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📷: Unsplash. Kitty K spent her weekend crying and praying because Scojul her boyfriend got arrested on Friday. You see on Friday night, Scojul and his friends were seated at a bar watching football when chaos broke out. Out of the blue, bottles were flying and people were running out of the bar. Someone with blood on their hands even collided with Scojul and heard people screaming ''bamuuse!!!'', (they have killed him!) In that chaos, Scojul froze and when police came in, they just arrested him and his friends who were told that they were now the suspects in the murder of the Bartender. Kitty K tried to visit them on the weekend but the police officer told her that "those suspects" would be in court on Monday and she would find them there.  By 6 am on Monday, Kitty K was at court waiting to see if her boyfriend 'who wouldn't hurt a fly' would be released. Instead, he was brought to court, the 'judge' asked if the case file was

Hotel Le Confidentiel's Breakfast Menu, a Solution to Cold Weather.

Let Hotel Le Confidentiel serve you a breakfast with hot milk or black tea during this cold Saturday in Arua, WestNile region - Uganda. Call telephone number  +256761688181 Or Email:  for bookings. #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power   (iip) #we_inform_the_uninformed

Family Members Spell Who Mr Titia Kamure Was, As He Goes to Rest.

📸: Late Titia Kamure, Courtesy Photo. Ardent Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) party member Mr Kamure Titia Kalebu born in 1954 who lived his entire adulthood life in Politics, has on Thursday 14-9-2023 gone to rest after been bedridden at Arua regional referral hospital for many weeks battling hypertension, diabetes and lately towards his demise, he suffered from stroke disease, as confirmed by his family members and close friends. His 65 years old brother  Mr Stephen Atuma who described him as forgivable and apologetic person says, he was also someone who always tells and stands on the truth despite of the grudges he would get from some people over it. The deceased Titia Kamure's 80-year-old paternal uncle Mr Asiako Kamure Peter remembers him for always educating and advising people through the regular radio talkshows he used to participate in. Mr Ojoa Rhonnie Buni (NRM) the LC2 Chairperson of Ocopi Parish says, Mr Titia Kamure was a staunch UPC party member who dedicat

PICOT Trains VHTs in Maracha District on How to Fight Malaria.

📸: VHTs warm themselves after finishing day one of the training. Village Health Teams (VHTs) in Oluffe Sub-county and in other Sub-counties of Maracha district have on Monday 11-Sep-2023 been enrolled for a Two days training Organized by Partners in Development and Center for Holistic Transformation (PICOT), on how to fight Malaria through a Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI) scheme under a program of Make Malaria Out of Uganda by year 2030. Village Health Team personnel from Kamaka parish, Oluffe Sub-county Mr Sabino Aluma who says Malaria cases in his area have increased because of an end of ICCM program by an NGO who was freely supplying Malaria drugs across villages, has appealed to District authorities to ensure pits that were created while excavating marrums for Road constructions should be filled to avoid mosquito breeding in such pits that have become a spot for stagnant waters. Ms Jennifer Opiru from Mundru parish says, they are been blamed for not doing enough


📸: Unsplash. Kyuma has been 'on remand' for two years since he was arrested for mob justice. In the beginning, he kept asking the court to release him until he lost hope and gave up. Now his brother has told him their father is not well and he can no longer dig a full acre of land so Kyuma should get out soon and help them with the farm.  Kyuma wants to know if he should try asking to get out again or if it will be a waste of time to try. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? When we say a person is on remand, we mean that person has been kept in prison until the next time their case comes to court so that they can easily be picked up and brought before the court. By law, every person who has a criminal case to answer and that case is before a court of law has a right to apply to be released on bail if they have been on remand for 120 days (for cases that can be heard by a magistrate court), or if they have been on remand for 360 days (the case should be heard only by the High Co

The Life of Oluffe Sub-county LC3 Chairperson is in Danger Over New Guidelines on PDM.

📸: Oluffe Sub-county LC3 Chairperson Hon Eyotre Pontious speaks during the Baraza. Click  on this link to watch the events that unfolded  in the community engagement meeting. Parish Development Model (PDM) which is one of the NRM party manifesto pillars that is been rolled across Uganda with each Parish receiving 100m shs, has turned to be a life threatening to 3 times Oluffe Sub-county LC3 Chairperson Hon Eyotre Pontious who is currently receiving threats from some PDM Committee members at Parish level after he passed out to the community members in his Sub-county, a presidential directive regarding the new guidelines on the program. While raising his discomfort on Monday 11-Sep-2023 during a community engagement baraza organized by Maracha constituency MP Hon Oguzu Lee Denis, the Oluffe Sub-county LC3 Chairperson said, on the other side some community members are hating them on assumption that, they are not intervening as Sub-county leaders to help them benefit from the


📷: A VSO Experience.  When Tegwolo the market askari saw Kasango the market cleaner carrying a big ''Kikutiya'' last Friday, he thought it was rubbish as usual. When the market sellers started complaining that someone had emptied their stalls, Tegwolo knew there was a problem.    So, Tegwolo told the market sellers that he did not see anyone apart from Kasango with his big kikutiya of rubbish that night, but they asked him whose rubbish Kasango is taking out at night, yet he already took out the rubbish before they left. So, they immediately reported case to at the police station and Kasango was arrested. Kasango denied and even said Tegwolo only said those things because he is a liar who is jealous and wants his job. He even claimed that at the time things were stolen, he was in Buikwe for a burial.   At court, Kasango told the judge that he could prove his innocence, but he wanted a car to collect his relatives from Buikwe to tell court about the burial.