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Showing posts from June, 2022

Kenyan Facebook User Asks Mark Zuckerberg to Allow Kenya Borrow Money from Facebook.

Wueh! A Kenyan Facebook user has appealed to the platform's CEO Mark Zuckerberg to consider the word as one of the reactions. The determined netizen told Zuckerberg that the reaction would be helpful for Kenyans, especially if their friends borrowed money from them during these challenging economic times.   "Wueh should be made to carry heavy emotions. We use it to say a lot of things," he said. Photo: Mark Zuckerberg and Hillary Lisimba (Instagram)

Woman MP @DriwaruJennifer ‘s Speech at Celebration of International Nurses & Midwives Day at Maracha



Meddy and Saida have been 'secret lovers' for at least 8months. Saida got tired of playing hide and seek in the office and when Meddy refused to officiate their relationship, they broke up. Meddy was unhappy about this so he went to the Human Resources officer and reported that Saida (who is a manager) has been asking him for sex and a relationship and he fears that if he refuses, he will be risking his job at the organisation. As proof he brought screenshots of his text conversations with Saida showing that she was saying that he would regret refusing to be in a relationship with her. Saida claims that she is in no way harassing him and they were in a consensual relationship however it ended. These claims that Meddy is making have already started having a negative effect on her as it has affected the way her coworkers look at her. Saida wants to know what she can do. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?  A claim of sexual harassment is a very serious thing because it can have implications o

“Teachers Have Betrayed Ugandans” - First Lady Janet Museveni Laments.

Quote.  JanetMuseveni, Be the disciples you are supposed to be to our country and the shepherds to our children. I have said this time and again,.Teachers, you have betrayed Uganda as a country and Government. #Information is #Power #We #inform the #Uninformed #osutayusuf

New 'FabricScape' Bug in Microsoft Service Fabric Impacts Linux Workloads.

Cybersecurity researchers from Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 disclosed details of a new security flaw affecting Microsoft's Service Fabric that could be exploited to obtain elevated permissions and seize control of all nodes in a cluster. The issue, which has been dubbed FabricScape (CVE-2022-30137), could be exploited on containers that are configured to have runtime access. It has been remediated as of June 14, 2022, in Service Fabric 9.0 Cumulative Update 1.0. Azure Service Fabric is Microsoft's platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and a container orchestrator solution used to build and deploy microservices-based cloud applications across a cluster of machines. "The vulnerability enables a bad actor, with access to a compromised container, to escalate privileges and gain control of the resource's host SF node and the entire cluster," Microsoft said as part of the coordinated disclosure process. "Though the bug exists on both Operating System (OS) platforms, it is onl

Maracha District Woman MP Jennifer Driwaru Refutes Media Reports About the Verbal Performance of MPs in One Year (May 2021 - May 2022).

In an exclusive interview our Media team had with the humble legislature on Monday 27-6-2022, the Woman MP has objected on recent Media reports labeling her together with more than over 80 legislatures as the worst performing MPs in the first year of Eleventh Parliament. Hon Jennifer said, she is a Member sitting in the Parliamentary Committee of Agriculture and HIV / Aids through which she made immense  contributions but the Media reports didn't focus to penetrate through the various Parliamentary Committees to ascertain what each MP has done on the line of legislation in the August house that would in the end give them a ground to publicize a report based on a balanced point of view. Citing rules of procedures of Parliament, the Woman MP Hon Jennifer quoted RULES OF PROCEDURES under Rules of Debate, "70, subsection 1 - 11" under which a Member is required to speak on the floor of Parliament. She said, many people think speaking in the plenary is just lik

WestNile Mourns Muni University Vice Chancellor and the First Female Professor in the Region Prof. Christine Dranzoa Who Died on Tuesday 28-6-2022.

