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Researcher Demonstrates Four New Variants of HTTP Request Smuggling Attack.

A new research has identified four new variants of HTTP request smuggling attacks that work against various commercial off-the-shelf web servers and HTTP proxy servers. Amit Klein, VP of Security Research at SafeBreach who presented the findings today at the Black Hat security conference, said that the attacks highlight how web servers and HTTP proxy servers are still susceptible to HTTP request smuggling even after 15 years since they were first documented. What is HTTP Request Smuggling? HTTP request smuggling (or HTTP Desyncing) is a technique employed to interfere with the way a website processes sequences of HTTP requests that are received from one or more users. Vulnerabilities related to HTTP request smuggling typically arise when the front-end (a load balancer or proxy) and the back-end servers interpret the boundary of an HTTP request differently, thereby allowing a bad actor to send (or "smuggle") an ambiguous request that gets prepended to the next legitima

The New NRM Party Member, Hon Atiku Benard, Who is also the MP for Ayivu Constituency, has Today Delivered Ten Tones of Posho, Beans and other Relief Items to People With Disabilities in Arua. This afternoon I performed my first official function in the yellow shirt. Together with my long time friend Murangira Ambrose we handed over to Mr Nahor Oyaa, the Resident City Commissioner an assortment of food items amounting to 10 tones(5tones of posho and 5 tones of beans for food), 100kgs of iron rich bean seeds from Namulonge for planting, face masks and IEC materials about Coronavirus. The food items were a donation from Light for the World Organization that supports PWDs, while the 100 kgs of iron rich bean seeds were from me for PWDs who are involved in farming. May God bless you ndugu Murangira Ambrose and Light for the World for this timely support. Thanks to Radio Pacis for raising the voices of the PWDs in the region!

Chaos in Koboko, as Minister Anite Denies Holding Massive Political Procession.

State Minister of Privatization and Investment, Evelyn Anite. Minister of State for Privatization and Investment, Evelyn Anite has denied responsibility of the procession in her constituency in Koboko district which has sparked widespread criticism that she undermined the guidelines against Covid. A video of a procession of hundreds of people, mostly women dressed in NRM t-shirts, went viral on social media on Saturday prompting outrage from Ugandans. The people in the procession carried posters of Evelyn Anite who is contesting to retain her Parliamentary seat as the Woman MP for Koboko. Many criticized her for disregarding guidelines on social distancing which could quickly spread Covid infections.  The video also attracted condemnation towards government for selectively implementing the guidelines by blocking Opposition political activities while letting activities of the ruling party go on uninterrupted. In recent weeks, NRM politicians inc


 Rwanda sends curfew breakers to all-night lectures.      Rwandese caught breaking curfew or not wearing masks are being sent to stadiums in droves for all-night lectures on the dangers of coronavirus, as the country maintains a tough approach to stem its spread. Since mid-July, official figures show that about 70,000 people accused of ignoring the 9.00pm curfew or rules on mandatory face masks have been ordered by police to sit through hours of speeches at local arenas or detention centres. Every evening, in stadiums across Rwanda, public health messaging is blared through loudspeakers to spectators seated at least a metre apart in the stands, imploring them to be ambassadors in the fight against the new virus. The sessions — conducted under the watch of armed guards — wrap up around dawn, when those attending are sent home with strict orders to self-quarantine. Jado son Nizeyimana said he was stopped by police for wearing his mask incorrectly and was told to report to the nearest sta

Another Virus Spread In China? 'Tick-Borne Virus' Has Left Atleast 7 Dead and 60 Infected.

People around the world are still trying to deal with coronavirus which is considered to have originated in China’s Wuhan market. But even as the world struggles with COVID-19, a new infectious disease seem to be spreading in China.  The disease is reportedly caused by a tick-borne virus and has killed seven people and infected 60 others in China, media there reported on Wednesday.  People have been warned of the possibility of a human-to-human transmission.  More than 37 people in East China’s Jiangsu Province contracted the SFTS Virus in the first half of the year; 23 more people were found to have been infected in East China’s Anhui province, state-run Global Times quoted media reports. A woman from Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu, who suffered from this tick-borne virus showed symptoms such as fever and coughing. Doctors found a decline of leukocyte, blood platelet in her body. She was discharged from the hospital, after a month of treatment.

Security Rescues a Man from Committing Suicide on Jinja Nile Bridge, for Been Denied Sex by His Wife.

        A man has been rescued by security from commit suicide at the Jinja Nile bridge on River Nile. Charles Kakiriho, a resident of Njerika cell in Isingiro district clad in a brown striped shirt and a black trouser, stood at the pedestrian walkway of the bridge for close to 30 minutes. He had written a leaflet with his personal details and dropped some documents in the flowing river waters before attempting to drown himself on Thursday afternoon. Security personnel at the bridge intercepted him after noticing his suspicious behaviour. He was later taken to Nalufenya police station. Kakiriho told journalists that his wife had denied him conjugal rights for a period of one year and chose to find a place far away from him, where he could end his journey on earth. He added that he felt dejected and depressed because people were making fun of him in the whole village. “This problem has depressed me because everyone is making fun of me, calling me a weak man who cannot control the genera

Boda Boda 2010 Leader Abdullah Kitatta Released from Prison. Former Boda Boda 10 leader Abdullah Kitatta and his body guard have been released. Kitatta was freed Friday evening at 4.30pm from Luzira Prison upon completion of their jail sentences. This was confirmed by Prisons Spokesperson Frank Baine has confirmed. The Court Martial Appeals court upheld  Kitatta’s conviction on charges of illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions. It also reduced his eight year sentence to three years, eight months’ and six days. Section 199 clause 1 of the UPDF act provides that: “There shall be a court Martial Appeal court for the Defence Forces which shall determine all appeals referred to under this act from decisions of the General Court martial”. Kitatta, the patron of the BodaBoda 2010 and his bodyguard Sowali Ngobi were challenging their conviction and sentence handed them in May last year. They were arrested in January 2018.