000 UGX per month then paying 6,000 for using social media can be felt in the budget.) 

Most affected are unemployed people which often used WhatsApp groups or Facebook to seek for job opportunities, students which use it for discussing different topics with other students.

Tax can possibly increase petty crime or hooliganism because while even poor person could before tax was invented sit at home and chat on Facebook now can certain amount of people perform different more harmful activities.

Some people use social media for small business – their income is also affected. If their business uses mobile money transaction they pay second tax from it.

Mobile money tax slows down economy and many people will try to avoid mobile money services. First tax was 1% and often was paid twice (by sender and by recipient)

OTT is paid by mobile money – which are also taxed – person pays tax 1% when paying tax for OTT which increases OTT tax by another 1%

I started with OTT because it was ignition for establishing People Power movement where hon. Robert Kyagulaniy (Bobi Wine) became unofficial leader. Slogan People power started to be viral after demonstration against OTT in Kampala which was once again forcefully stopped by tear gas even thou it was reported to institutions and police on time. But slogan People Power became famous mostly after incident in Arua.

New shinning star of Bobi Wine’s carrier and his big support between young Ugandans helped to different opposition parties during few recent by-elections. But last time it was different. By-election in Arua – nort-western part of Uganda supposed to find replacement for recently brutally murdered MP Abiriga. Many leaders and politicians were supporting their favorite candidates, including dr. Besigye, Robert Kyagulanyi (Bobi Wine) and also president of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Incident happened at the last day of rallies when group of youth people allegedly attacked presidents convoy with stones. Bobi Wine’s driver Yassin Kawuma was found shoot dead likely by SFC which shortly after incident invaded the hotel where opposition politicians were hosted. 35 opposition politicians and supporters were arrested, beaten and there is suspected torture to some of them.

Conditions of many is not good until today and between brutalized Bobi Wine got biggest attention by Ugandans and also by international media. Ugandans were strictly demanding release of all arrested suspects and slogan People Power filled media and social media, I believe partially because of very bad management and very suspicious evidence, and whole process. Bobi Wine was at the first charged with unlawful guns possession when guns “were found” in his hotel room. However hotel stuff declined that any guns were handled to the hotel. State later dropped charges and put new charge of treason, together with other suspects. They were lately bailed and after some playing around allowed to go for treatment over sea from injuries which appeared itself on their bodies as state claims that they were not tortured.

Bobi Wine managed to obtain attention around the world during his presence in United states. Ugandan government claimed to punish all Ugandans who supported him oversea after they return to Uganda.

Most recently High court with suspect was postponed.

Where we are now and what to do.

This last part will be once again just my personal analyze and view about current status. And I will also mention few humble advises either to opposition either to government how to stabilize situation or my personal feelings what I believe could work. But in one point I am already convinced that it will not be accepted even thou I believe that it is very important point.

After disaster in Arua (I believe for all sides it was disaster) president Museveni made many speeches – much more then he usually does – and some of them were really good – they were true presidential speeches where in some sauce of history were addressed real issues and also (this I heard for the first time from him) reasons why those issues happened and plan for their solution. Also many business deals were made with China, with India and new plants were open. If deals were good will show the history but I believe they were made with good will and it must be credited.

Once I mentioned on Facebook that arrogance is what is killing NRM and one my friend asked me for examples. It was not difficult to find some but I kept thinking about this topic further – what brings the arrogance at first place. And it took me back to the point with which I started at the beginning. Generations. Issue is gap between age of government and leaders and age of average Ugandan. I know from own experience that as we become older we lost part of connection and understanding with young generation. It is normal and it happens all over the world.

Technology and internet indirectly affected natural hierarchy – where elder member of family was usually most wise one – had long experience, knowledge achieved by decades of life. But this has changed because of quickly changing technology. With use of internet, it is much more easy to obtain information and young generation is simply better in using technology. 15yo boy will be 10 times faster in searching for information than his 60yo grandfather. It is good thing, but also bad because it destroys natural hierarchy – with easy access to world wide knowledge is knowledge obtained with age simply devalued. And this possibility also makes young generation more proud and less respectful.

By other hand older generation tries to keep its natural “supremacy” in knowledge and indeed not every knowledge or skill can be obtained from internet.

I thing this problem – growing with the time – is major reason for many problems which is Uganda (but not only) facing today. Leaders have vision which is often based on their knowledge from past not fully considering how fast world is changing. It creates this sort of arrogance “I know better than you and don’t need to explain”. As each person is different and certain people are arrogant by nature there are also claims like “Pay tax, or die”. It is wrong attitude. Very wrong and very damaging. Because as youth I would think “OK if you will not talk to me, then I will keep my oppinion and go against you” and by numbers youths will win.

