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MR MUSEVENI SHOOTS HIMSELF ON THE LEG, BY TAXING INTERNET USERS IN UGANDA HOPING TO RAISE EXTRA MONEY, INSTEAD UGANDANS EVADE IT VIA VPN. Dear Ugandans and the World at large, i am obliged to write this after a critical analysis. The World knows what is currently trending in Uganda. 1.The Over the top tax OTT (Social Media Tax) which is 0.5$ per day and 2$ per month on each Social Media users there in Uganda. 2.Mobile Money Tax 1%. 3.Insecurity matters, Kidnaps, Murders...!. 4.The death of Justice Temple in Uganda. 5.And so on etc etc etc. Perhaps for now, i will only discuss with you about the 1.Social Media Tax and, 2.Mobile Money Tax. I may be misunderstood by others, as a Critique of Government, to which is somehow a bold truth but just take me the way you Judge me, as long as i am who i am and someone's hateful opinion of me will not put food on my dinning table and will never do anything to. Hate me or Love me, i don't care! BURN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin Luther King Once said, Our Lives begin to end the day we keep quite on issues that matter. 1.Social Media Tax Levied on each Internet users in Uganda is $2 per month. First forward, let's have a deep look into what was pressurizing the OTT tax. Dictator museveni 32 year old military reign being aware of the fact that, majority of the Ugandans hate his Government not because of him but because of the way he mercilessly keeps on ruling Uganda over grudges while he continues to change goal posts in a manner to fit his stale goal scoring. Not only Ugandans are tired, Foreign countries are too irritated of the disservice been done in Uganda by Mr Museveni administration. An institution or a Country which is infiltrated by Cronies and Radical Extremists will obstruct #Freedom_Of_Speech, #Media_Freedom and #Freedom_After_Speech! And Uganda leads as an exemplary in Curtailing Freedom of Speech, Media Freedom and Freedom After Speech. The Medias (TVs, Newspapers and Radio stations) in Uganda are all gaged. They are given orders on which articles to publish / broadcast and which ones not to share about Government. When a media, broadcasts or publishes an article that seems to expose the Weaknesses and Loopholes in Government, the next day, expect the Editors to be summoned or the whole media company summoned. #Red_Pepper_Ug bares my foot on this. This is a vast Infringement on the Medias operating in Uganda. All these been to the "Know" of the World, Various individuals, Human Rights Activists, Political Activists, Various NGO's and many more other groups of people have opted to use the Internet as the Platform to Air out their grievances, the injustices in Uganda, the Nepotism, the unemployments, the murder scandals, the corruption scandals in Uganda, the Kidnaps, the harshty economy, the oppressed and so on. Since Internet providers Guarantee full Freedom of Speech, Safety / Privacy Protection online and Freedom After Speech, this has risen as a threat to Mr Museveni undemocratic administration and mismanagement of Uganda. As a fact, which the NRM Junta propagandists and supporters breath to deny, majority of Ugandans on Internet are Opposition. The Social Media in Uganda is awash with Audios, Articles and Video posts against the Government of Uganda. In spite of all these harboring sleepless nights for Museveni, he wrongly made a decision to tax all Ugandan Internet users, which, in my fact-checker, was aimed at only blackmailing and blocking Human Rights and Opposition Activists who were much exposing him and his defunct Government system. While before Parliament on March 2018, Mr Museveni said, There should be a small tax added on Internet users in Uganda, because, the Opposition Activists use the Internet to Spread / Tell Lies against the Government and to Incite violence and to threaten the Government. After him uttering those unprofessional babbles, he later on wrote to Finance minister #Matia_Kasaija, to implement the remarks he made before Parliament. On June 2018, the matter was tabled for Consideration and to be debated before Parliament. Among the topics submitted on the order paper, to be debated before the Parliament were, #OTT tax and #MM tax. Here is why i usually call the Uganda Parliament a mere #Rubber_Stamp and will not be used to bring new Government in Uganda. During the plenary proceedings about these two controversial motions tabled to be debated, out of the over 50 Opposition MPs in the tenth Parliament of Uganda, only less than 10 opposition MPs rose up to defend the big chunk of Poor Ugandans, by opposing the proposed bills that seek to humiliate Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Information and the majority poor population of Ugandans who use Mobile Money. According to the Record from #Hansard, which i secured, Some of the Opposition MPs were siding to support this destructive bill, especially, the #Aruu_County member of Parliament #Odonga_Otto who affirmed support for Museveni, during the plenary sessions, that, "Research which has been done by a university student, shows that, people use Whatsapp only during Working days and in many cases, during Working hours. You walk to every office, one after another and the staff are even stealing office hours to enjoy private chats on Whatsapp. I did economics at the university, mind you, (Laughter), Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook are ostentatious commodities. They are almost like perfume. The ordinary man in the village cab do without it. (Applause). We are looking for a certain category of people who do not mind about the she 200. Personally, i do not mind because i need Whatsapp. It is a Tax, which is targeting the elites - those who are ostentatious. It doesn't affect the ordinary man in the village. That is the information i wanted to give. (Applause)" - ODONGA OTTO. At last, the bill was successfully passed!, Which effected on Sunday 1 July 2018. The whole country was shutdown from browsing Internet while high taxes on other things were effected too, with the Mobile Money transaction being the most hiked up. The Government's ambition of streamlining criticism was bashed when Ugandans resorted to using Virtual Private Network (VPN) to evade the new tax levied on Social Media. However, Ugandans aren't only using the VPNs to evade the tax but in protest of the OTT tax. Then Coming to this extravagantly new tax imposed on Mobile Money, the bank of the poor. As obviously denied bitter truth, 80% of Ugandans are poor! The poor may not afford a Bank, which has so many complex conditions threatening them, with an intent in mind about the little money they may posses. People are not denying to pay tax, As some of the MPs ought to portray of them. They have been paying taxes since the existence of "UGANDA REVENUE AUTHORITY" in 1997. It is an obligation of everyone in any country but shouldn't be an ambiguity. For an instance, 1. #PAYE tax, which deducts 10% of the salary of Citizens earning below 400000/- and deducts over 30% of those who earn over 410000/- salary. 2. #VAT tax, this one has no escape root for anyone. Uganda is gifted by nature but only cursed by greed. Leave aside, Donor fundings, Uganda has the capability to fund most of its projects! But unfortunately, Uganda Government has so far so many thieves and most of these people stealing money are Relatives, Close associates, Friends and In-laws of Mr Museveni and close friends and relatives of his Family. Uganda Government has untouchable thieves, just like a report on June 2018 by #IGG has stated. These people looting tax payer's money are under the shield protection of Mr Museveni. Frankly speaking, this new tax levied on Mobile Money is targeting the poor people hence they are the majority of the subscribers and users of Mobile Money service. Mobile Money service was invented in 2009, by the South African based leading Telecom Company MTN. The service has been all along growing huge subscribers with currently about 10 million valid users and with a transaction record of over $50000 daily. Mobile Money service confines its subscriber to Send, Save and Withdraw money at anytime with convenience. Implying there is a force behind, the whole World watched on the TV, One of the MPs boasting to the most high God, about the New Taxes. The Member Parliament for #Bunyole_West, Honorable #James_Waluswaka is on record for saying "If you don't want to pay Tax, you just die". One wonders, What magic is behind such arrogance exhibited on TV? One has to ask, "Aren't some of our leaders Vampires"?. This brings a question in mind, Who are our representatives there in Parliament. It isn't about NRM MPs are many and Opposition MPs are few. It is not about the numbers. No change of Government nor standard of living will never be archived through Parliament, as long as Mr Museveni is still forcefully imposing himself on to Ugandans. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN  BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

