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  Olwenyi has been everything. A farmer, diamond seller, travel advisor, importer and ‘Manager UCC’. In short, he is a mufere. Last year, he conned some people of their mobile money in Uganda then fled to South Sudan to hide. While there, he ‘kufeerad’ (conned) someone ‘big’ in government of about 1 billion shillings and a very expensive necklace and he was arrested while crossing the border to Uganda. Someone whispered to him that the ‘big shot’ in government ‘will die on him’ so now Olwenyi wants to know if he can be taken back to Uganda because he does not want to be in prison in another country where he might not survive.   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?   According to the law, crimes are tried where they are committed. This is called territorial jurisdiction (This is the power of courts in a certain area to hear and deal with cases within that area). That means that if someone commits a crime in Uganda, the courts in Uganda have the right to try the matter. If a crime is commi

SecuriDropper: New Android Dropper-as-a-Service Bypasses Google's Defenses.

Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a new dropper-as-a-service (DaaS) for Android called SecuriDropper that bypasses new security restrictions imposed by Google and delivers the malware. Dropper malware on Android is designed to function as a conduit to install a payload on a compromised device, making it a lucrative business model for threat actors, who can advertise the capabilities to other criminal groups. What's more, doing so also allows adversaries to separate the development and execution of an attack from the installation of the malware. "Droppers and the actors behind them are in a constant state of evolution as they strive to outwit evolving security measures," Dutch cybersecurity firm ThreatFabric said in a report shared with The Hacker News. One such security measure introduced by Google with Android 13 is what's called the Restricted Settings, which prevents sideloaded applications from obtaining Accessibility and Notification


Nalule’s husband died one year ago. Her late husband’s brothers came in immediately after the burial and took over all the property in the house. They even chased Nalule out of the house. Nalule was stuck in Kotido begging and looking for transport and food to return to Buikwe when she met Nafuka who advised to go to court and seek for justice. Nalule’s problem is that she could not even afford food or transport to Buikwe, so then how would she afford to take her husband’s relatives to court? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?. Justice must be available to everyone regardless of the wealth they have. This means that everyone is equal before the law, and they should not be denied justice just because they are ‘poor’. In Uganda, the law allows people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer or pay the court fees associated with their case to bring their case before court. If you are unable to afford to hire a lawyer or even pay for court fees, in the law you are referred to as a "pauper&

Arua City Physical Planner Arrested for Erroneously Issuing Development Permit.

📸: Mr Findru Moses in the middle with chained hands being escorted to Arua City CPS by security operatives.  The Arua City Physical Planner Mr Findru Moses has on Monday afternoon 2pm 6-Nov-2023 been arrested by police and State House Anti-corruption Unit officers on orders of State Minister for Economic monitoring Hon Akello Beatrice over his alleged decision to issue a development permit to a telecom company called American Construction Towers (ACT) Ltd to construct a telecom mast behind Arua Public library in Hospital cell, on a land that is said to be belonging to Uganda Land Commission. The State Minister for Economic monitoring Hon Akello Beatrice who tasked the concerned relevant authorities to respond to issues raised in construction of the mast, contrary to the decision of the City council and also City Physical planning board, ended up directing the arrest of the head of Arua City physical planning board Mr Moses Findru. Arua City Mayor Hon Sam Nyakua Wadri says,


📸: The Independent. Every year around this time, the people in Mangeno’s village start to worry. While everyone else in the country is thinking about Christmas clothes, they are worried about mudslides and floods.  So they use this time to harvest their food and prepare themselves to survive. Unfortunately, this year, the Christmas rains came earlier than expected and so far, 35 homes have been either swept away or buried in the mud. There is no harvested food to last through the heavy rains, and everyone is worried about starving. Does the government have a responsibility to feed them in this trying time? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? According to the law, the government has a responsibility to set up effective measures to deal with any of the following issues: Hazard or disaster arising out of natural calamities. For example, landslides and floods. Any situation resulting in general displacement of people. For example, many people were displaced by floods in Kasese district. Se

We Continue to Explore for You What "Steam Therapy" is, and Why Hotel Le Confidentiel Installed It.

📸: Steam Therapy Facility at Hotel Le Confidentiel. Part 1. Steam bath or Steam shower is an enclosed facility with a steaming system installed. In this episode, we tell you why "Steam Therapy" is important to your health. RESPIRATORY HEALTH. Many people have had breathing complications caused by either fats or malfunctioning of some internal body organs. However, health researchers discovered that, steaming can help to solve respiratory discomfort by soothing inflammation, loosening phlegm and mucous in and around the respiratory system. Therefore; are you suffering from frequent pneumonia or other respiration related problems, try steaming therapy at Hotel Le Confidentiel by calling  telephone number  +256761688181 Or Email:   for bookings. #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power   (

Google Play Store Introduces 'Independent Security Review' Badge for Apps.

Google is rolling out an "Independent security review" badge in the Play Store's Data safety section for Android apps that have undergone a Mobile Application Security Assessment ( MASA ) audit. "We've launched this banner beginning with VPN apps due to the sensitive and significant amount of user data these apps handle," Nataliya Stanetsky of the Android Security and Privacy Team said. MASA allows developers to have their apps independently validated against a global security standard such as the Mobile Application Security Verification Standard ( MASVS ), thereby providing more transparency and enabling users to make informed choices prior to downloading them. The efforts are part of Google's broader push to make the Data safety section a one-stop shop that presents a "unified view of app safety," offering details about the kind of data that's being collected, for what purpose, and if it's being shared with third-part