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ANCESTRAL JUSTICE. Spirit of Slain Kenneth Akena Haunting Mathew Kanyamunyu, Rushes to Confess Before Acholic Cultural Leaders for Apology.

Mathew Kanyamunyu kneeling before the Acholi elders Kampala businessman Mathew Kanyamunyu, a prime suspect in the shooting of child rights activist Kenneth Akena Watmon, has this afternoon confessed to the crime and agreed to pay reparation for the offence. Kanyamunyu was arrested in 2016 on suspicion that he drew a gun at Akena after he reportedly accidentally knocked his car in a parking lot in Lugogo, Kampala. Akena had reportedly gone to apologise to Kanyamunyu after the accident, but Kanyamunyu instead lowered the window of his car and shot him with a pistol at close range. Akena died a few hours later at Norvic hospital along Bombo Road where he had been taken by the accused. Kanyamunyu has since then been on trial together with his Burundian girlfriend Cynthia Munwangari and sibling Joseph Kanyamunyu who allegedly hid the killer gun. But throughout the trial, Kanyamunyu and his girlfriend insisted that they only took Akena to hospital as good Samaritans.   But in an alle

Some List of MPs Who “Unfairly” or “Fairly” Lost in the NRM Party Primary Elections on 4-Sep-2020.

On September 4, the ruling party held primaries to choose flagbearers for Members of Parliament for 2021 general elections. The election was characterized by violence, rigging, bribery and multiple petitions while other contestants chose to declare themselves as winners and in some constituencies elections were suspended by the NRM electoral commission to thwart possible chaos and bloodshed. LIST Buwekula County:            Joseph Kakooza Mubende Municipality:     Anthony Ssemuli Mubende Woman:              Benny Namugwanya Butemba County:               Innocent Kamusiime Kyankwanzi Woman:         Anne Nankabirwa Hand Woman MP:         Peace Pride Katakwi Woman MP:        Violet Akurut Bunyole West:                 James Waluswaka Ngora County:                  David Abala Kaberamaido:                   Veronica Eragu Bitechero Vurra:                                Aridru Gabriel Ajedra Toroma County:               Andrew Joseph Koluo Ten Woman MP:            Monica Amoding Kan

UPDF Soldier at the Rank of Lance Corporal, Bigombe Collins Tuhame Has Been Arrested and Detained at Muhoti Barracks, for Joining National Unity Platform (NUP) Party as its Coordinator for Fort Portal.

Our coordinators in Fort Portal have informed me of the arrest and detention of Lance Corporal Collins Tuhame Bigombe at Muhoti Barracks in Fort Portal. Apparently, his crime is identifying with the National Unity Platform and #PeoplePower.  We know that the vast majority of UPDF and Police Officers support our struggle to liberate our country. As I said in my previous message, these brothers and sisters have borne the brunt of bad governance. We therefore always encourage the soldiers and police officers who support us that they don't need to come out now.  Therefore, it might have been a wrong sense of judgement for this comrade to openly identify with us, but I want to call out the double standards! On a daily basis, we have seen military officers and police officers supporting NRM openly, some to a point of wearing NRM t-shirts inside their army uniform. Yet, every soldier or police officer who even shows sympathy to the forces of change is hounded and

Why Pastors in Uganda Are Eyeing 2021 General Elections.

At 55 years old, Archbishop Janani Luwum was more than half the age of Christianity in Uganda. Preparations to celebrate the centenary of the Christian faith in the country were in high gear. The month was February. The year, 1977. The celebrations were just four months away. But before they could take part in the centenary, the Anglican bishops in Uganda had a message for the head of state. They were concerned about the tyranny and gross human rights violations in the country. And they wanted to draw their concerns to Idi Amin, the president at the time. On Feb. 8, 1977, the bishops listed their concerns and tasked the archbishop himself with delivering their protest letter to Amin. Luwum obliged. Eight days later, in retaliation, Amin invited a delegation, including religious leaders, and informed them that he had received evidence of treason against the archbishop. Later that evening, Luwum was shot dead. The government claimed he died in a motor accident. Amin was not happy

Joining Politics Should Not be About Escaping Yourself from Poverty - President Museveni Narrating.

4th-September-2020 NRM Party Primary Elections. I spent the day in Mbarara and Sembabule districts, where I met NRM parliamentary aspirants and other officials from the two districts plus Isingiro, Kirihura and Kazo.  It is important for those seeking leadership positions in the NRM to appreciate our ideology. People are fighting hard to go to Parliament because MPs unilaterally increased their salaries. They earn more than our scientists and other critical professionals.  I tried to discourage them but they insisted. Now, people want to leave their jobs and go to Parliament to earn high salaries. And yet this should not be the motivation to seek parliamentary seats, it should be about serving their people.  Politics is working for the people, to help them get out of poverty and solve their problems. It should not be about you the contestant escaping from poverty yourself.  For those who were violent in the party primaries, including those who masterminded it, we shall arrest a

NRM Party Primary Elections; Congolese Been Ferried to Vote, and Tribalism Talks Caused Hon Ajedra Gabriel Aridru to Fail in Vurra Constituency.

4th-September-2020 NRM Party Primary Elections for Parliamentary Seats. Good morning my Beloved people of Vurra Constituency. I wish to issue the following communique regarding the recently concluded NRM Election in Vurra Constituency.   After a meeting with family and close friends, I have decided NOT to File a Petition, even though the lawyers say the grounds are valid. Such as chasing my agents from some polling places, Congolese coming to vote, manipulation of the tallying sheets by election officials,  etc. There is no such thing as free and fair elections in many parts of Africa and the world.  When you hear some respected leaders saying Vurras ( here I mean Vurra Subcounty ) have "eaten" enough, its time for Logiri.  I refuse to be associated with such sectarian politics and rudimentary discussions.   I do not want to be a leader responsible for divisive politics in Vurra Constituency.   I know many will be unhappy with my decision but never the less I had to m

Congolese Been Ferried to Vote in Uganda! That is Pan-africanism - Minister Anite Evelyn Lamenting.

Anite on NBS TV: I commend the majje (armed forces) for doing a good job in Koboko. I told them not to side with any candidate. Moderator Sabiiti asks Anite: You are on record saying Congolese travelled to Uganda to vote during NRM primaries, where were the majje when Congolese crossed into Uganda? Anite: "One of the NRM principles is pan-Africanism. I'm happy that the majje respected pan-Africanism." Sabiiti: Congolese voting in Uganda is not pan-Africanism.