Dear Ugandans and the World at large, i am obliged to write this after a critical analysis.

The World knows what is currently trending in Uganda.

1.The Over the top tax OTT (Social Media Tax) which is 0.5$ per day and 2$ per month on each Social Media users there in Uganda.

2.Mobile Money Tax 1%.

3.Insecurity matters, Kidnaps, Murders...!.

4.The death of Justice Temple in Uganda.

5.And so on etc etc etc.

Perhaps for now, i will only discuss with you about the 1.Social Media Tax and, 2.Mobile Money Tax.

I may be misunderstood by others, as a Critique of Government, to which is somehow a bold truth but just take me the way you Judge me, as long as i am who i am and someone's hateful opinion of me will not put food on my dinning table and will never do anything to.

Hate me or Love me, i don't care!



Martin Luther King Once said, Our Lives begin to end the day we keep quite on issues that matter.

1.Social Media Tax Levied on each Internet users in Uganda is $2 per month.

First forward, let's have a deep look into what was pressurizing the OTT tax.

Dictator museveni 32 year old military reign being aware of the fact that, majority of the Ugandans hate his Government not because of him but because of the way he mercilessly keeps on ruling Uganda over grudges while he continues to change goal posts in a manner to fit his stale goal scoring.

Not only Ugandans are tired, Foreign countries are too irritated of the disservice been done in Uganda by Mr Museveni administration.

An institution or a Country which is infiltrated by Cronies and Radical Extremists will obstruct #Freedom_Of_Speech, #Media_Freedom and #Freedom_After_Speech! And Uganda leads as an exemplary in Curtailing Freedom of Speech, Media Freedom and Freedom After Speech.

The Medias (TVs, Newspapers and Radio stations) in Uganda are all gaged. They are given orders on which articles to publish / broadcast and which ones not to share about Government.

When a media, broadcasts or publishes an article that seems to expose the Weaknesses and Loopholes in Government, the next day, expect the Editors to be summoned or the whole media company summoned.

#Red_Pepper_Ug bares my foot on this.

This is a vast Infringement on the Medias operating in Uganda.

All these been to the "Know" of the World, Various individuals, Human Rights Activists, Political Activists, Various NGO's and many more other groups of people have opted to use the Internet as the Platform to Air out their grievances, the injustices in Uganda, the Nepotism, the unemployments, the murder scandals, the corruption scandals in Uganda, the Kidnaps, the harshty economy, the oppressed and so on.

