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Monday, February 6, 2017 #Education in #Uganda is for the privileged, school fees cripple families In Uganda, most families invest everything into the education of their children because most know that education is the only way you can invest truly.  Many families spend all their income on school fees. Many sell their land and cows to pay for the education of their kids to only watch them graduate and be sold into slavery. We are having a debate on the cost of education because the fees have become prohibitive for most parents.  The following information is for kids joining S1 (O'level first year which is equivalent to grade 8 in Canada). While looking at the numbers, keep in mind that a medical doctor is paid sh. 800,000 (USD 225) per month if he is lucky to get his or her salary on time.  University professors earn about the same. Some people do earn as much as sh. 3,000,000 though (USD $840) per month. The average family has 4 kids (many have more) but use 4 kids as a baseline.

Pension cash thieves seek bail.

Country of thieves under the guide of musevenism.


It is very easy to know who TVO is and this will avoid blackmailing people and arresting people. In fact, let me help Uganda intelligence to tell them who TVO is. TVO is not Robert Shaka. They each have a different writing style. Shaka has never ever written about Uganda intelligence things. He writes about hard facts which are very easy to see for anyone with half a brain. TVO is not Henry Rugasira who lives in Canada or Uganda depending on which BS one reads. Furthermore, Henry does not write about the inner workings of government and his writing style is also different. TVO has never been Abbey. Abbey does not hide his identity and also never writes about inner workings of the government. One cannot run the biggest Uganda community blog or Facebook and hide. TVO is not facilitated by Mbabazi (JPAM) and neither does he work with Mbabazi. TVO has stated many times his support for Dr. Besigye and unless he recently started praising JPAM, one would not assume that he is with Mbabazi. Ev

Ex-speaker Zziwa's removal was illegal, says EA court.

The east African court of justice has ruled that the impeachment of former speaker of the EALA was illegal. Reading the judgement in Arusha last Friday, justice Monica mugenyi held that ms zziwa's  impeachment in 2014 contravened several clauses of the treaty for the establishment of the East African community (EAC).