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  #PRESSRELEASE  The security operation conducted on Thursday, 5th October 2023, was a success and concluded peacefully. Joint deployments, including both overt and covert officers, were strategically positioned, and snap checkpoints were established on all roads leading to Entebbe and along Gayaza road. A total of 40 suspects, including Member of Parliament Hon. Matovu Charles (Busiro South), were apprehended for inciting violence. Various items intended for use in processions, such as red berets, handheld megaphone speakers, and white and red T-shirts branded "Kunga Uganda," were recovered and exhibited. Relevant statements were taken, and all 40 arrested suspects underwent fingerprinting and profiling. These individuals will face charges in court as operations persist. P. Onyango   SSP   PRO KMP   6th October 2023

Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa has rejected accusations by the Opposition that there are no high profile people in Uganda seeking treatment in Mulago, with many flying abroad, saying he personally receives treatment from Mulago Hospital & that recently, Ssemujju Nganda (Kira Municipality) testified in Parliament that his own mother sought for treatment at the National Referral hospital.  "The other day, MP Ssemujju Nganda gave a testimony of how his mother was saved at Mulago. Personally, I get treated at Mulago, if you go there, they will tell you that two weeks ago, my father was operated at Mulago, my own father. I have the capacity to take him anywhere. Is it because I don’t love him? No, it is because Mulago has capacity," Tayebwa.

Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa has rejected accusations by the Opposition that there are no high profile people in Uganda seeking treatment in Mulago, with many flying abroad, saying he personally receives treatment from Mulago Hospital & that recently, Ssemujju Nganda (Kira Municipality) testified in Parliament that his own mother sought for treatment at the National Referral hospital.  "The other day, MP Ssemujju Nganda gave a testimony of how his mother was saved at Mulago. Personally, I get treated at Mulago, if you go there, they will tell you that two weeks ago, my father was operated at Mulago, my own father. I have the capacity to take him anywhere. Is it because I don’t love him? No, it is because Mulago has capacity," Tayebwa.

Apple Rolls Out Security Patches for Actively Exploited iOS Zero-Day Flaw.

  📸: Courtesy. Apple on Wednesday 4-Oct-2023 rolled out security patches to address a new zero-day flaw in iOS and iPadOS that it said has come under active exploitation in the wild. Tracked as  CVE-2023-42824 , the kernel vulnerability could be abused by a local attacker to elevate their privileges. The iPhone maker said it addressed the problem with improved checks. "Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited against versions of iOS before iOS 16.6," the company  noted  in a terse advisory. While additional details about the nature of the attacks and the identity of the threat actors perpetrating them are currently unknown, successful exploitation likely hinges on an attacker already obtaining an initial foothold by some other means. Apple's latest update also resolves  CVE-2023-5217  impacting the WebRTC component, which Google last week described as a heap-based buffer overflow in the VP8 compression format in libvpx. The patches, iOS

Maracha Constituency MP Oguzu Lee asks CAO to explain failure to work on roads in Q1.

📸: Hon Oguzu Lee Denis during a plenary session in Parliament. Maracha County MP Hon. Oguzu Lee has written to CAO Maracha District to explain why the district hasn't utilized Ugx 250m, part of the 1bn  grant meant for road maintenance.  📸: Letter Written by Hon Lee Oguzu Denis. In the letter dated 2nd October 2023, Oguzu drew the CAO's attention to previous return of funds to the Consolidated Fund which he says derails service delivery. In his letter, the MP pursuant to reporting provisions of the Public Finance Management Act  requested to be availed with Quarter 1 reports so as to evaluate budget performance of the District in the quarter. "The budget execution circular for FY 2023/24 requires accounting officers to be held responsible for failure to execute the budget in a timely manner and in accordance with approved work plans," the MP noted. Many implementers have been querying decision of Parliament with regard to the reallocation of

Ministry of Health Warns Ugandans Against Priding in as the Leading Alcohol Consumers in Africa.

The Ministry of Health has cautioned Ugandans not to take pride in being the leading alcohol consumers in Africa, saying alcohol dependence has imposed a huge burden on Uganda’s health sector. "Uganda is among the three leading consumers of alcohol in the world, now the latest, is the worst and we have been leading in Africa. That isn’t really a trophy we are very proud about, we should be proud about these trophies of sports but not carrying the trophy of high alcohol consumption," Henry Mwebesa, Director General Health Services- Ministry of Health.

Petition: Musicians in Uganda Want All the Radios and TVs to Dedicate 90% of Airtime to Promote Their Music.

📸: Some of the Musicians while attending the plenary sitting in Parliament on Wednesday 4-Oct-2023. Artists through their body, Uganda National Musicians Federation, have petitioned Parliament asking to have radio and TV stations to dedicate 90% of airtime to Ugandan music as a way of promoting local content and supporting the development of Uganda's  music industry. The artists also want Gov't to impose a tax levy on devices (computers, laptops, photocopiers etc) used in the reproduction of copy right protected works and have the proceeds shared equally between Gov't and holders of copy rights. The artists also want amendment s to the Copyright And Neighboring Rights Act 2006 to cater for the changes in technology & ensure revision of the charges for caller back tunes where the artists would receive 60% proceedings, while Government and Telecom Companies would be left to share the 40%. #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power  #we_inform_the_uninformed


📸: Courtesy. Kasokoso has been called  ‘greedy’,  ‘money hungry’  and a  ‘muyaye’  before because of how he demands for his money. Yesterday, he went to Baluku’s farm and took 4 Friesian cows to pay himself back for the 4 million Baluku failed to pay him back.  When asked why he did it, Kasokoso told Baluku and the LC Chairman that court would take long yet he wants to send his children to school for third term. When is Kasokoso allowed to sell Baluku’s property? Lawyers told him that he has to wait for the court's decision before he does anything, but he has refused to listen. Are his actions lawful?.   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?. According to the law, you are allowed to sell the property of someone you demand money from, but this cannot be done by you personally. Instead, this can only be done by the court officials in charge of selling property known as ‘court bailiffs. On top of that, not even a bailiff is allowed to sell that property unless there is a court order giv