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Donald Trump Finally Joins TikTok, an App He Tried to Ban When He was Still President.

#iip_updates  Donald Trump joined TikTok, the app he tried to ban as president over national security concerns. His account, ‘@realdonaldtrump,’ gained over 2 million followers within 13 hours of its launch. Trump’s first TikTok video shows him at a UFC fight, with UFC CEO Dana White announcing his presence on the platform. This move comes after a New York jury convicted Trump on 34 charges of falsifying business records. With this TikTok launch, Trump’s campaign aims to engage a younger audience.


BY DR. WASAGALI SARAH KANAABI. --------------------------------------------------------------------   DR. /HAJJATI. WASAGALI SARAH KANAABI. CHAIRPERSON ELECTRICITY REGULATORY AUTHORITY UGANDA AND MEMBER OF IMMIGRATION CONTROL BOARD. Assalam alaikum warahmatulilah wabarakatuh. All praises and glory be to the Almighty God the Creator of Earth and Heavens.  ----------------------------------------------- The martyrs of the 6th June as it's guzzeted were respectfully from all the sides Muslims and also Christians because by then the kingship was still ruled under the cultural beliefs . I always ask myself why we are not united during this course and yet to my understanding the major cause of this was from Islamic acts of faith .  Take for example , At the time, circumcision was carried out using sharpened reeds. It was a long, slow painful surgical procedure that would sometimes last a whole day. Back then there was no anesthesia to dull the pain, as it is today. It is not surprising t

Profile: Who is Eng Tiyo William Taylor Odaa, the Arua District Engineer

Having risen through various positions of service delivery, Eng Tiyo William Taylor Odaa is the current Engineer for Arua District Local Government. 📸: Eng Tiyo William Taylor Odaa  ………………………………………………………………. PROFILE. 1.0: Personal Information: Name: Eng. TIYO William Taylor Odaa Date of birth: 1 st October, 1972 Religion: Christianity. Objective: To serve the world from the professional, social, spiritual, political perspectives. Physical address: Abira-Alur Cell, Ombaci Ward, Ayivu East Constituency, Arua City. Postal address: P. O. Box 806, Arua. Marital status: Married. No. of children: 5. Father’s name: Totia Charles from Ombaci Clan in the defunct Manibe Sub County. Mother’s name: Adresiru Holda Emily Bako from Aliba Clan in the defunct Aroi Sub County. Profession: Civil Engineer Professional Memberships: Engineers Registration Board of Uganda (ERB): ERB No. 902 Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE): No. PE/993 Charity Group: Rotarian – in the Rotary Club of Arua (A

Censure Motion Divides MPs, as Hon Alioni Odria of Aringa South Constituency is Accused of Running to Canada for 26 Days Holiday.

Lutamaguzi Ssemakula (Nakaseke South) has denied allegations of receiving the Shs25M that is said to have been given to each MP, not to append their signatures on the censure motion for the Parliamentary Commissioners, saying that his hesitancy lay with the mistrust he had towards Theodore Ssekikubo (Lwemiyaga County) who is leading the exercise, having earlier betrayed Ugandans in 2017, when he supported the removal of age limit for presidency. "I wasn’t going to sign, but I never trusted the people taking this petition. but after making several consultations, and yesterday, there has been a rumour that whoever hasn’t signed has been given Shs25M not to sign, that is why I am here. To confirm that I haven’t received the Shs25M. I never trusted you, you remember in the 10thParliament, we were here fighting Age limit and you and at the end of the day, you supported President Museveni, that is why I never trusted you,” said Lutamaguzi. Lutamaguzi also wondered why Yorke Alion (Aring

PAC Committee MPs Shocked as Auditor General’s December 2023 Report Reveals Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital Keeps Expired Drugs Together with the Unexpired Drugs.

MPs on Public Accounts Committee raised concern over the storing of both expired & active drugs in the same store at Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital, after the Auditor General, John Muwanga warned that the current practice possess a risk of cross contamination & dispensing of expired drugs to Ugandans, thus causing health hazards to the community. In the December 2023 report, it was revealed that although Entebbe Hospital had expired drugs, these weren't recorded & had not been separated from the rest of the drugs, contrary to Section 8.2 of the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), that provides that expired items or drugs should not be part of the stock, they should be removed and out in the designated and as a general rule, any item expiring in three month’s time is short dated. Namugga Gorreth, Vice Chairperson PAC called out the ugliness within Entebbe Hospital, wondering if the facility’s name should be changed to Entebbe Regional Poiso

Staunch FDC and NUP Party Members in Maracha District Defect to NRM Party.

Story by Osuta Yusuf . 📸: The Opposition Defectors take a photo with District officials and other NRM party Members. Maracha District . Strong Opposition political party members and coordinators in Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and National Unity Platform (NUP) Party have on Tuesday 28-5-2024 officially joined National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party in Maracha District. The five ardent Opposition members in Maracha District who crossed over to NRM party are; Maracha District FDC party Coordinator Mr Amvuku Peter Odwan from Paranga Sub-county, Mr Candia Felix (FDC party member) from Paranga Sub-county, Mr Alebu Timon (FDC party Member) from Nyadri Sub-county,  Mr Omuti Felix Taiso (NUP Member) from Tara Sub-county and Mr Andama Robert Balia (FDC Member) from Maracha town council. 📸: Amvuku Peter Odwan, Maracha District FDC Party Coordinator. Maracha District FDC Party Coordinator Mr Amvuku Peter Odwan who officially handed over all the FDC party registrers, Constitution a

2026 Race: Residents in Yumbe Want Hon Taban Yassin to Come Back as LC5 Chairman for the District.

📸: Hon Taban Yassin, Courtesy Photo. The residents in Yumbe District have spoken in one voice, requesting for the comeback of Hon Taban Yassin as the LC V Chairman for Yumbe District. Hon Taban Yassin in whose regime, the budget of Yumbe District rose from shs 21 billion in 2011 to Shs 110 billion in 2021, served as the LC V Chairman for the District for 10 years and lost to Hon Asiku Abdul Mutalib who defeated him in the NRM Party primary elections in 2020, and he decided not to run as an Independent candidate in the 2021 general elections. A boda boda rider in Yumbe District, Mr Ciriga Ahkbar says the previous regime under the leadership of Hon Taban Yassin worked perfectly and even welcomed refugees well. Mr Ciriga accused the current Yumbe District leadership of not working in the interests of the common people, which, he said, resulted into relocation of UNHCR Sub-office from Yumbe District to Arua City. Hon Taban Yassin worked well as the LC5 Chairman for Yumbe District and if