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Bukedea District RDC Tukei Wilberforce and DPC Okoto Charles Arraigned in Court.

The State House Anti-corruption Unit in liaison with Police have today 17-7-2023 arraigned in Bukedea Magistrate Court the RDC Mr Tukei Wilberforce and DPC SP Charles Okoto on charges of neglect to prevent a felony. They have been remanded till 26/07/2023. Their woes stem from Bukedea district LC5 Chairperson by-election mess, including among others; torture and harassment of Candidates and Journalists during the process.

Patient Attendants in Tara Subjected to Peel Cassavas Before Discharge from the Health Centre.

📸: Some of the patient attendants peeling cassavas under a mango tree at Tara health centre III in Maracha District. Photo by Information is Power. Some patient attendants in Tara health centre III in Tara sub-county,  Maracha east constituency in Maracha district have decried what is termed as indirect mistreatment of health service seekers by the health service providers in that facility before they are finally discharged. Mrs Angudeyo Lillian who escorted a pregnant woman to deliver at the health facility said, some health workers are hostile towards patients and patient attendants. She narrated that, each and every care taker (patient attendant) who escorts patients, especially pregnant women to deliver at Tara health centre are first subjected to compulsory peeling of Cassavas before they are given birth cards and discharged from the facility. Teacher from Tara primary school Mrs Stella Asibazuyo narrated to us her nasty experience at Tara health centre III, which she

New SOHO Router Botnet AVrecon Spreads to 70,000 Devices Across 20 Countries.

By THN. A new malware strain has been found covertly targeting small office/home office (SOHO) routers for more than two years, infiltrating over 70,000 devices and creating a botnet with 40,000 nodes spanning 20 countries. Lumen Black Lotus Labs has dubbed the malware  AVrecon , making it the third such strain to focus on SOHO routers after  ZuoRAT  and  HiatusRAT  over the past year. "This makes AVrecon one of the largest SOHO router-targeting botnets ever seen," the company said. "The purpose of the campaign appears to be the creation of a covert network to quietly enable a range of criminal activities from password spraying to digital advertising fraud." A majority of the infections are located in the U.K. and the U.S., followed by Argentina, Nigeria, Brazil, Italy, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Russia, and South Africa, among others. AVrecon was  first highlighted  by Kaspersky senior security researcher Ye (Seth) Jin in May 2021, indicating that the malware has

New Staff House Commissioned for Health Workers in Ajia Sub-county.

📸: The new staff house at Ajia health centre III. Photo by Information is Power . Arua district leaders have commissioned a semi-detached house worth Shs 120 million built for staffs in Ajia health centre III, Ajia Sub-county. The project was funded under Health Capitation Grant (HCG) during 2022/2023 financial year. While pointing out at numerous challenges people in this area pass through to get health services, the LC V vice chairperson Hon Ayikobua Cosmas who doubles as the councilor for Ajia Sub-county, thanked Arua district council for prioritizing Ajia health centre amidst meager resources. The assistant chief administrative officer for Arua District Mr Jimmy Ali is optimistic that, the new staff house will improve on health service delivery in Ajia Sub-county. He thanked the contractor for executing the project perfectly despite that time been period of Covid-19, he didn't request district leaders for project extension period. Upon congratulating the contractor


By BarefootLawyers . Ndigga has not been sleeping well. His son does not have his feet and even his aunty who saw the baby in the hospital, says that the nose ‘does not belong to their clan’. The problem is, his wife told him that she was pregnant when he was working in Kasese. He never even thought about it because he visited home once in a while, but the rumours have been torturing him. He has been sleepwalking, waking up panicked because of this, and he has even been avoiding his home and his wife. This week, he decided enough was enough and he wants to go for a DNA test to confirm if all the rumours and doubts are just trying to break his family apart. On the news, he heard terrible news ‘mbu’ he cannot just go for DNA. Is this true, is he stuck with his doubts for now?   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? First, every child has a parent, and every child is entitled to know who their parent is. The law says that every person above 18 years has the right to start a family. Secondly,

Take Good Care of Your Children, Gomba West Constituency MP Robina Rwakoojo Advises People in WestNile Region.

By Golooba Richard. The Member of Parliament for Gomba West Hon Rwakoojo Robina  Gureme has urged parents in Madi Okollo and West Nile to take good care of their children. She was representing the Speaker of Parliament Rt Hon Annet Anita  Among at the thanksgivings and celebration of Hon Joanne Aniku Okia the woman MP of Madi Okollo.  " Parents do take good care of your children, talk to them to understand their challenges, help them with homework, involve yourself in activities at their school, create a good working relationship with the school administrators and always support the schools where your children do study from. I can assure you your children can perform better and become good and useful citizens, who will serve their communities and country better. We and colleagues also went to rural and remote schools, but our parents did their best within their means" she noted  Bishop Collins Andaku, of Madi and West Nile Diocese, strongly empathized the need to

Shs 199 Million Okavu Primary School Classroom Block Nears Completion.

📸: The 199 million shs classroom block. Photo by Information is Power . Arua District leaders led by LC V Chairperson Hon Alfred Okuonzi, RDC Mr Okiswa Geoffrey, DISO Mr Amaku Emmanuel, district engineering department together with DEC memebers who went to monitor construction of Okavu primary school classroom block worth 199 million shs have commended the contractor for work well done. 📸: Project overview. Photo by Information is Power . Logiri Sub-county LC3 Chairperson Hon John Bosco Odama upon narrating the over crowding Pupils at the primary school went through in tye past, urged the teachers and parents to work hard so that the school can produce first graders as an appreciation to the government for the good structure they have constructed. The secretary for production, marketing and natural resources Hon Alikuru Yerusa who doubles as the district female councilor representing Logiri sub-county said, no body should blame them as politicians but should r