The people of West Nile region are in mourning mood and have described the death of Prof. Christine Dranzoa as very shocking. The minister of lands in Lugbara Kari, Martha Tiko Ondoga while speaking with Today Africa News corespondent on phone from Ntungamo where she had gone to burry the husband of her daughter, said with Prof. Christine Dranzoa’s death, West Nile has lost a quintessential scholar. Tiko said, she is broken down with the demise of Prof.Dranzoa who was the first female Vice Chancellor of the great West Nile University. “As people of West Nile and me as an education lover, I am deeply shocked and my heartfelt condolences to her family members, relatives, friends and Muni University” Tiko mourned. No details were given to the circumstances surrounding the death of the respected professor by one teaching staff who confirmed her demise to the Today Africa News correspondent in Arua. Today Africa News has not confirmed the official medical report surrounding the deat

Today 28-6-2022 at 6:05pm, We Lost Access to Our Facebook Page (Osuta Yusuf) Which We Have Been Using Since 16-6-2016.

We lost access to our previous Facebook page  and therefore this is the new page. Kindly Likepage, Follow and Share it. #information  is #power #We  #inform the #uninformed #osutayusuf This 👆 👆 is now our new Facebook page for running news adverts and other updates. Kindly click on the link to Like the page, follow and share it for others to know.

Earlier this Month 13-6-2022, the LC5 Chairperson Hon Obitre Pre-launched Issuance of Certificates of Customary Land Titles in Maracha District, a Project Fully Funded by EU and UNCDF.

Extracts 👇👇 from the Facebook Page of Maracha DLG.  Maracha District Local Government in partnership with the Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development has been implementing a pilot DINU- Land Component Project in two benefiting Sub Counties of Kijomoro and Oluvu with funding from United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and European Union (EU). In total 1,454 Certificate of Customary Ownership have been successfully processed in the two piloting Sub Counties and as part of EU monitoring mission today 13-6-2022 four certificates were issued to the beneficiaries by the District Chairperson Hon Obitre Stephen, the EU  team, and UNCDF awaiting the official issuance which is yet to be communicated soon. As part of his Remarks, the District Chairperson thanked European Union, United Nations Capital Development Fund and the Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development for the project whose outcome provides security of tenure which can be used as collateral for financial tra

"I Am Not a Leader of Divide and Rule" - Hon Jennifer Driwaru Scoffs at Critics.

. Pertaining what has been circulating in the Public regarding her absence in the society, the Woman Member of Parliament for Maracha District has eventually thrown off the towel and castigated her political opponents and critics for always dwelling on Lies, Blasphemy and Malice which she termed as "Politics of Divide and Rule". The alleged malicious rumors on her began spreading just immediately after she bought two Ambulances worth Shs 220,000,000 ($55,000) and handed them over to Maracha District local government on 28-8-2021 to help the people of Maracha. Hon Jennifer said, she had terrible pain inside her but ignored the sickness and continued to work, running up and down with the sickness that needed urgent surgery. However, the pain became unbearable around October-2021 that forced her into going for the surgery. She said, she was not sure if she would make it back to life from the surgery, a cry she said,  was one of her reasons to purchase the two Ambulances 


  Mataayo saw his boss tearing off Barbara’s clothes in the kitchen at office. When Barbara made a complaint against him, she called Mataayo as a witness and he told the disciplinary panel exactly what he had seen. However the very following day, Mataayo’s contract was terminated for gross misconduct and giving away industry secrets.    WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?  By law, all information relating to the sexual harassment must be treated with confidentiality. This means that the information must only be seen by people who are helping to handle the complaint. The identity of the complainant (the person who was sexually harassed),the witnesses, as well as details of what happened must be treated with privacy. This is done so that the people involved do not feel stigmatized or discriminated against.   By law if a person involved in the sexual harassment as either a member of the hearing committee, a witness, or even the person who made the sexual harassment complaint are punished in any way by


The Parish Development Model  a Government strategy or approach for organizing and delivering public and private sector interventions for wealth creation and employment generation at the parish level as the lowest economic planning unit and aimed at ensuring support for more Ugandans to increase their demand for goods and services. Parish Development Model (PDM) is the last mile strategy for service delivery by Government of Uganda for improving incomes and welfare of all Ugandans at the household level. It is an extension of the whole-of-Government approach to development as envisaged under NDPIII, with the Parish as the lowest administrative and operational hub for delivering services closer to the people and hence foster local economic development. The PDM underlies the spirit of harmonization of Government interventions with every MDAs focusing on; delivering services closer to the people; and measurable results at the Parish level in order to ensure transformation of the subsisten

Phone Spyware Alert; Google Says ISPs Helped Attackers Hack Targeted Smartphones of Many Journalists, Politicians and Activists.

