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Former IGP Gen Kale Kayihura Approved by Uganda Law Council, to Start Practicing Law.

Kayihura, who is a qualified lawyer is on the list of 20 others who seek to become legal advocates in different courts of law in the country. Accordingly, the former IGP was approved during the law council meeting on 10th November 2021 at 10:00 am. The Law Council is mandated  to act as the overall regulatory authority for the entire legal professional and legal aid service providers in Uganda but also inspects law chambers and issues a certificate of approval of the chamber that conforms to the required standards . Analysts say the latest is one of the indicators of the woes that the former police chief and Museveni’s blue-eyed boy  has faced since been dropped as IGP in 2018 and the subsequent charges against him in the army court that he is still battling. Many say, these have forced him to retreat to his legal profession but it remains to be seen if he could be allowed to practice , provided the ongoing case in the army court. Earlier this week, the Commander of Land Forces, who is

Watch Sad Video; Woman Collapses Dead After Her Wedding. Details 👉

via IFTTT Read more in this 👉  website. Woman Collapses Dead After Her Wedding. Subscribe on channel 👉 A newly wedded bride, who went into coma after a procedure for birth control at Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Clinic Bukoto in Kampala, has died. Ms Joan Namutebi died at night, Kampala Metropolitan Police and Criminal Investigations Directorate officers confirmed. Kampala Metropolitan Police deputy spokesman, Mr Luke Owoyesigyire said "the deceased's body has been taken to Kampala Capital City Authority mortuary for a post mortem". Namutebi wedded Mr Derrick Wabwire last Friday and went for a birth control procedure on Saturday. She developed pain after the procedure and fainted. Medics later took her to Victoria Hospital where she has been on life support. The incident led to police intervention and arrest of four workers of Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Clinic on offences o

Facebook Bans 7 'Cyber Mercenary' Companies for Spying on Activists, Journalists, Opposition Supporters / Politicians / Their Families and Human Rights Defenders.

Meta Platforms on Thursday revealed it took steps to deplatform seven cyber mercenaries that it said carried out "indiscriminate" targeting of journalists, dissidents, critics of authoritarian regimes, families of opposition, and human rights activists located in over 100 countries, amid mounting scrutiny of surveillance technologies. To that end, the company said it alerted 50,000 users of Facebook and Instagram that their accounts were spied on by the companies, who offer a variety of services that run the spyware gamut from hacking tools for infiltrating mobile phones to creating fake social media accounts to monitor targets. It also removed 1,500 Facebook and Instagram accounts linked to these firms. Four of the cyber mercenary enterprises — Cobwebs Technologies, Cognyte, Black Cube, and Bluehawk CI — are based in Israel. Also included in the list is an Indian company known as BellTroX, a North Macedonian named Cytrox, and an unknown entity operating out of China that'

Indian Communities Want to be Recognized as a Tribe in Uganda.

What you must know; At first  they Asked for a Position in Parliament and now they are requesting to be Recognized as a Tribe in Uganda. Indians in Uganda through their community have told president Museveni to advocate for their inclusion in the Ugandan Constitution as one of the local tribes in the country. Speaking on behalf of the Indian Community, the Chairman of the Indian Association in Uganda Mohan Rao said without a tribe, they have no guarantee of their nationality since most of them have been born in Uganda and have raised their families here. “Without the Tribe Sir, our children have no guarantee of nationality. It is absurd but true that even if we are Ugandans and our children are born and educated in Uganda, they are not considered citizens of Uganda, which would not be the case if they belonged to a constitutionally recognized tribe. If they work for Multinational corporations and give birth to children outside Uganda, those children are also not considered Ugandan,”. R

Ayivu East County MP Feta Geofrey Delivers 10,000 Liters of Water for Construction of a Mosque.

Today Hon Feta Geofrey delivered 10,000 litres of water to Munir Mosque at Ociba Coast to support them in their Brick laying project which is intended to renovate the Mosque.  This is one of the oldest Mosques in Ayivu. The Chairperson Formation Board and his team thanked the Legislator so much for his corporate responsibility and quotioned his followers not to depend so much on their leaders but rather come together. United we stand and divided we fall. He ended up with Insahallah.  PS HON FETA GEOFREY MP AYIVU EAST +256772784336

PRISONERS PERISH IN ACCIDENT ON THE WAY TO ‘WORK’. What is the Legal Lesson❓ In Lwengo District, two prisoners were killed in a motor accident. What happened, in short, is this: they were 8 prisoners were stuffed into a Wish and they were being taken to work somewhere. The driver decided to overtake a trailer in a corner and lost control and the accident occurred. It turns out one of the two dead prisoners was on remand waiting for his trial. We have decided to say a few things about the rights of prisoners. Who is a remanded Prisoner? The law (prisons act) says that if a person is taken to prison but has not been sentenced yet, or is waiting for his/her court trial, then this person is said to be on remand. This person is supposed to be treated as innocent until the trial against them is concluded and they are found guilty and convicted. Transportation of prisoners There are authorised vehicles that belong to prisons. However, sometimes a non-official vehicle m

Facebook to Pay Hackers for Reporting Data Scraping Bugs and Scraped Datasets.

  Meta Platforms, the company formerly known as Facebook, has announced that it's expanding its bug bounty program to start rewarding valid reports of scraping vulnerabilities across its platforms as well as include reports of scraping data sets that are available online. "We know that automated activity designed to scrape people's public and private data targets every website or service," said Dan Gurfinkel, security engineering manager at Meta. "We also know that it is a highly adversarial space where scrapers — be it malicious apps, websites or scripts — constantly adapt their tactics to evade detection in response to the defenses we build and improve." Automatic GitHub Backups To that end, the social media giant aims to monetarily compensate for valid reports of scraping bugs in its service and identify unprotected or openly public databases containing no less than 100,000 unique Facebook user records with personally identifiable information (PII) such a