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Radio Station Owners and Managers in Lango Sub-region Operating in Fear After Receiving Warnings from UCC Over Hosting National Unity Platform (NUP) Party Candidates.

Radio stations in Lango sub-region under Lango Radio Owner’s Association are locking out National Unity Platform(@NUP_Ug) candidates from appearing on top radio programs.  The radio station owners are fearing that their licenses could be withdrawn or equipment confiscated by the Uganda Communications Commission and Police.  The radio owners claim they have received a series of warnings from UCC restricting their newsrooms from airing any NUP related activities. Photo Credit; NBS. Stay tuned!

President Museveni Appoints Sacked ISO Boss Kaka Byagenda as Uganda's New Ambassador to Angola.

Col. Frank Kaka Bagyenda who has been appointed Uganda's Ambassador to Angola. Sacked Internal Security Organisation Director General, Col. Frank Kaka Bagyenda  has been appointed Uganda’s Ambassador to Angola. According to sources at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Col. Bagyenda was posted Luanda as the pioneer diplomat after Kampala decided to open an embassy in the central Africa country previously occupied by Portugal. Col. Bagyenda was sacked two weeks and replaced by Lt.Col. Charles Oluka the former head of Technical at the spy agency. However, sources close to Col. Bagyenda said that, the  former spy master wasn’t interested in heading to Angola as a diplomat. It is reported that after sacking Col. Bagyenda, President Yoweri Museveni telephoned him and informed him about the appointment by Bagyenda instead informed the head of state that he preferred remaining in Uganda to revert back to fishing in Kalangala Islands. Col. Bagyenda isn’t the first former DG-ISO to be appointed a

FIN11 Hackers Spotted Using New Techniques In Ransomware Attacks Targeting Financial Institutions and Banks.

A financially-motivated threat actor known for its malware distribution campaigns has evolved its tactics to focus on ransomware and extortion. According to FireEye's Mandiant threat intelligence team, the collective — known as FIN11 — has engaged in a pattern of cybercrime campaigns at least since 2016 that involves monetizing their access to organizations' networks, in addition to deploying point-of-sale (POS) malware targeting financial, retail, restaurant, and pharmaceutical sectors. "Recent FIN11 intrusions have most commonly led to data theft, extortion and the disruption of victim networks via the distribution of CLOP ransomware" Mandiant said. Although FIN11's activities in the past have been tied to malware such as FlawedAmmy, FRIENDSPEAK, and MIXLABEL, Mandiant notes significant overlap in TTPs with another threat group that cybersecurity researchers call TA505 , which is behind the infamous Dridex banking Trojan and Locky ransomware that's delivered


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Police Raids Surveillance Spyware Company “FinFisher” Offices.

Investigating authorities have raided the offices of Munich-based company FinFisher that sells the infamous commercial surveillance spyware dubbed 'FinSpy,' reportedly in suspicion of illegally exporting the software to abroad without the required authorization. Investigators from the German Customs Investigation Bureau (ZKA), ordered by the Munich Public Prosecutor's Office, searched a total of 15 properties in Munich, including business premises of FinFisher GmbH, two other business partners, as well as the private apartments of the managing directors, along with a partner company in Romania from October 6 to 8. For those unaware, FinSpy is extremely powerful spying software that is being sold as a legal law enforcement tool to governments around the world but has also been found in use by oppressive and dubious regimes to spy on activists, political dissidents and journalists. FinSpy malware can target both desktop and mobile operating systems, including Android,

With Sensible Reasoning Capacity, Mr Ejiku Robert Writes a Lucid Reply in Regards to an Oblivion Ghost-Word Letter by Mr Adomati Dickson.

MR ADOMATI DICKSON LETTER; MY HUMBLE APPEAL TO YOU MR EJIKU ROBERT. Hope this message finds you well. This is Adomati Dickson giving you advice. You have struggled so much to get the NRM flag but I think it hasn't been your time. From the declaration of results today, 15th October, 2020, you lost the election after a tribunal, CEC and voter's decision. Going to Parliament shouldn't be a must case. 1. Hon. Kassiano Wadri Ezati is a strong candidate and has a big following. 2. Mr. Atima Lee Jackson is a strong candidate and equally has a large following. 3. There are still FDC and People Power die hards in the central division. They may not support you. 4. This isn't a by-election and each person shall concentrate on their own activities. Some of the people who supported you during primary election of 2018 may support you this time. 5. You have already spent a lot of money. I would think you better put your money to other uses and reorganise your businesses and fa

The List of National Unity Platform (NUP) Party Candidates Who Were Successfully Nominated Today to Contest for Parliamentary Elections Across Uganda.

Of the 41 nominated NUP candidates today, 29 are from Buganda region and the other 12 from the rest of the country with only one from greater Ankole and Kigezi , and one from greater Acholi. 1-Zaake Francis Butebi - Mityana municipality 2-Kazibwe Bashir Mbaziira- Kawempe south 3-Muhammad Ssegirinya - Kawempe North 4-Joel Ssenyonyi - Nakawa West. 5-Medard Lubega Ssegona - Busiro East. 6-Kawalya Abubaker - Rubaga North 7-Flavia Kalule Nabagabe - Kasanda woman MP 8-Muwada Nkunyingi - Kyadondo East. 9-Mirembe Joel - Mawokota South. 10-Mukasa Aloysius - Rubaga South. 11-Bigirwa Moses - Kamuli Municipality. 12-Wakayima Musoke - Nansana Municipality. 13-Joyce Bagaala Ntwantwa - Mityana woman MP. 14-Nnatabi Maria Ledochowska - Butembe county.  15.Shamim Malende - Woman MP Kampala Central 16-Nyanzi Fred Ssentamu - Kampala Central 17-Kiyaga Hillary - Mawokota North 18-Andrew Muwanguzi - Bugabula south 19-Taliyiwula Sharon - Buzaaya constituency 20-Kakembo Fatumah -Woman MP Kasese distric