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Long Live: Elders in Maracha District Pray, Shower Mr Aduma Justus & PHASE Org With Praises for Donating Food for the Poor People.

  📸: Mr Aduma Yeero Justus with Soda at hand, looks on as the relief foods are offloaded from lorry and arranged on ground at Nyadri Urban SS to ease its division. Photo by Information is Power. Article first published here on Monday 10:53pm 1-May-2023. Pragmatic Help Achieving Social Empowerment (PHASE) an NGO registered in Somalia in 2014, through its Director, Technical and Program manager Mr Justus Yeero Aduma has on Monday 1-May-2023 donated food items amounting to over 50,000,000 Shs to the vulnerable people in Maracha East Constituency, Maracha District. PHASE is funded by an organization called iDRF from Western World. The relief food program whose distribution and process of identifying beneficiaries meeting held on 28-4-2023 was left to religious leaders in the 11 Sub-counties of Maracha East Constituency, has benefited over 600 vulnerable people.  📸: The relief items been offloaded from a Fuso Fighter truck and laid on grou


Copied. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more updates and news on regional, national and international stories that matter to you. Overthinking means to think too much about (something): to put too much time into thinking about or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful. Overthinkers may have trouble distinguishing between the fear of making a mistake, which leads to overthinking to the point where they make no decision, and a deep feeling that something is wrong.  Knowing if fear or intuition is guiding your behavior will help you get out of your head and take the next necessary steps. SIGNS THAT YOU OVERTHINK ▶️Difficulty following along with and contributing to a conversation because you go over potential responses or statements time and again until the conversation has either ended or the window of opportunity for speaking was lost ▶️Continually comparing yourself to the people around you and how y


  By BarefootLawyers. Ssekabanja started making shoes two years ago because no shop could make a shoe that could fit him. While at a party he met another bigfooted person who asked him where he imported his shoe from. This gave Ssekabanja the idea to start an actual shoe company. The rest is history. His company is now big. He sells the best bigfoot shoes at the lowest prices, but he has still failed to get a ‘really’ good name for the shoes that he sells.  Last month, someone suggested that Ssekabanja should start making shoe polish too. This was also an instant success Afterall, it kept the shoes shinning longer and was 3 times cheaper than all the other types. He then shared some shoe polish samples for the people in uptown Kampala, but no one bought the shoe polish ‘mbu’ for them they use ‘labels’ and ‘brands.   WHY ARE LABELS AND BRAND NAMES IMPORTANT? Labels or brand names are usually those words, symbols or phrase that help people to know that a certain product is fr

I Don't Buy Lands That Have Wrangles, Businessman Baptista Lema Tells People in Arivu Sub-county.

  📸: The buyer takes group photo with the conflicting parties after concluding the dialogue, demarcation and surveying process. The Arivu Sub-county political leadership, seller and buyer of a 6 acre land located in Ebira B village, Pajuru parish, Arivu Sub-county in Vurra Constituency, Arua District has on Tuesday 16-5-2023 been settled resolved peacefully. Mr Baptista Eneku Lema legally bought the land, 6 acres in November 2022. However, its purchase became contested when he wanted to survey the land he bought in Ebira B village, some few people led by Mr Okuonzi Jimmy from Alivu village in the same parish, showed up to frustrate the process, claiming it was not sold by the rightful owner. The event of Tuesday 16-5-2023 follows a security committee meeting resolution passed on Thursday 11-May-2023 involving Arua District security leadership, the complainant and the defendant, where Chairman of the meeting, Deputy RDC Mr Ezama Ham Mizamil made a decision to schedule a dat


By BarefootLawyers.  Musiizi has decided to write a new book every month so that he can be recognized a great student even after dropping out of the class because things were very hard to understand. What he has done is to get the writing of other students who he studied with and on every start of a chapter he add the words “Indeed” and at the last paragraph of the chapter he adds “therefore”. Do all these ‘new writings’ qualify as new creations and works?   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? By law, you are allowed to get a work of art, or publication and make something new based on it as long as you have got permission from the owner of the original work. This is called a derivative work. However, for your ‘new’ creation to qualify as derivative work deserving of legal protection, there must be enough change to the original work. For example if Musiizi’s new books were translated so that a person who is blind can be able to read, he could get legal protection for his new books. Howev

Weeping in Maracha as Headteacher Mr James Etima Tops the List of Those Lost to Rampant Accidents in the District.

 📸: Eye witnesses and police at the scene of accident. Photo by Joe Maracani, Information is Power. The people of Maracha District have found themselves into more mystery after the tarmacked highway road has turned to be their death spots, killing them one after the other due to reckless drivers / riders and lack of proper humps. With the previously noticeable accidents which claimed prominent people like Hon Droma Morish DLC Councillor representing people of Yivu Sub-county to the District who was knocked dead on 7-April-2023, a day later Police officer Sergeant Adiga Constantine was knocked dead on spot as he tried to cross over the highway to Maracha Central Police Station (Maracha CPS), and many other unnoticeable accidents, the district was on monday morning 15-5-2023 robbed of another prominent person, the Nyadri urban secondary school headteacher who died on the spot following a fatal road accident. The headteacher identified as Mr James Etima reportedly met his dea

Industrial Cellular Routers at Risk: 11 New Vulnerabilities Expose OT Networks.

By THN. Several security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in cloud management platforms associated with three industrial cellular router vendors that could expose operational technology (OT) networks to external attacks. The findings were presented by Israeli industrial cybersecurity firm OTORIO at the Black Hat Asia 2023 conference last week. The 11 vulnerabilities allow "remote code execution and full control over hundreds of thousands of devices and OT networks - in some cases, even those not actively configured to use the cloud." Specifically, the shortcomings reside in the cloud-based management solutions offered by Sierra Wireless, Teltonika Networks, and InHand Networks to remotely manage and operate devices. Successful exploitation of the vulnerabilities could pose severe risks to industrial environments, allowing adversaries to sidestep security layers as well as exfiltrate sensitive information and achieve code execution remotely on the internal networks. Even wo