Hacking Smartphones with Hermit Spyware A week after it emerged that a sophisticated mobile spyware dubbed Hermit was used by the government of Kazakhstan within its borders, Google said it has notified Android users of infected devices. Additionally, necessary changes have been implemented in Google Play Protect — Android's built-in malware defense service — to protect all users, Benoit Sevens and Clement Lecigne of Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) said in a Thursday report. Hermit, the work of an Italian vendor named RCS Lab, was documented by Lookout last week, calling out its modular feature-set and its abilities to harvest sensitive information such as call logs, contacts, photos, precise location, and SMS messages. Once the threat has thoroughly insinuated itself into a device, it's also equipped to record audio and make and redirect phone calls, besides abusing its permissions to accessibility services on Android to keep tabs on various foreground apps used by the vict

Arua Central Market Bureausis Confusion, Division Amongst Vendors and Politicians in the City.

The newly constructed Arua Central Market has become the prime source of conflict in Arua city, with no clear solutions from a series of stakeholder meetings.  These conflicts are steadily building up tension among vendors and political leaders.  One of the controversial issues is the failure by Arua city authorities to allocate the remaining stalls and lockups in the main market, pushing more vendors onto the streets.

President Museveni Continues His Meetings With Army Commanders Across Uganda as Entire Security System is Put on "Standby Class 1 Alert".

President Museveni will continue traversing the country speaking to army officers, meeting them and galvanising the forces, Nile Post has learnt. This comes hot on the heels of a rumour that there is a general unsettlement in the army, and that the men in uniform have been put on a rare form of standby class one order, only given during anticipated eventualities. According to information obtained by Nile Post, the president is set to meet army chiefs this week, including a group from Internal Security Organisation (ISO) and senior officers in Jinja. Nile Post can not ably confirm when, but a source from  ISO confirmed the meeting. Next Media Journalist Canary Mugume has also told Nile Post that there is a planned meeting for security chiefs in Ntungamo, where President Museveni is holding base following his return by road from Kigali, Rwanda. “Pres. Museveni is back in the country from Kigali. But sources on his advance team say he will be back in Entebbe on Monday – for cabine

RCC Alice Deligates Atiku Bernard to Receive Stolen Ugandan Vehicles Recovered in DRC, Thanks Business Community Chairpersons Obeta Moses of Arua Ug and Mbote Amasi of Aru DRC for Cooperation.

DRC Security Officers Displaying one of the Number Plates of the Stolen Ugandan Vehicles.  Former Ayivu County MP Hon Atiku (in green T-shirt) greets with Security Officers in Aru - DRC. NB: The entire article below 👇👇 is extracted from his official Facebook Account 👇👇 On 24/06/2022, I was privileged to cross over to DRC - Aru Territorial Headquarters to receive a friend's stolen vehicle on behalf of the RCC and RDC Arua. Due to the porousness of the borderline between Arua and DRC many Ugandan stolen vehicles are sneaked across by thugs. We discovered many Ugandan stolen vehicles are being driven in DRC without registration number plates and some parked at the police station unclaimed. You recall a few months ago 2 ambulances were stolen from Arua Hospital and sold in DRC but still not recovered. I thanked the Congolese security authorities for exhibiting professionalism this time around and encou

Uganda Police Force Investigates Mukono Supermarket Armed Robbery that Left the Cashier Shot in the Back.

