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Congress Asks Google 10 Questions On Its Location Tracking Database.

U.S Congress has sent an open letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai asking for more information about its Sensorvault database that’s reportedly being used by law enforcement agencies to solve crime cases. Last week, we reported a story based upon NY Times findings that revealed how using a "geofence" warrant, authorities obtain location history of all devices from Google's Sensorvault database that pass through a crime scene over a certain time period. For those unaware, Google maintains Sensorvault database over nearly the past decade which contains precise location information from hundreds of millions of smartphones around the world and shares it with authorities to help in criminal cases. However, Google does not share identifiable information on all devices after receiving a warrant. Instead, authorities have to first narrow down their list of suspects using the location history data, only after which Google shares further information about a few selected users (suspec

How Hypocrites turn into a Joke and Never Listen.

I want to give you facts, the uganda government is funded by the rich, and it keeps the people on the brain level of children. They make sure that people are busy making money to survive, taking care of their family, their houses and their lawn. They want people thinking that they are free, and have a choice and can do whatever they want. With free press, TV, Hollywood movies, schools, university, religion, they create the illusion that anything is possible. I will tell you what this is. This is a mind control dictatorship in the costume of democracy.

Google Helps Police Identify Devices Close to Crime Scenes Using Location Data.

Go ogle sensorvault location tracking history It's no secret that Google tracks you everywhere, even when you keep Google's Location History feature disabled. As revealed by an Associated Press investigation in 2018, other Google apps like Maps or daily weather update service on Android allows the tech giant to continuously collect your precise latitude and longitude. According to Google, the company uses this location-tracking features with an intent to improve its users' experience, like "personalized maps, recommendations based on places you've visited, help finding your phone, real-time traffic updates about your commute, and more useful ads." Moreover, it's also known that Google could share your location data with federal authorities in criminal investigations when asked with a warrant. Google 'SensorVault' Database Help Police Solve Crimes But what many people weren't aware of is that Google also helps federal authorities identify suspec

Why there is a Big Difference between Various Traditions, Customs and Nations and Their Laws.

Prohibited Pagan Practices . 18 Yahweh spoke to Moses:  2  “Speak to the Israelites and tell them: I am Yahweh your God.  3  Do not follow the practices of the land of Egypt, where you used to live, or follow the practices of the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. You must not follow their customs.  4  You are to practice My ordinances and you are to keep My statutes by following them; I am Yahweh your God.  5  Keep My statutes and ordinances; a person will live if he does them. I am Yahweh. 6  “You are not to come near any close relative for sexual intercourse; I am Yahweh.  7  You are not to shame your father by having sex with your mother. She is your mother; you must not have sexual intercourse with her. 8  You are not to have sex with your father’s wife; it will shame your father.  9  You are not to have sexual intercourse with your sister, either your father’s daughter or your mother’s, whether born at home or born elsewhere. You are not to have sex with her.  10  You are n

Keeping alive, the Memories of my Suffering People and a Failing Government under the Rulership of Dictator Museveni.

I wrote this article a few years ago and it shared it in November 2016 when Isingiro and some parts of WestNile region were starving. I hear they are still dying with their cows. Let them eat cake or monkey and get Ebola. Here we go............. ===== For about four months now, some regions of Uganda have been experiencing severe draught and subsequent famine. The most affected area is the semi-arid Cattle Corridor that stretches from Isingiro district at the southern border with Tanzania through Mbarara, some parts of Buganda and across Lake Kyoga to Teso and Karamoja regions and as well some parts of westnile region.  This calamity was expected but the regime made no efforts to devise means of averting it. First is was Teso and Karamoja regions where famine was widely deported to be killing some people. The media vigorously highlighted the calamity but unfortunately regime made no efforts to intervene in spite of the fact that even the Minister of Disaster Preparedness, Musa Echweru

Burundi Government Bans BBC and VOA on Claims of Peddling Lies.

BBC & VOA has been Suspended in Burundi. Burundi’s National Media Council has suspended FM radio broadcasts of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Voice of America (VOA), saying the foreign media houses were peddling lies in their coverage of the country.  The media council chairman, Nestor Bankumukunzi said BBC and VOA had violated principles of balanced journalism and verification of information provided by sources.  BBC was faulted for airing a television documentary alleging security services were running a string of secret torture chambers to crush opposition’s spirit.  Bujumbura dismissed the story as false.  Bankumukunzi was quoted as saying BBC had already recognized their mistake but later went ahead to broadcast a film whose content he said was “false, slanderous and full of fabrications”. He also indicated that the documentary violated laws that govern the media in Burundi. Burundi authorities also suspended VOA on grounds that the broadcaster worked with

There is Nothing Powerful than God. Our Creator always Helps and Rescues the Righteous.

Bizarre dust and rain cloud forms a barrier between ISIS and Israel .  A huge cloud of dust and rain blew up along the border between Israel and ISIS last week, sparking online claims that it was a biblical storm. Four days after ISIS fighters attacked an Israeli patrol in the Golan Heights, a plateau in Syria which the Jewish state has occupied since 1967, the bizarre meteorological phenomenon suddenly appeared.  Eyewitnesses said the storm seemed to stop at the boundary and be unable to enter the Golan Heights, which tower above the rest of Syria. Huge cloud of dust appears on the Syria and Israel border. Footage of the dust barrier was uploaded onto Facebook by  Israel Online News. They wrote: 'A weather phenomenon occurred at 8am Thursday on the other side of the Syrian border, in the same place where ISIS attacked Israel. This strange storm of what appears to be dust, cloud and rain did NOT cross the border fence into Israel. It sat like a barrier between ISIS and Israel.'