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Bidding Uganda And Africa To Asian Countries.President Museveni Backs a Chinese Company Pledging Loan For Construction Of Kampala-Jinja Expressway While MPs Turn Resistant, Citing Irregularities in Source Of The Funding.

                 COMMENTARY.            Some Few Years ago, i Wrote another Article, Warning Ugandans that, China is Slowly Turning a Colony To Uganda and Africa. Many of You did not pay attention. Just recently, a Chinese Company took a Road Construction Project in Kenya on Conditions that, they (China) will Fund it, Bring Construction Equipments from China, Import Chinese Labourers to come do the Work, And then after that Kenya Shall Begin Paying Back the Loan. Where is the Value for the Work? Where is the Value for the Monies We Africans Borrow from these so Called DONORS?. We shall Grievously Regret if we do not wake up from slumber and stop this insanity.                 Thanks.                 I Reserve Some of my Words. NB: These are my Personal Articles And Opinions! They are not in anyway affiliated with or in the interest of any individual, government, group, organisation or foreign entities i may be with or may have connections with. Yours Proud Lugbara Osuta Yusuf a Career

The Reign Of Dictatorships In Africa.Mr Syridio, A Prominent Opposition Critique to the Dictatorship Reign Of Kagame Has Been Murdered In Rwanda.

Dusabumuremyi, has been stabbed to death, FDU-Inkingi unregistered political party has reported. The murder of Dusabumuremyi adds to endless list of President Paul Kagame’s opponents who have been murdered within the country and in diaspora. According to the party’s leader, Victoire Ingabire, Dusabumuremyi, the then FDU-Inkingi’s coordinator, was attacked by two assailants, at his work place. He has been running a canteen at a health centre in the central district of Muhanga. The police has however conferment that two suspects have been nabbed, in relation to the gruesome murder and investigations are ongoing. Ms Ingabire told BCC that the murder of Mr Dusabumuremyi is the latest in a series of attacks on members of her party with the aim of terrifying them. Two months ago, Eugène Ndereyimana, a FDU-Inkingi representative in the east of Rwanda, went missing. He has still not been found. In March, Anselme Mutuyimana, the party’s spokesperson, was abducted and later found dead in a fores

Discard After Use.Irregularly Recruited Cris Obore Expelled From Office And He Is Now Replaced By Helen Kawesa As The New Interim Director In The Parliament Of Uganda.

The Parliament Deputy Director of Communications and Public Relations, Helen Nanteza Kawesa has been appointed as interim Director replacing Chris Obore. The development is contained in a loose minute generated by the Deputy Clerk to Parliament in charge of Corporate Affairs, Waiswa Henry, sent to all staff of communication department. The internal communication, obtained, indicated that Obore, who was on Friday last week forced out of Parliament, has taken his “accumulated leave”. “This is to inform you (all CPA staff) that the Director Communication and Public Affairs has taken his accumulated leave,” said part of the communication. Waiswa says he was instructed by unnamed official to take charge of the department but that the activities will be carried out by the two deputy directors. “During his (Obore) absence I have been instructed to be in charge of the department assisted by the two Assistant Directors,” added the loose minute. “During the interim, the Spokesperson of Parliamen

EXPOSED. The Guy Who Hit Musician King Weeda On The Face With An Empty Bottle Of Beer Has Finally Confessed.

The Controversy Between Mr Embati CEO California Bus Arua And King Weeda a Musician in WestNile, Takes Another New Twists. As the Police Continue with their Investigations, Here is an Audio Tap from the Culprit THUMUNGA who hit Musician King Weeda on the Face with an Empty Bottle Of Beer. Above here is a Link for an Audio Recording of the Confession. Compromised or Whatsoever, For us The MEDIA, We Report it the Way it is. Thanks. Yours Osuta Yusuf Career Politician, Barrister, Student For Life, ICT, Skilled Writer And Editor Online Publications.

ICT Firm Manager Arrested For a Vulnerability That Allowed Personal Data of 20 Million People (Including the President Moren And Julian Assange, WiKiLeaks Founder) in Ecuador Exposed, in a Biggest Data Breach Case In The Country`s History.

Ecuador officials have arrested the general manager of IT consulting firm Novaestrat after the personal details of almost the entire population of the Republic of Ecuador left exposed online in what seems to be the most significant data breach in the country's history. Personal records of more than 20 million adults and children, both dead and alive, were found publicly exposed on an unsecured Elasticsearch server by security firm vpnMentor, which made the discovery during its large-scale mapping project. For a country with a population of over 16 million people, the breach exposed details of almost every Ecuadorian citizen, including President Lenín Moreno as well as WikiLeaks CEO Julian Assange, who was given political asylum in the country in 2012. The unsecured Elasticsearch server, which was based in Miami and owned by Ecuadorian company Novaestrat, contained 18GB cache of data appeared to have come from a variety of sources including government registries, an automotive assoc


Highlighting Slight Background of what Exactly on that Fateful Night of Friday 20 September 2019 at Arua - Uganda. From The Accounts Of King Weeda. --------------------------------------------------------------- On that Night, these above mentioned People were separately but in the same Disco Club at Arua Town. A Fracas ensued late in the Midnight, out of which another Guy hit King Weeda on the Face with an Empty Bottle of Beer and He begun Bleeding Profusely. The Victimised Musician claims that, it was Mr Embati who Conspired with some Thugs so as to have him attacked. The Musician went further and Posted on Facebook, a Photo of His Injured Face with an Information Tag "When the Rich Man looks down on the Poor Man". Follow this Below Facebook Link to Get His Photo He Posted On Facebook Yesterday 21 September 2019   https :// / story.php ?story_ fbid =1400926133398829& substory _index=0&id=100004443672889 That is it. From The Accounts Of Mr Embati -----

Opposition is Wasting Their Time To Get Excited Over Kayihura Woos - Museveni Tells, As He Responds To EU And US Sanctions On Kale Kayihura.

Fellow Ugandans and, especially, the Bazzukulu It says, in the Church of Uganda Prayer Book, on page 5, as follows: “They left undone what they ought to have done and they did that they ought not to have done and there is no truth in them”. In Runyakore, it says: “Bakareka ebibashemereire kukora, bakora ebibatashemereire kukora, n'amazima tigari muribo". It is most interesting to see how some of the elements of the Opposition are jubilating about some authorities in the USA who have recently declared that General Kale and some members of his family will not be allowed to enter the USA in case they want to travel there. Before I comment on the action of the USA Govt in the matter of Kale, I should, first of all, say that, that excitement among some elements of the Opposition shows the poor quality of their spectacles when it comes to issues of Africa and Uganda. Why do they think that going to the USA or, indeed, any non-African country is so important that if you are not allow