Police in Mukono District are investigating a case of aggravated robbery after gunmen raided Spice Supermarket and made away with unspecified amount of money. The June 24 robbery also left a cashier shot and injured, according to Kampala Metropolitan Police deputy spokesperson, ASP Luke Owoyesigyire. “The incident happened at about 11:34 pm when three robbers armed with an AK47 attacked the super market located in Mulago cell, Ntawo Ward in Mukono Municipality. The robbers made away with unspecified amount of money after shooting Irene Sekandi, the cashier in back,” he said. According to police, first responders rushed Sekandi to Namirembe hospital Mukono for first aid and she was later transferred to Nsambya hospital for better treatment.  "The police responded to the scene and have subsequently recorded statements from eyewitnesses. We have also noted that the thugs knew the routine at the supermarket as they attacked when the security guard was aiding customers put thei


LEGAL RIDDLE. When Foodo got married the first time, it was because the woman was pregnant and her family threatened to burn his house and his farm if he did not do the ‘right’ thing. After 12 years of hard work, there were many more children and a lot more farms to their name. However, Foodo has now found the ‘real’ love of his life in Zulaika. The trouble is Foodo honestly does not have a reason for divorcing his first wife. He has already started a relationship with Zulaika and he wants to know if he can tell the court that he has committed adultery and that he has been very cruel to his wife so that the court can end his marriage.  Do you think the court can end a marriage if the person who is asking for the divorce is the same one who committed marital offences? 📷:Unsplash #BarefootLaw #osutayusuf

Apostle Jeremiah from Nigeria Ministered at Divine Fellowship Church Arua Today 26-6-2022. Here are some extractions from the Word of God he preached... Ecclesiastes 9; 13- There is something else I saw, a good example of how wisdom is regarded in this world. 14- There was a little town without many people in it. A powerful king attacked it. He surrounded it and prepared to break through the walls. 15- Someone lived there who was poor, but so clever that he could have saved the town. But no one thought about him. 16-  have always said that wisdom is better than strength, but no one thinks of the poor as wise or pays any attention to what they say. 17- It is better to listen to the quiet words of someone wise than to the shouts of a ruler at a council of fools. 18- Wisdom does more good than weapons, but one sinner can undo a lot of good. #Divine #Fellowship #Church #Arua


It has been 2 months since Gladys reported to her superiors at work that Francis her direct supervisor has been asking her to spend the night at his place or her workdays would become more difficult. She has even resorted to dodging work so that she does not have to see him but she is worried that this will get fired so she wants to know what she should do since nothing has been done about her complaint. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?  The law on sexual harassment in the workplace says that when a person is sexually harassed at a workplace, he/she has a right to report this to the employer. This is an internal mechanism for handling such matters.   However, if the matter is not handled internally, the employee (like Gladys) can report to the labour officer (this is the public officer who is responsible for handling disputes and complaints between an employer and employee).  If you also think that nothing will be done when you inform your employer about sexual harassment, the law allows you to

Team Chairman MK Project; Ministers Urge Mukono Residents to Embrace Gov’t Programs at the Launch of MUGOF.

Team Chairman MK Project , a vibrant  mobilization outfit headed by Toyota Nuwagira Michael alias Chairman has asked the Mukono residents to embrace government programs such as the Parish Development Model to improve their wellbeing. Led by Jacquie Namyonga , the secretary General Team Chairman MK Project who was flanked by other executive members said several projects are being undertaken to by government to support Wananchi in the country. Namuyonga and the members had represented Chairman Toyota who is an uncle to Lt.Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the Commander of UPDF Land Forces (CLF) at the Lunch of Mukono Guvnor;s Friends (MUGOF) on Thursday. Hajji Haruna Ssemakula, the Patron MUGOF and CEO Hill Water Ltd said the association will go around the District(Mukono) to deliver  development in the area. ‘’We shall start with poultry farming .So far we have received over 120,000  broiler birds from the government .The association will empower each sub county in Mukono to develop the stakeho

Memory; One Year Ago Today 24-6-2022. Gen Elly Tumwine Calls for Resignation of President Museveni.

