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THE 4 ARMS OF GOVERNMENT IN UGANDA (1.EXECUTIVE, 2.LEGISLATURE, 3.JUDICIARY AND 4.THE MEDIA)  ARE SUPREMO TO MR YOWERI MUSEVENI. THEY ARE NOT INDEPENDENT OF EACH OTHER. Documenting for the World. Hallo everyone, i am intrigued to pen this piece of phrase for everyone (especially Ugandans), at a moment the World and Ugandans are eagerly waiting for the judgement about the #Age_Limit petition being argued out at MBALE High Court. I thank everyone for such hollow and water holding expectancy. This month, we all saw the Chief Judge Justice #Alfonso_Owini_Dolo, screaming and requesting people to pray for him ahead of passing the Age Limit petition amidst vast public expectancy for fair Judgement in the Trial. The judicial system, for expecting Justice in Uganda died long ago in early 2000's. If i may not be wronged to affirm for you what Mr Museveni said few years ago, "During 1980's, We even had Courts but we opted for terrorism and Gorilla war because we knew the Courts were not going to serve us Justice! Thus, not transparent" - Mr Museveni is quoted saying this. Perhaps, if he can bubble to accent in public, what ever else trust do Ugandans have in the current Judiciary of Uganda, whose supremo is Museveni?. This is a small hint yet. To look into deeper, Mr Museveni has been undermining and rebuking  "The 1995 Constitution (Mother Law of Uganda)", Calling it a "Mere Paper". Operating under the Judiciary of Mr Museveni is of no difference. Any Law suit or Court petition against Mr Museveni or Against anyone who is a darling to M7, is a nightmare except his political opponents (enemies - he terms them). You all saw, 2001 Election petition against Museveni, being dismissed! The same thing happened in 2005 Election Petition and repeated in 2011 Election Petition. Later in 2005, Dr Besigye was arrested on already trumped up charges of "Defilement, sex assault, blah blah blah and all those hypothesis directives under dictator museveni reign. What some people may call, "State conspiracy", masked Gun wielding thugs surfaced at Court chambers, where Dr Kizza Besigye's trial was proceeding and they whisked him away to unknown destination. The reign of darkness. I am out of words! What, a rape of Justice Temple!. Around 2015, the people who had fallen out with Museveni, were seen publicly confessing, to have participated in rigging the previous presidential elections in interest and favor of dictator museveni. The General elections in Uganda were last conducted on February 2016. As the obvious, a hand-picked and bias electoral commission Mr Kiggundu declared Museveni as the winner, Dr Besigye in the second position, Mbabazi in the third position and the results went until the Seventh. Law mandates aggrieved Candidates or Parties to challenge General election results in court, within a period of "60" days. A chemical ally Mr Kayihura went nuts! Freedom of Besigye was curtailed, he was put under an illegal house arrest for more than 2 months. The constitutional mandate duration for aggrieved Candidates to file an election petition elapsed when Dr Kizza Besigye was still being manhandled by, the then, Inspector general of police Gen Kale Kayihura. Former Uganda prime minister Mr Amama Mbabazi, who was also one the Presidential Contenders in 2016 General elections, succeeded in filing an Election Petition challenging the victory of Mr Museveni as the President for Uganda. The World saw petitioner Amama #Mbabazi's Lawyers undressing the rot in Ugandan Judiciary. The 3 respondents in the petition; Mr Museveni, Attorney general and Electoral commission were all stammering to brutforce. World saw Lying Liars being exposed. Though the facts were extreme, bias Judiciary went ahead to dismiss the Election Petition and later on tasked Government to review some of the Electoral Laws that basically favor ruling party in Government (NRM government), the same orders which were sought in previous Presidential election petitions of 2001, 2005 & 2011. The current Uganda Judiciary system under dictator museveni reign is been intimidated and threatened. What a Kangaroo court! The sawa truth in Uganda is, Mr Museveni is Law and Law is Museveni. A procession which was exited of the physical presence of Dr Besigye, was brutally tortured and one FDC supporter was deliberately ran over by Police vehicle!. Despite the viral video footage of this barbaric act, Uganda Police force denied their vehicle being responsible in knocking down and beating other Opposition Supporters. Collective Law firms including #Lukwago.Co.Advocates sued the then IGP Kale Kayihura among other fellow police officers, to answer for their inhuman acts and brutality. Not surprising, Mr Kayihura mocked Opposition, Human Rights Activists, Judiciary and all other people who were against Kayihura / Police brutality, by not showing up in court. Instead, True generosity of suppressing JUSTICE, pinned when a group of some bribed youth (Including the Boda Boda  2010 crew + their Leader #Abdu_Kittata) emerged at Makindy magistrate Court to thwart the reading of Charges and Prosecution of Police officers together with Kale Kayihura. These gangs were demonstrating against the Summoning of Police officers and their boss Kayihura. Prosecution Lawyers survived with minor injuries and others took off for safety, in trial chambers of the magistrate while the thugs kept pelting stones and invaded into the trial chambers. To the Contrary, Government forces / Ministers were seen awash on Televisions and Papers, defending and later on applauding Uganda Police fraternity and Kayihura for the torture meted upon innocent civilians. #Jeje_Odongo and #Obiga_Kania etc etc said, Police CHIEF Mr Kayihura was just performing his constitutional mandate. Really, when did torturing innocent civilians, became a Law in Uganda and The World at large?. Insinuating a valid signal that, Any Law suit against Museveni or his NRM party or his supporters or his cadres will never succeed! Reason, He is the Law and the Law is him. He appoints Judges, He commands them how to pass judgements in court cases involving him, his party or his interests and he also commands the Judiciary on what charges to levy upon his Political opponents, his enemies and none cooperating individuals / people. On the Legislature (Parliament), Mr Museveni commands Parliament to fabricate Laws to his favor where necessary. Have a keen analysis of the #Penal_Code_Act and #Ant-Ponography_Act and the #Public_Order_Management_Act (POMA). The piffle POMA law streamlined Opposition and other Activists, from conducting any consultation or a meeting minus the consent of Police and the permission must be requested for, 4 days in advance! Which in most cases, has been denied for this targeted group (Activists / Opposition Politicians). Any group of people or persons who organise a rally, a consultation, a meeting or any event similar to Activism, will be thwarted and arrested by Police. Such gross human rights violations befuddled me. The Routine  in Uganda since 2000 UpTo date, is, what is called "THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL". Of course, Through Use of Arms and Terrorism, YOWERI KAGUTA seized power in 1986 and is still mercilessly ruling Uganda while he is wielding an iron in his hands (Ruling Ug with Iron hands). #REMEMBER; if the 4 Arms of the Government can be convinced to behove persecution, they can usually  also be convinced that JUSTICE never existed. I admit, in all my Life, to ever side and defend JUSTICE!. "JUSTICE" is the most high God in exile, from Uganda. My write up is for the Legislature, Executive, Media and Judiciary in Uganda: You can neglect and reject and ignore Justice, You can curse Justice, You can claim Justice never existed, You can join forces with sworn enemy to slander Justice, You can spit full on Justice and Hung Justice between Heaven and Earth to die!. But there is One thing you can never do. And that is to perish Justice. It can only be delayed but not denied. I here by request the various Human Rights and Political Activists and General Public to pierce a rescind of Public Order Management Act, Ant-Phonography Act and Penal Code Act. I am an Independent minded personality and all the views i write on are my views, and are not in anyway affiliated with the views; of any NGO,  Government, Any of my Foreign affiliates, Any Politician,  Anyone or Foreign Countries. All the opinions are mine, mine alone. AUTHOR proud LUGBARA Osuta Yusuf a Career Politician, Barrister, Student for Life and Talented in Internet.



