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The Risks and Preventions of AI in Business: Safeguarding Against Potential Pitfalls.

By THN . Artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense potential for optimizing internal processes within businesses. However, it also comes with legitimate concerns regarding unauthorized use, including data loss risks and legal consequences. In this article, we will explore the risks associated with AI implementation and discuss measures to minimize damages. Additionally, we will examine regulatory initiatives by countries and ethical frameworks adopted by companies to regulate AI. Security risks  # AI phishing attacks # Cybercriminals can leverage AI in various ways to enhance their phishing attacks and increase their chances of success. Here are some ways AI can be exploited for phishing: -  Automated Phishing Campaigns:  AI-powered tools can automate the creation and dissemination of phishing emails on a large scale. These tools can generate convincing email content, craft personalized messages, and mimic the writing style of a specific individual, making phishing attempts appear mor

Maracha District Leaders and DRC Congo Officials Meet in Ariwara Over Border Insecurity, By Andrew Cohen Amvesi.

         DR CONGO.  Officials of Aru Territorial Administration in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have met with Maracha district leaders to find a lasting solution to pockets of insecurity cases along the border. The day-long meeting which among other key issues resolved to end cases of armed robbery along the border was held in DRC’s Ariwara town on Thursday. Obitre speaking during the DRC – Maracha meeting on Thursday. Photo by Andrew Cohen Amvesi The meeting followed the recent killing of a Ugandan citizen from Maracha district by armed robbers who were later suspected to have fled with the deceased’s motorcycle to DRC. The horrible incident forced Rtd. Capt. Yasin Buga Matata, the Maracha RDC and Col. Richard Mbambi Kingana Kitabakulu, the Aru Territorial Administrator to quickly convene the meeting to address the armed robbery concerns and other cases of insecurity along the border. During the meeting, Richard Opi Alizi, the Zaki District Sec


By BarefootLawyers. Masasi has been a driver for Mzee Kintu for a long time. About 2 years ago, Mzee Kintu became the MP for (Member of Parliament) for his district. One day while they were stuck in traffic jam, he ‘overheard’ Mzee Kintu talking to another MP about a suggestion they wanted to bring to parliament ‘mbu’ to make a law that every person should only have two children unless they can show if they have enough money to look after others. Masasi was worried because he currently has 13 children, and his new wife is pregnant with their 14th child, and he thinks Mzee Kintu wants to target people like him using the law. Can the government really tell him how many children he should be having?   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? By law, as long as you are an adult (above the age of 18 years), you are allowed to get married and have children. The law does not limit on the number of children any person should have. The only thing that can limit is health, age or money. The law howeve

Information is Power (iip) Introduces to You Azile Guest House in Vurra Sub-county.

📸: Azile Guest House. Photo by Information is Power . Today, we take this moment to introduce to you an affordable and low cost guest house called AZILE GUEST HOUSE, located in Ajono Yivu village, Eruba parish in Vurra Sub-county, Arua District. They have single rooms at 32,000 Shs and double rooms self-contained for as low as 55,000 Shs per night with tea. Call them on +256764622711   or +256743739930 for more information. #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power  #we_inform_the_uninformed


📸: LC1 Chairman Mr Obote Kassim speaks during the meeting. Photo by Information is Power . 📸: Certificate of Registration for Ambala Aringa Kingdom. Photo by Information is Power. The LC1 chairman for Migo cell, Mazanga ward in Kuru town council, Aringa central constituency - Yumbe District, Mr Obote Kassim has on Saturday 8-July-2023 stopped a meeting to dialogue and install the Chief of Ambala Aringa kingdom, citing bias and lack of quorum. The actions of the LC1 Chairman Mr Obote who was delegated by his colleague LC1 of Maza cell which hosted venue of the function, left everyone in the meeting including the interim Chief Nasur Acikule, the Chiefdom speaker Prince Adam Drigo Muhammad  and council of elders seeking for permission from him before expressing their dissatisfaction over his decision and grievances arising from the two scrambling parties ( Saidy Nasur Okuti   🆚️  Acikule Nasur ). Mr Kassim upon given the opportunity as LC1  to open the meeting


By BarefootLawyers. Katono is a very suspicious man about anyone who asks for personal details about him. When he was 19, the LC Chairman came with some people and took his details promising to deliver a bicycle to him. Instead, only the LC Chairman and his family received them. So, he swore to never give out any information again.  The last time there was a population census, he was approached by officials to get details about his family. They asked him about ‘how many children he has’, how many TVs he owns, and if he was making any money, etc. He refused to answer and told them this was a plot by the government to steal his ‘things’ and chased them from his home. Katono’s wife is now worried that he may have done something illegal. So, she wants to know, is it a crime to refuse to be counted? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? The law says the government has a legal duty to plan for the people in Uganda. The government does this by giving authority to a body known as ‘The Uganda Bure

Abandoned LCs in Maracha District Threaten to Resign and Sue EC, Uganda Government Over Unpaid Ex-gratia.

📸: Their Chairperson Hon Obeti presenting the resolution in a meeting held recently. Photo by Information is Power . The association of LC1, LC2 and Parish councilors in the 11 newly created administrative units have given Maracha District local government ultimatum period to respond about their unpaid ex-gratia or they will lay down their tools and sue government. Motino ward councilor Hon William Ezaga who doubles as the secretary for social services in Agaii Town council, disagreed with his affected colleague councilors, LC1 and LC2s, stating that, he doesn't think resignation is the solution for this impasse but rather they should continue to fight the war. Hon Ajidiru Yobuga Annet the deputy speaker for Oleba Town Council blamed LC V Chairperson Hon Obitre and Maracha District council over the mess because when they were passing budget, they didn't thought of the LCs & councilors in the newly created administrative units. She conferred with her colleagues