Fellow Countrymen, Countrywomen and Fellow Global Human Rights and Political Activists, it did arise that, i was Arrested and detained in the previous days and then released on Bond, the same day my Father died in the Hospital, on Monday 27 August 2018, being Charged of already Cooked Up Charges and i don't mind of that because this current Uganda under military dictatorship reign of Mr Museveni, is known for such gross Human Rights violations of those, whom, he thinks, might be causing uncertainty to his forcefully imposed rulership in state house. In the Fracus that ensued towards the arrest, i lost shillings 200000 and i still have no idea, if the money fell down from the pocket of my Shirt or it was Hand-picked. At the due course of being rounded up by 14 Soldiers, 4 Police officers (17 were Men and One Woman), some of the Soldiers kept saying that, We will shoot you people! That, Bobi Wine Boi Wine, who is Bobi Wine, they Continued saying this while nor Smartphone was allowed ...
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