Documenting for the World.

Hallo everyone, i am intrigued to pen this piece of phrase for everyone (especially Ugandans), at a moment the World and Ugandans are eagerly waiting for the judgement about the #Age_Limit petition being argued out at MBALE High Court.

I thank everyone for such hollow and water holding expectancy.

This month, we all saw the Chief Judge Justice #Alfonso_Owini_Dolo, screaming and requesting people to pray for him ahead of passing the Age Limit petition amidst vast public expectancy for fair Judgement in the Trial.

The judicial system, for expecting Justice in Uganda died long ago in early 2000's.

If i may not be wronged to affirm for you what Mr Museveni said few years ago, "During 1980's, We even had Courts but we opted for terrorism and Gorilla war because we knew the Courts were not going to serve us Justice! Thus, not transparent" - Mr Museveni is quoted saying this.

Perhaps, if he can bubble to accent in public, what ever else trust do Ugandans have in the current Judiciary of Uganda, whose supremo is Museveni?.

This is a small hint yet.

To look into deeper, Mr Museveni has been undermining and rebuking  "The 1995 Constitution (Mother Law of Uganda)", Calling it a "Mere Paper".

Operating under the Judiciary of Mr Museveni is of no difference.

Any Law suit or Court petition against Mr Museveni or Against anyone who is a darling to M7, is a nightmare except his political opponents (enemies - he terms them).

You all saw, 2001 Election petition against Museveni, being dismissed! The same thing happened in 2005 Election Petition and repeated in 2011 Election Petition.

Later in 2005, Dr Besigye was arrested on already trumped up charges of "Defilement, sex assault, blah blah blah and all those hypothesis directives under dictator museveni reign.

What some people may call, "State conspiracy", masked Gun wielding thugs surfaced at Court chambers, where Dr Kizza Besigye's trial was proceeding and they whisked him away to unknown destination.

The reign of darkness.

I am out of words! What, a rape of Justice Temple!.

Around 2015, the people who had fallen out with Museveni, were seen publicly confessing, to have participated in rigging the previous presidential elections in interest and favor of dictator museveni.

The General elections in Uganda were last conducted on February 2016. As the obvious, a hand-picked and bias electoral commission Mr Kiggundu declared Museveni as the winner, Dr Besigye in the second position, Mbabazi in the third position and the results went until the Seventh.

Law mandates aggrieved Candidates or Parties to challenge General election results in court, within a period of "60" days.

A chemical ally Mr Kayihura went nuts!