What I believe would help to government to get back support and trust:

1. Communicate. Communication is clue – be more open to other’s opinion. They might be wrong and you might be right but it is always good to hear what other person thinks and understand why. Communicate more with people before making decision affecting their lives because even small error affects too many lives and of course changes political view of people.

2. Be more humble. Be able to say “I did wrong” – it doesn’t make one weaker but more trustworthy. When I say something and I am proven to be wrong – then I say “I am sorry I was wrong” – will it make me weaker? Is it better to be either silent or say “No I was right and you are stupid”? What produces possibility to avoid problem next time and what produces just injustice and anger? Don’t insult people who scream out their pain – even if it is invalid claim. Of course government can employ all citizens and if they cry about it they are partially wrong because primary responsibility is on them – but when president calls himself grandfather and young citizens grand sons – then government becomes parent and parent must deal with even wrong requests of his kids – of course he can beat them – or he can explain to them what they do wrong or explain that he can’t do more. “pay or die” is not right in any mean.

3. Don’t dwell in past. It is over. Bush war was success and will be remembered but it is over now. It is not good to keep same practices and sort citizens to friends and enemies – they are not enemies not even opposition is enemy. They are Ugandans and have same rights and interest as you and your kids. To develop. To be listened to. To be considered. To participate. Claim that sleeping NRM MP is better than hardworking opposition MP is wrong. Hard working MP, even opposition can bring ideas, can find solution for certain problem, while sleeping one will just pass whatever without using brain and if there is for example mistake in law he will not spot it.

4. Involve opposition directly – give opposition responsibility, functions (minister responsibility) – they will find out that it is easier to oppose than to do something.

5. Avoid use of violence, force, unlawful practices. Don’t protect perpetrators of those even if they were very loyal. You save one but hurt many – and it will come back from other side. People can forgive but can’t forget. And forgiveness is always depending on regret. Where is no regret there is hard to forgive. One dead citizen will produce 50 – 100 mortal enemies to the regime. Avoid to produce them. Tortured citizen will produce even more enemies because many people see death as more acceptable than torture. Avoid beating those who are not threat. Never beat person who just stays aside. It never brings anything good – just more of radicalization.

6. (and this point will be dismissed immediately I am sure..) President should finish his term and during time prepare possible new leader which will be offered to nation to continue NRM program after next presidential election. Not because he is performing bad – but because people must be able to compare to see that he is not performing bad. Even if president did 100 good things and 1 wrong – people will never appreciate it UNLESS they can compare with performance of other president. Older Ugandans remember Obote or Amin – young ones Born and live whole lives just with Museveni. This is why people protest, young people protest. And it will be worse because new youths are growing to age of adults each year while those who remember past are slowly leaving the world.

7. Listen to people outcry – remove OTT and mobile money tax and claim directly that it is because of listening to people. Be people government and also be ready for compromise 

What I believe should opposition do

1. Unite and plan. Not address just issue but also offer solution. I often hear shouts like “remove Museveni” – but I never got answer when I asked “OK – imagine that he is gone, so what now?” Now people are angry and emotional – they want change. But one day they will need plan – please have it.

2. Don’t repeat government’s mistakes. Don’t use same tools against which you are fighting. Don’t consider enemy everyone who disagree with you. Where is difference then if you don’t allow people oppose you? It invalidates all your requests if you want to continue with same practices, just want to be the one who is in charge. It might be your interest but not interest of Ugandans.

3. Don’t do to government what you don’t want citizens to do to you if you will be in charge. If something is achieved and it is good for the country, don’t try to mock it or paint black – because it makes you just moaners and people are capable to make own opinion and validate facts.

4. Don’t create fake bad news!!! Spreading rumor might help for very short time but in long term you lost trust.

5. Don’t support radicalization – in wars no one is real winner because price paid is too high – radicalization leads to bloodshed, pain and tears – communication is clue.

6. When communication is offered – always accept and be ready for compromise – try to negotiate – better is to make acceptable deal than  no deal – don’t expect perfect deal.

7. Priority for Uganda is Uganda. Not removing Museveni – it might be important but not first important thing. Try to communicate more and fight less – if there is good law which you want passed – there is no matter if signature on this law belongs to Museveni or to someone else.

At very end I wish Uganda with small delay happy Independence day – Uganda is great place to live and quality of life depends on Ugandans. On their leaders but also on themselves. Each person affects lives of others – not only government – kindness to your own neighbor changes his life. Your country is God’s wonder where everything is beautiful. Nature, people, resources. Use it wisely for your well being. God bless you my beloved Ugandans.


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