In the preliminary December 2023 report by the Auditor General, it was reported that out of the Shs39Bn meant for the procurement and distribution of goats & iron sheets in Karamoja, Shs1.78Bn was spent on travel in land, while fuel, oil and lubricants cost Shs700m, while OPM also spent Shs300M on vehicle maintenance. The Office of Prime Minister also allocated another Shs2.2Bn on travel in land for monitoring, while civil works for maintenance of Moroto regional office cost Shs500M, and procurement of iron sheets cost Shs8.8Bn. "What concerns me is that workshops and seminars took Shs1.8Bn, Travel in land Shs1.8Bn, another travel in land Shs2.5Bn. A total of Shs6.8Bn of the Shs39Bn that is how you spent it and this was money originally for distribution of goats. The manner over which the urgency you put on this money, when we are processing the so-called supplementary budgets, it is like this Uganda will close if we don’t give you this money. Now, we give you Shs...
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