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Google+ to Shutdown Immediately After New API Flaw Hits 52.5 Million Users Again.

Google revealed on Monday 10 December 2018, that, Google+ has suffered another massive data breach, forcing the tech giant to shut down its struggling social network four months earlier than its actual scheduled date, i.e., in April 2019 instead of August 2019. Google said it discovered another critical security vulnerability in one of Google+'s People APIs that could have allowed developers to steal private information on 52.5 million users, including their name, email address, occupation, and age. The vulnerable API in question is called "People: get" that has been designed to let developers request basic information associated with a user profile. However, software update in November introduced the bug in the Google+ People API that allowed apps to view users' information even if a user profile was set to not-public. Google engineers discovered the security issue during standard testing procedures and addressed it within a week of the issue being introduced. The co

Kabila Rubbishes corruption claims against family, ready to handover.

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s outgoing president, Joseph Kabila, has rubbished claims that members of his family were unduly profiting from mining concessions in the country. He challenged those peddling such allegations to provide tangible evidence if they really had any. The most known such report is one published in 2016 by the Bloomberg news portal. “I probably believe that people who write those reports live on another planet which is not this planet. Feel free to give me the names of those family members and those permits, they don’t exist. That's where stupidity begins, allow me to use the word. I hope that one of these days someone will come up with something that is tangible instead of them being allegations left and right, Asked whether his wife and children were not holding mining rights, he responded: “Do you know how old my children are in order for them to have mining rights? “That’s where stupidity begins, allow me to use the word. I hope that one of these days

Rwanda prosecutor to appeal acquittal of govt critic, Diane Rwigara.

Prosecution agency of Rwanda has said it will appeal the recent acquittal of a government critic, Diane Rwigara and her mother Adeline Rwigara. The Rwanda New Times portal said prosecutor Jean Bosco Mutangana told reporters that the National Public Prosecution Authority, NPPA, was set to challenge the Kigali High court’s decision. The court last week acquitted the Rwigara’s who were facing charges of inciting violence and forgery on the part of Diane during the presentation of her candidature to contest presidential polls in 2017. The duo were acquitted with the court citing insufficient evidence on the part of the prosecution. This is the first time government is responding to the acquittal. The NPPA boss on Wednesday held a press conference with an aim of giving an update on the international cooperation on genocide fugitives. This follows the extradition Tuesday of Wenceslas Twagirayezu from Denmark. The 37-year-old opposition leader faced up to 22 years in prison for charges she sa

Parliament of Australia Passes Ant-Encryption Law. This is an Awkward move that will effect decryption of Everyone's Devices and Internet Accounts.

We Condemn this Law. Australia Passes Anti-Encryption Bill—Here's Everything You Need To Know. Australia encryption telecommunications assistance bill Australia's House of Representatives has finally passed the "Telecommunications Assistance and Access Bill 2018," also known as the Anti-Encryption Bill, on Thursday that would now allow law enforcement to force Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, Signal, and other tech giants to help them access encrypted communications. The Australian government argues the new legislation is important for national security and an essential tool to help law enforcement and security agencies fight serious offenses such as crime, terrorist attacks, drug trafficking, smuggling, and sexual exploitation of children. Since the bill had support from both major parties (the Coalition and Labor), the upper house could vote in support of the Assistance and Access Bill to make it law, which is expected to come into effect immediately during the next sess

Sunday 9 December 2018, Wadri Kasiano makes 100 Days in Office, as Arua Municipality Member of Parliament.

Fellow Country Men, Country Women, Africans and whole World, Greetings. We are here Writing this article on the date of 9-12-2018 because Arua Municipality MP-Elect, Hon Kasiano Wadri has already made 100 days in Office. We are encapsulating this majorly as a reminding not to Hon Kasiano Wadri and His Supporters. Our kind request for silence, is to some of fanatic supporters of Wadri Kasiano, who bubble and abuse people whose opinions do not match with them. Bunch of Supporters who caucus like WhiteAnts wiggling because of Light. Perhaps, the main objective of this article is to have an inner look into 100 days of Wadri being in Office since he was elected in the recently concluded 15 August 2018 Arua Municipality Bye-Elections. For us in Neutral Opposition, we question the ways and criteria which some of Our fellow Opposition icons do, which in other ways, may be syndicate. It all started with Mr Kasiano Wadri jumping off from the Truck of Giant and Vibrant FORUM FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE

US Federal Court Linked Museveni to a 500000$ Bribe, in the same Week Transparency International awarded Museveni for his Anti-Corruption Activities.

*Fwd: Complaint: Transparency International's anti-corruption award to Yoweri Museveni* From: Helen Epstein <> Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018, 16:40 Subject: Complaint: Transparency International's anti-corruption award to Yoweri Museveni To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, mallimadi <>, <>, <>,

Chad`s President idriss, President Museveni of Uganda and Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Kutesa of Uganda might be on Fire after the Conviction of Chinese Government Official Chi Ping Patrick on Charges of Bribery, Foreign Corruption Law, Money Laundering and Among others.

Natural Greed and Turbo of many People including some Leaders, has landed them into Trouble. Idriss Deby of Chad and the Ugandan foreign minister, Sam Kutesa may have cause to worry, following the conviction of a former Hong Kong government official was on Wednesday found guilty of bribing them in exchange for contracts for a Chinese energy company. Chi Ping Patrick Ho, 69, was convicted of seven of the eight counts against by a jury in federal court in Manhattan, United States after a trial lasting just over a week. Edward Kim, a lawyer for Ho, declined to comment. Ho, a former Hong Kong home affairs secretary, was arrested in November 2017 on charges of violating U.S. foreign corruption law, money laundering and conspiracy. Federal prosecutors said he arranged bribes on behalf of a Chinese energy company that funds an organization he leads. At the time of his arrest, Ho was secretary-general of the Hong Kong-based China Energy Fund Committee, an organization funded by the Shanghai-b