I think he knows I am not interested in positions that people fight for. That is why he would rather take care of his political interests of balancing here and there. It is our duty to save the President from hubris syndrome a disease diagnosed by political scientists of not taking advice. The president has served this country well and deserves a peaceful retirement. He has talked of recruiting fishermen. He had done this long ago, we are the fishermen. Now he has recruited the Zacharia's and they are welcome but they have to learn. In the 35 years, I have been a Minister for only five years unlike some of my colleagues (Bush War Veterans). I have supported them to push our mission of social and economic transformation.  Some people have left and even opposed us. I have been patient. - Gen Elly Tumwine #osutayusuf 

Hon Jennifer Driwaru Buys New Accumulators for the Two Ambulances at Maracha District.

The Maracha District Woman MP Hon Jennifer has today 24-6-2022 acquired two brand new Accumulators for the two Ambulances she bought for the People of Maracha last year August-2021 after the current accumulators (batteries) bought with the vehicles were worn-out. As earlier on elaborated, factors that always cause Vehicle Batteries (Accumulators) to die are; corrosion, leaving vehicle headlights on for long, charging system failure, leaving interior lights on for long or leaving the vehicle parked for long without starting the engine. #osutayusuf


Mubiru’s father had 7 wives and 42 children. While travelling to 3rd wife’s house for the weekend, he was involved in an accident and he passed away. He had always refused to make a will because he had ‘no plans’ to die any time soon. The trouble is that Mubiru has received information that one of the wives has decided to get court orders to manage all the property of Mubiru’s late father without telling anyone else. Mubiri wants to know if he should also run and get the court orders before her or if he can stop the process. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? The law says that if a person dies without leaving a will,  the people supposed to benefit from this person’s property have to get a court order to deal with the property. (This court order is called letters of adminsitration). By law, the first person entitled to apply for this court order is a spouse. However since there is more than one spouse in this case, it is necessary for all the spouses to agree on who should get the court orders or

Breaking News. NSO Confirms Pegasus Spyware Used by at least 5 European Countries.

The beleaguered Israeli surveillanceware vendor NSO Group this week admitted to the European Union lawmakers that its Pegasus tool was used by at least five countries in the region. "We're trying to do the right thing and that's more than other companies working in the industry," Chaim Gelfand, the company's general counsel and chief compliance officer, said, according to a report from Politico. Acknowledging that it had "made mistakes," the company also stressed on the need for an international standard to regulate the government use of spyware. The disclosure comes as a special inquiry committee was launched in April 2022 to investigate alleged breaches of E.U. law following revelations that the company's Pegasus spyware is being used to snoop on phones belonging to politicians, diplomats, and civil society members. "The committee is going to look into existing national laws regulating surveillance, and whether Pegasus spyware was used for pol


Jowana is a supervisor to team of 5 but because she is the youngest member of the team, the other older team members often make jokes about her hips and the fact that she is single. In fact, they even ask her out often so that she ‘does not feel cold at night’. However, although they have never gotten physical with her, this behaviour has made her feel uncomfortable and she wants to know if she can also report her juniors for sexual harassment.  When she asked her HR manager, he told her that only those who experience such acts from their supervisors can report sexual harassment.   Do you believe that only junior employees experience sexual harassment? Let us know in the comments below  📷:Unsplash #BarefootLaw #osutayusuf


  The first thing George does is to give a hug to each employee every morning he comes into the office. For the new employees, he even pecks them on the forehead. Susan as a new employee at this workplace found this practice strange and even privately told George that she is not comfortable with it. He however told her that if she continues to act like this, it means that she does not want to be part of the ‘office family’ and she will miss out on their benefits. Susan asked the other employees and they told her it was normal and there was nothing to worry about. Susan wants to know if it is her overreacting or if this is wrong.   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?  In Uganda, there is a law called the Employment (Sexual Harassment) Regulations 2012 that talks about what amounts to sexual harassment in the workplace. This law says that sexual harassment in the workplace is any direct or indirect request for sexual contact or any sexual activity with a promise that there will be different treatment