"Doth not even nature itself teach you that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him ? 1Corinthains 11:14 "How do you look my brother with this long hair you are carrying on your head? A christian brother should look decent and not like the world, our appearance dressings and haircut should be decent. Now how do you go and preach to a person with this kind of hair? The hair that person is carrying is the same with the one you are carrying so what are you going to tell him about God. Doth not nature teach you? You that is plaiting your hair as a boy doth not nature teach you that it is not right? Even if no body tell's you can't you tell yourself?? Why are you following the multitude to hellfire?? Why are you conforming yourself to this world?? The bible had stated it clearly in Leviticus 19:27 "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads neither shall thou mar the corner of thy beard. See how you look now, see how rough you look. All these haircut are f...
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