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"WE SPEAK FOR THE NATION" group on whatsapp has just shared a missile. [Click on this link to join ]. AGE LIMIT HAS BECOME THE AGE LIMIT.

"As the MPs consider scraping off the upper age limit for one to qualify to be the President of Uganda, let them also scrap off the lower age limit of 35 years so that we can have youthful Presidents. Is that not discrimination against young people who form the majority of  our population (65%)? What about the legal age of consent and adulthood of 18? Let them also scrap it off so that the law on defilement is also scrapped off. Can't MPs also consider that as descrimanation against the rights of those who want to marry or get married before 18 years of age? Let MPs also consider scraping the law on Child labour so that children who want to be employed can get jobs before 18 years. Is it not also descrimanation against those who want gainful employment before the age of 18?. Let the MPs also remove the age limit of retirement at 60 years age for one who wants to continue to serve in public service beyond 60 years to do so possibly until death. That wilI enable government to s

GOVERNMENT OF THE DEAD, FOR THE LIVING. A government that murders over 30 women and blames ILLUMINATI.

THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR MURDERING INNOCENT YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN MUST STOP NOW. Why should a normal human being kill another human being? Is this government not killing us enough that we resort to helping this regime do what it does best by killing ourselves? Those young women are innocent and they never participated in keeping Museveni in power and why kill them?  We know the people that are responsible for our suffering like Anite, Abiriga, Semeo Nyanzi, Nabanja, Anifa Kawooya, Magyezi, Olega, Lubwama and many NRM members of parliament and these are the people that should face such actions not our own people. We are dying in accidents, being killed by Kayihura's police, by military police and we are giving them a helping hand by killing our own. Let us turn our anger and frustrations to people who are helping Museveni to stay in power and we should go after their families.  If we did this, you will hear a quick response from the government because we will get its attention. How many

EXCLUSIVE. HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF HOW MANY PEOPLE MUSEVENI HAS USED AND DISCARDED LIKE A USED CONDOM. This one is also a long article and if you are lazy in reading, just back off from me! Because i post for readers, readers only.

Gullible Ugandans are up in arms over the recent remarks that were made by a Minister, Evelyn Anitte to the effect that the Museveni regime derives its strength from the army. She said; ".... we don't go looking for support. We are the party in government. We have the support of the Magye (army)." This was following a threat by some Members of parliament to block the regime's scheme to remove the constitutional age limit that would allow Museveni to rule Uganda till he dies. The army has come out to disassociate itself from Hon. Anitte's statement. Through its Spokesman, the army has said; ".... the UPDF has established structures and then MPs through whom it can make its views known when necessary. The UPDF shall always remain non-partisan as per the Constitution." In January 2013 amidst the heated parliamentary debates over Museveni's secretive oil sector, the then Minister of Defence, Cryspus Kiyonga threatened that the army would take over in ca

EXCLUSIVE. HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF HOW MANY PEOPLE MUSEVENI HAS USED AND DISCARDED LIKE A USED CONDOM. This one is also a long article and if you are lazy in reading, just back off from me! Because i post for readers, readers only.

Gullible Ugandans are up in arms over the recent remarks that were made by a Minister, Evelyn Anitte to the effect that the Museveni regime derives its strength from the army. She said; ".... we don't go looking for support. We are the party in government. We have the support of the Magye (army)." This was following a threat by some Members of parliament to block the regime's scheme to remove the constitutional age limit that would allow Museveni to rule Uganda till he dies. The army has come out to disassociate itself from Hon. Anitte's statement. Through its Spokesman, the army has said; ".... the UPDF has established structures and then MPs through whom it can make its views known when necessary. The UPDF shall always remain non-partisan as per the Constitution." In January 2013 amidst the heated parliamentary debates over Museveni's secretive oil sector, the then Minister of Defence, Cryspus Kiyonga threatened that the army would take over in ca


The postmortem result of the suspect who died in police custody at Kijomoro sub-county headquarter in maracha district, showed that, the suspect was tortured. Surprisingly, all the police officers at Kijomoro sub county  headquarters are no where to be seen. They ran away. Relatives of the deceased are people from ALIBA sub-county in AYIVU county, ARUA district. However, the relatives of the deceased suspect have commanded that, they only want the body to be taken for burial, by the police officers who were there on duty in that day and night of the tragedy. Guess what is gonna happen with the officers if they risk to take the body for burial. ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                    MY MESSAGE TO MY FELLOW LUGBARA MEN AND WOMEN;  Let us unite to pressure the Government, in a must case to compensate the relatives of this murdered suspect And those police officers must face the law.


A suspect who was accused of stealing a phone, died in police detention facility in the sub-county Headquarter of Kijomoro in Maracha district. Police alleged that, the suspect committed suicide during the night of their detention in police custody. The deceased, whose details is not known clear yet, was arrested together with his friend called EGOO from ARODRI in Poo village Lamila parish, on Sunday 17 September 2017 by the police on allegations that they both conspired to steal a phone from a local phone technician at OKOKORO trading center, who reported them to police. Due to threat and torture in police detention room, the other suspect EGOO from ARODRI, fearfully confessed that he put the stolen phone in their House!!! When the police officer escorted him to go and pick the phone from their home, EGOO entered into the house and delayed for about 10 minutes while the officer was waiting him at the door. he surprisingly came out minus the phone. He was then taken back to spend their


*THE FIGTH AGAINST AGE LIMIT LIFTING Prt 3* Thursday 21 sept 2017 8:00am PEACFUL MARCHING TO PARLAIMENT 1. Meeting point : kla road / mutaasa Kafeero 2. Togikwatako / Toginyonyogela shirts wil b distributed 3. Th agenda wil b discussed 4. Proceeding to parliament as a whole *Expectations* a. Tear gas / pink water cans b. Arrests c. Kiboko squad *What to come with* a. National ID b. Water bottle c. Small quick shoes 4 easy running jst in case. *Sembatya Richard chairperson* - *KEEP AGE LIMIT IN CONSTITUTION* = *KALIC* Kampala district. One Uganda One People