Freedom of Besigye was curtailed, he was put under an illegal house arrest for more than 2 months.

The constitutional mandate duration for aggrieved Candidates to file an election petition elapsed when Dr Kizza Besigye was still being manhandled by, the then, Inspector general of police Gen Kale Kayihura.

Former Uganda prime minister Mr Amama Mbabazi, who was also one the Presidential Contenders in 2016 General elections, succeeded in filing an Election Petition challenging the victory of Mr Museveni as the President for Uganda.

The World saw petitioner Amama #Mbabazi's Lawyers undressing the rot in Ugandan Judiciary.

The 3 respondents in the petition; Mr Museveni, Attorney general and Electoral commission were all stammering to brutforce.

World saw Lying Liars being exposed.

Though the facts were extreme, bias Judiciary went ahead to dismiss the Election Petition and later on tasked Government to review some of the Electoral Laws that basically favor ruling party in Government (NRM government), the same orders which were sought in previous Presidential election petitions of 2001, 2005 & 2011.

The current Uganda Judiciary system under dictator museveni reign is been intimidated and threatened.

What a Kangaroo court!

The sawa truth in Uganda is, Mr Museveni is Law and Law is Museveni.

A procession which was exited of the physical presence of Dr Besigye, was brutally tortured and one FDC supporter was deliberately ran over by Police vehicle!. Despite the viral video footage of this barbaric act, Uganda Police force denied their vehicle being responsible in knocking down and beating other Opposition Supporters.

Collective Law firms including #Lukwago.Co.Advocates sued the then IGP Kale Kayihura among other fellow police officers, to answer for their inhuman acts and brutality.

Not surprising, Mr Kayihura mocked Opposition, Human Rights Activists, Judiciary and all other people who were against Kayihura / Police brutality, by not showing up in court.

Instead, True generosity of suppressing JUSTICE, pinned when a group of some bribed youth (Including the Boda Boda  2010 crew + their Leader #Abdu_Kittata) emerged at Makindy magistrate Court to thwart the reading of Charges and Prosecution of Police officers together with Kale Kayihura.

These gangs were demonstrating against the Summoning of Police officers and their boss Kayihura.

Prosecution Lawyers survived with minor injuries and others took off for safety, in trial chambers of the magistrate while the thugs kept pelting stones and invaded into the trial chambers.

To the Contrary, Government forces / Ministers were seen awash on Televisions and Papers, defending and later on applauding Uganda Police fraternity and Kayihura for the torture meted upon innocent civilians.

#Jeje_Odongo and #Obiga_Kania etc etc said, Police CHIEF Mr Kayihura was just performing his constitutional mandate.

Really, when did torturing innocent civilians, became a Law in Uganda and The World at large?.

Insinuating a valid signal that, Any Law suit against Museveni or his NRM party or his supporters or his cadres will never succeed! Reason, He is the Law and the Law is him. He appoints Judges, He commands them how to pass judgements in court cases involving him, his party or his interests and he also commands the Judiciary on what charges to levy upon his Political opponents, his enemies and none cooperating individuals / people.

On the Legislature (Parliament), Mr Museveni commands Parliament to fabricate Laws to his favor where necessary.

Have a keen analysis of the #Penal_Code_Act and #Ant-Ponography_Act and the #Public_Order_Management_Act (POMA).

The piffle POMA law streamlined Opposition and other Activists, from conducting any consultation or a meeting minus the consent of Police and the permission must be requested for, 4 days in advance! Which in most cases, has been denied for this targeted group (Activists / Opposition Politicians).

Any group of people or persons who organise a rally, a consultation, a meeting or any event similar to Activism, will be thwarted and arrested by Police.

Such gross human rights violations befuddled me.

The Routine  in Uganda since 2000 UpTo date, is, what is called "THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL".

Of course, Through Use of Arms and Terrorism, YOWERI KAGUTA seized power in 1986 and is still mercilessly ruling Uganda while he is wielding an iron in his hands (Ruling Ug with Iron hands).

#REMEMBER; if the 4 Arms of the Government can be convinced to behove persecution, they can usually  also be convinced that JUSTICE never existed.

I admit, in all my Life, to ever side and defend JUSTICE!.

"JUSTICE" is the most high God in exile, from Uganda.

My write up is for the Legislature, Executive, Media and Judiciary in Uganda: You can neglect and reject and ignore Justice, You can curse Justice, You can claim Justice never existed, You can join forces with sworn enemy to slander Justice, You can spit full on Justice and Hung Justice between Heaven and Earth to die!. But there is One thing you can never do.

And that is to perish Justice. It can only be delayed but not denied.

I here by request the various Human Rights and Political Activists and General Public to pierce a rescind of Public Order Management Act, Ant-Phonography Act and Penal Code Act.

I am an Independent minded personality and all the views i write on are my views, and are not in anyway affiliated with the views; of any NGO,  Government, Any of my Foreign affiliates, Any Politician,  Anyone or Foreign Countries.

All the opinions are mine, mine alone.

AUTHOR proud LUGBARA Osuta Yusuf a Career Politician, Barrister, Student for Life and Talented in Internet.


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