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Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli has asked the Tanzanian Immigration Officers operating at Nakonde-Tunduma border post to close entry to anyone from Zambia as a way of preventing cholera from entering the East Africa's Second Biggest Economy. Addressing the media in Dodoma Tanzania this afternoon, President Magufuli disclosed that his government was concerned with rampant cholera cases that are being reported in Zambia and warned that Tanzania may be the next victim if it does not take preventive measures since it shares one of the world most porous boundaries with Zambia along Tunduma - Nakonde border. "Let them deal with their cholera first, then we will allow them to enter our country for trade", Magufuli told the senior TM Officers. Reports say President Magufuli has be alarmed by the fact that cholera has hit a country like Zambia with a tiny population of not more than 15,000,000 and fears that his 68,000,000 people may be affected more if the movement of Zam


MY WAKE UP CALL TO THE IMPOVERISHED UGANDANS. How possible would Ugandans have interest in peaceful transition of power with someone who has been terrorising them for over 35 years. It remains as a bitter secret that museveni with his gang crew called FRONASA has been butchering Ugandans and smashing away his opponents, just for his greedy interests.

To overthrow a government, it needs the population to support and for the population to support you in the struggle, they need to be informed. They should first know through information, that, they are being terrorised and enslaved. Nobody should fool themselves that Museveni will freely give up power. The man is now talking of 5 years not being long enough and he has been in power for over three decades. In 1981 they changed the mandate of five years then they would pave way for a civilian government and Museveni himself said that five years was not enough and therefore need another five years till 1996. In 1996 Besigye flatly won the elections but with the help of the late Noble Mayombo they rigged elections and forced Besigye into exile.  Now after 32 years in power he is again talking of extending his autocratic rule to 7 years, this is bull.  We’re not born to last like trees and 32 years of one man ruling a nation is too way long.  Leadership is like car drivers. Every driver thi

HERE IS MUSEVENI's FULL SPEECH. Muyibi museveni ohsolola atee.

Here’s is the President’s full statement. GREETINGS to all the Ugandans. I congratulate you on finishing the year 2017 and entering the year 2018. The year 2017 had a number of challenges for us. One challenge was crime where our young women were targeted by criminals. A total of 23 young women were killed. These murderers were taking advantage of a gap in our security infrastructure in the form of absence of cameras in the towns and along the high-ways and also inadequate forensic equipment (tracing criminals through blood-samples, finger-prints etc.) This was due to many priorities in terms of budgeting and the fact that in the past the main challenges had been rural terrorism (Kony, ADF) and cattle rustling. This is where we had laid emphasis, which resulted in the total defeat of those challenges. Nevertheless, using the old Police methods of following clues, relying on eye witnesses etc., the suspects in the 4 areas (Nansana, Kawempe, Entebbe and Wakiso-Bulago) of the killings wer


Many teachers in Karamoja sub-region abandon classes to ride boda bodas to earn extra income.


MY INTRIGUING CONTENT TO EVERY UGANDAN IN DIASPORA AND ABROAD. From 2011 general elections up to date, Ugandans have scars in their hearts afflicted by museveni. He detát coup after turning down the will of the people. Just a few moments ago, he had ordered all the TV and Radio stations in Uganda to relay live his fictitious "End of year Address" with full of errors documented. I will never waste my precious time to listen to an imposter who lies with a straight face but i doubt if 500000 Ugandans wasted time to listen or to watch such a crap from dishonest museveni. I bet he had been bubbling with his regularly cooked lies. He believes to have the gut to be called as the  only "tested person" to rule Uganda, which is a blatant mess to my observation. If he insists, let him proof to me these qualities of a good politician. Museveni is just a Gambler, a Puppet and a naive Lehman. QUALITIES OF A GOOD POLITICIAN. 1.A good politician is the one who knows that the govern


I just got this one from Martha Leah! I am goofing off my ribs. "Museveni's attacked # DRCongo to get International community to donate for # Refugees @UN @KenRoth @UNHCR @JustinTrudeau @Potus @Potus44 @AntonioGuterres # Kasese # Genocide". ..................................…..............…................... MUSEVENI'S ATTACK ON DRC TO GENERATE MORE 'FOREX' On 22nd December 2017, Museveni's army launched a sustained aerial and artillery attack on some border areas of DRC. This followed days of amassing troops along the common border in Bundibugyo district. The bombardment has already generated thousands of Congolese refugees into Uganda. The army Spokesman described the attack as having targeted eight ADF rebel camps in which 100 rebels were killed, several injured and their logistical stores destroyed. He asserted that ".... the UPDF is maintaining active defensive operations along the borderline in Kasese, Bundibugyo and Ntoroko to deter any terror