Since Internet providers Guarantee full Freedom of Speech, Safety / Privacy Protection online and Freedom After Speech, this has risen as a threat to Mr Museveni undemocratic administration and mismanagement of Uganda.

As a fact, which the NRM Junta propagandists and supporters breath to deny, majority of Ugandans on Internet are Opposition.

The Social Media in Uganda is awash with Audios, Articles and Video posts against the Government of Uganda.

In spite of all these harboring sleepless nights for Museveni, he wrongly made a decision to tax all Ugandan Internet users, which, in my fact-checker, was aimed at only blackmailing and blocking Human Rights and Opposition Activists who were much exposing him and his defunct Government system.

While before Parliament on March 2018, Mr Museveni said, There should be a small tax added on Internet users in Uganda, because, the Opposition Activists use the Internet to Spread / Tell Lies against the Government and to Incite violence and to threaten the Government.

After him uttering those unprofessional babbles, he later on wrote to Finance minister #Matia_Kasaija, to implement the remarks he made before Parliament.

On June 2018, the matter was tabled for Consideration and to be debated before Parliament.

Among the topics submitted on the order paper, to be debated before the Parliament were, #OTT tax and #MM tax.

Here is why i usually call the Uganda Parliament a mere #Rubber_Stamp and will not be used to bring new Government in Uganda.

During the plenary proceedings about these two controversial motions tabled to be debated, out of the over 50 Opposition MPs in the tenth Parliament of Uganda, only less than 10 opposition MPs rose up to defend the big chunk of Poor Ugandans, by opposing the proposed bills that seek to humiliate Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Information and the majority poor population of Ugandans who use Mobile Money.

According to the Record from #Hansard, which i secured, Some of the Opposition MPs were siding to support this destructive bill, especially, the #Aruu_County member of Parliament #Odonga_Otto who affirmed support for Museveni, during the plenary sessions, that, "Research which has been done by a university student, shows that, people use Whatsapp only during Working days and in many cases, during Working hours. You walk to every office, one after another and the staff are even stealing office hours to enjoy private chats on Whatsapp. I did economics at the university, mind you, (Laughter), Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook are ostentatious commodities. They are almost like perfume. The ordinary man in the village cab do without it. (Applause). We are looking for a certain category of people who do not mind about the she 200. Personally, i do not mind because i need Whatsapp. It is a Tax, which is targeting the elites - those who are ostentatious. It doesn't affect the ordinary man in the village. That is the information i wanted to give. (Applause)" - ODONGA OTTO.

At last, the bill was successfully passed!, Which effected on Sunday 1 July 2018.

The whole country was shutdown from browsing Internet while high taxes on other things were effected too, with the Mobile Money transaction being the most hiked up.

The Government's ambition of streamlining criticism was bashed when

Ugandans resorted to using Virtual Private Network (VPN) to evade the new tax levied on Social Media.

However, Ugandans aren't only using the VPNs to evade the tax but in protest of the OTT tax.

Then Coming to this extravagantly new tax imposed on Mobile Money, the bank of the poor.

As obviously denied bitter truth, 80% of Ugandans are poor!

The poor may not afford a Bank, which has so many complex conditions threatening them, with an intent in mind about the little money they may posses.

People are not denying to pay tax,

As some of the MPs ought to portray of them.

They have been paying taxes since the existence of "UGANDA REVENUE AUTHORITY" in 1997. It is an obligation of everyone in any country but shouldn't be an ambiguity.

For an instance, 1. #PAYE tax, which deducts 10% of the salary of Citizens earning below 400000/- and deducts over 30% of those who earn over 410000/- salary.

2. #VAT tax, this one has no escape root for anyone.

Uganda is gifted by nature but only cursed by greed.

Leave aside, Donor fundings, Uganda has the capability to fund most of its projects! But unfortunately, Uganda Government has so far so many thieves and most of these people stealing money are Relatives, Close associates, Friends and In-laws of Mr Museveni and close friends and relatives of his Family.

Uganda Government has untouchable thieves, just like a report on June 2018 by #IGG has stated.

These people looting tax payer's money are under the shield protection of Mr Museveni.

Frankly speaking, this new tax levied on Mobile Money is targeting the poor people hence they are the majority of the subscribers and users of Mobile Money service.

Mobile Money service was invented in 2009, by the South African based leading Telecom Company MTN.

The service has been all along growing huge subscribers with currently about 10 million valid users and with a transaction record of over $50000 daily.

Mobile Money service confines its subscriber to Send, Save and Withdraw money at anytime with convenience.

Implying there is a force behind, the whole World watched on the TV, One of the MPs boasting to the most high God, about the New Taxes.

The Member Parliament for #Bunyole_West, Honorable #James_Waluswaka is on record for saying "If you don't want to pay Tax, you just die".

One wonders, What magic is behind such arrogance exhibited on TV?

One has to ask, "Aren't some of our leaders Vampires"?.

This brings a question in mind, Who are our representatives there in Parliament.

It isn't about NRM MPs are many and Opposition MPs are few.

It is not about the numbers.

No change of Government nor standard of living will never be archived through Parliament, as long as Mr Museveni is still forcefully imposing himself on to Ugandans.



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