If you are a couple with children whether married or just staying together, and things have not worked out well and you decide to separate or divorce. Sooner or later, you will need to agree on how to deal with children and their wellbeing. Yesterday we told you about a parental agreement to help you resolve these issues. Today, we want to talk about what you will need to be clear on. 1. Custody Arrangements: This is about who stays with the children (physical) and who has the right to make certain decisions over their lives such as education, healthcare, and religion (legal custody). It can be on one parent (sole custody where one parent has primary custody and the other has visiting rights) or joint (shared) where children take turns to stay with one parent and then another parent takes their turn. Visitation Schedule: if only one parent has custody over a child, then you may need to come up with a schedule for when the other parent can visit to see the ...
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