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Your Safety at Hotel Le Confidentiel is a Priority. 📸: Full Body Scanner at Hotel Le Confidentiel. Your safety and safety of your properties are priorities at Hotel Le Confidentiel. The hotel has full body scanner to detect unwanted materials like fire arms or explosive devices from being illegally sneaked inside. It also has CCTV Cameras as an added advantage. Feel free to spend your leisure times and holidays at Hotel Le Confidentiel with maximum protection. Call  telephone number  +256761688181 Or Email:   for bookings. #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power   (iip) #we_inform_the_uninformed 

Some Opposition MPs Regret Boycotting Plenary Session as "Petroleum Supply Bill 2023" is Passed in Their Absence.

Some Opposition MPs have expressed regret over boycotting plenary sitting, saying their absence saw Parliament pass the Petroleum Supply Amendment Bill, which gave monopoly to Uganda National Oil Company to import fuel products in Uganda, which could increase the cost of fuel in Uganda. Leading the regrets was Charles Tebandeke (Bbale County) who compared the  Petroleum Supply Bill 2023 to cancer, syphilis and gonorrhea, warning that the new legislation is not only going to affect incomes of Ugandans, but also rob them of their economic rights under the new monopoly. 📸: Hon Charles Tebandeke, Bbale County MP. "As the Opposition, I am one of those regretting why I didn’t attend plenary because even if it meant sitting on top of the table and even break all the microphones inside the chambers. If our brains had failed us that day, at least we could have used the energy drawn from the food we eat to see to it that this bill doesn’t pass," said Tebandeke.

Episode 2: Why Hotel Le Confidentiel Established Health Club. Episode 2. In the previous episode, we told you Healthy Respiratory System is one of the benefits of steaming. Today, we tell you another importance of steaming. Did you know, Steaming helps to improve metabolism process in your body because of its thermic effect ?. It happens in a way that, the more you sweat, the more water weight you will lose. In addition to losing water weight through sweat, Health Researchers discovered that, steaming may help to increase your metabolic rate, sometimes as much as 20%. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn. Therefore, go to the Health Club at Hotel Le Confidentiel to improve on your metabolism functions in the body. Call telephone number +256761688181 Or Email: for bookings. #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power (iip) #we_inform_the_uninformed


By BarefootLawyers.   After 4 years of living and working in Uganda, Uhuru committed a crime and he was arrested. After that, he was put on a plane and returned to his own country. The problem is while here, he had got some land, a car, and even the house where he was renting had a lot of his nice things that he did not want to lose. Uhuru is now wondering what will happen to all the things that he bought and owned. Should he give up on them as a loss or can they be sent to him in his own country?   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?.   The law says that any person is allowed to own property in Uganda. This is a human right. This means that whether a person is a Ugandan or non-Ugandan citizen, they have the right to own property in Uganda. For example, when we talk about buying land, a Ugandan can permanently buy and own the land, but a non-Ugandan can only temporarily own the land (This is called a leasehold of either 49 or 99 years)    As a non-citizen, when you are expelled from the


An asylum seeker and a refugee are very similar.  In simple terms, the difference between these two comes down to official recognition of rights. A refugee is officially recognised, while an asylum seeker has not yet been recognised and given refugee rights in a country.   A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee their home country due to fear of persecution based on factors such as race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. They have already been officially recognised as meeting the criteria of being a refugee and have been granted asylum in another country.   On the other hand, an asylum seeker is a person who is seeking protection as a refugee but hasn't yet been granted official refugee status. They are in the process of requesting sanctuary in another country and are waiting for their asylum claim to be assessed and approved.   Once this application is approved, an asylum seeker becomes a refugee. Source: Bar

Well Wishers from WestNile Region Launch Fundraising for a Widow Who was Evicted by Police.

📸: The evicted Woman, Ms Grace Mademaga Gasi, widow of a police officer. Excerpts compiled from different WhatsApp groups from WestNile region. Update on Ms Gasi Grace Mademaga (The Lady in the Video who was forcefully evicted and assaulted) in the Viral Video and request for support. I was able to trace her and we spoke at length. she was indeed assaulted and apart from the three slaps by the OC, she and her baby were thrown into a saucepan and the infant sustained some injuries. She has managed to access a clinic for treatment. A good samaritan has given them temporary shelter however, she needs food given that she lost some of her property to thieves in the scuffle. she has a child with special needs who is undergoing physiotherapy until 24|12|2023 when she can finally go home.  We are hoping to visit her tomorrow and i am reaching out for any kind of support(Cash or kind) to enable her sustain her little child until December.  Please send any cash contributions to +256

Russian Hackers Cause Power Outage in Ukraine Amidst Missile Strikes.

The notorious Russian hackers known as Sandworm targeted an electrical substation in Ukraine last year, causing a brief power outage in October 2022. The findings come from Google's Mandiant, which described the hack as a "multi-event cyber attack" leveraging a novel technique for impacting industrial control systems (ICS). "The actor first used OT-level living-off-the-land ( LotL ) techniques to likely trip the victim's substation circuit breakers, causing an unplanned power outage that coincided with mass missile strikes on critical infrastructure across Ukraine," the company said . "Sandworm later conducted a second disruptive event by deploying a new variant of CaddyWiper in the victim's IT environment." The threat intelligence firm did not reveal the location of the targeted energy facility, the duration of the blackout, and the number of people who were impacted by the incident. The development marks Sandworm's continu