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Showing posts with the label Law.

Residents Caned Terribly Over Failure to Attend Burial Ceremony.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read details in the link. Residents of Bukedea District witnessed a shocking incident on Wednesday 8-March-2023 when a group of individuals were caned for not attending a burial. The individuals, one woman and six men were reportedly found drinking alcohol during the funeral instead of paying their respects to the deceased. According to the video, the group was rounded up by members of the community and caned as punishment for their absence. Each of the individuals received more than two canes in front of a crowd of community members. The video has sparked outrage among residents, who are calling for an investigation into the matter. Some have expressed concern about the use of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure, especially for something as seemingly minor as missing a funeral. The legality and morality of such a punishment have also been called into question, as it is a clear violation of human rights. Corporal punishment is often used as a disci

Residents Caned Terribly Over Failure to Attend Burial Ceremony.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read details in the link. Residents of Bukedea District witnessed a shocking incident on Wednesday 8-March-2023 when a group of individuals were caned for not attending a burial. The individuals, one woman and six men were reportedly found drinking alcohol during the funeral instead of paying their respects to the deceased. According to the video, the group was rounded up by members of the community and caned as punishment for their absence. Each of the individuals received more than two canes in front of a crowd of community members. The video has sparked outrage among residents, who are calling for an investigation into the matter. Some have expressed concern about the use of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure, especially for something as seemingly minor as missing a funeral. The legality and morality of such a punishment have also been called into question, as it is a clear violation of human rights. Corporal punishment is often used as a disci


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more details in this link. Sande started his business during the COVID lockdown. Before he knew it, his neighbour and their neighbour had also started one. Because business has been good this year, he plans to open up six more businesses for his wives and his ‘side people’ and advertise them on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp business, Jumia, Jiji and many other online platforms. If you are like Sande and his neighbours, you are probably thinking of starting your own small ‘side hustle. What do you need to do to run that business at home? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? Simply, the law (The trade licensing Act) requires you to get permission before being part of certain trade/business activities in a trading centre. This permission is known as a Trade Licence. This is because there are areas designated by law to be trading areas so that the local authorities (such as the municipal council) can collect taxes and fees from the business activities carried out in thos


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Click on link for more. For three years, Nalumansi has been an ‘official’ side chic. She has told all her friends how her ‘sugar zazzy’ gives her “kameeza money” every week and even pays her rent and how he sends her mobile money if he is in a rush. But of late, Nalumansi is looking pale, ‘mbu’ the Kameeza money is not coming as it used to, and she thinks the ‘official wife’ may be the cause of her problems. Nalumansi wants to take matters to the law and wants the court to force ‘sugar zazzy’ to continue giving her kameeza money or officially ‘divorce’ her with some payment. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? “Kameeza” money (what in law we call maintenance/ money or support given by one spouse to another) is not a legal requirement unless couples are separating, divorcing, or have agreed to it. It is not a legal right, so the court cannot enforce it unless you have a child. (the law puts a duty on a parent to look after their child) However, If the two (the married cou


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Click on link for more. For three years, Nalumansi has been an ‘official’ side chic. She has told all her friends how her ‘sugar zazzy’ gives her “kameeza money” every week and even pays her rent and how he sends her mobile money if he is in a rush. But of late, Nalumansi is looking pale, ‘mbu’ the Kameeza money is not coming as it used to, and she thinks the ‘official wife’ may be the cause of her problems. Nalumansi wants to take matters to the law and wants the court to force ‘sugar zazzy’ to continue giving her kameeza money or officially ‘divorce’ her with some payment. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? “Kameeza” money (what in law we call maintenance/ money or support given by one spouse to another) is not a legal requirement unless couples are separating, divorcing, or have agreed to it. It is not a legal right, so the court cannot enforce it unless you have a child. (the law puts a duty on a parent to look after their child) However, If the two (the married cou

Entertainment; “Sign of Victory” Singer R Kelly Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Enticing Children for Sex.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read details in this link. A United States court has sentenced singer R Kelly to serve 20 years in prison for charges of child pornography and enticement of minors for sex. But US District Judge Harry Leinenweber announced on Thursday that Kelly could serve most of his new prison term at the same time as his previous  30-year sentence , which was handed down last year for racketeering and sex trafficking convictions. The result is that Kelly will only serve one additional year of prison time, avoiding a lengthier stay behind bars had the judge agreed to prosecutors’ requests that the two sentences be served back to back. list of 3 itemslist 1 of 3 R Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison for sex crimes list 2 of 3 Brazil footballer Dani Alves arrested over alleged sexual assault list 3 of 3 Bill Cosby found liable over sexual assault of teenager in 1975 end of list In a statement read aloud to the court, a victim identified as “Jane” expressed the pain she en

President Museveni Jokes About “Mad Girl” Doreen Nyanjura.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Details in this link. President Yoweri Museveni and Doreen Nyanjura. President Yoweri Museveni draw laughter from a Christian congregation on Thursday 16-2-2023 when he took a jab at Kampala Deputy Lord Mayor Doreen Nyanjura. The President while speaking as chief guest at the commemoration of Archbishop Janani Luwum Day in Kitgum District, described the 34-year-old FDC councillor and activist as “mad.” “In Runyoro-Rutooro you hear names like Nyanjura and Kenjura; there is a mad opposition girl called Nyanjura,” Museveni said. “It means she was born during the rain.” Museveni was speaking about the need for Kitgum and the greater Karamoja region to adopt crop irrigation in order to cope with the increasingly unreliable rainfall. “Water is needed all the time though the year, and if it’s not by rain we shall bring it by irrigation.” he said. “It is a big shame to hear in Africa that there is a war in Ukraine and Africans are dying of hunger because there is no

President Museveni Jokes About “Mad Girl” Doreen Nyanjura.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Details in this link. President Yoweri Museveni and Doreen Nyanjura. President Yoweri Museveni draw laughter from a Christian congregation on Thursday 16-2-2023 when he took a jab at Kampala Deputy Lord Mayor Doreen Nyanjura. The President while speaking as chief guest at the commemoration of Archbishop Janani Luwum Day in Kitgum District, described the 34-year-old FDC councillor and activist as “mad.” “In Runyoro-Rutooro you hear names like Nyanjura and Kenjura; there is a mad opposition girl called Nyanjura,” Museveni said. “It means she was born during the rain.” Museveni was speaking about the need for Kitgum and the greater Karamoja region to adopt crop irrigation in order to cope with the increasingly unreliable rainfall. “Water is needed all the time though the year, and if it’s not by rain we shall bring it by irrigation.” he said. “It is a big shame to hear in Africa that there is a war in Ukraine and Africans are dying of hunger because there is no


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in this link . Ministry of Works Estimates 2,500,000 vehicles are registered in Uganda and on average 2m vehicles move on various Uganda roads per day. The Police needs 340 billion to construct 10,000 police units per year. Assume Uganda Police comes with a Policy whereby a police officer who charges a traffic offender will take 50% of the charge and remit 50% to the police housing account with instant tickets. This will ensure the officer becomes more than willing to charge a traffic offender. Out of the 2m cars on the road per day, let’s assume at least 20,000 cars are charged per day. That will be only 1% of the total cars and an average charge of 100,000 UGX. The officer will take 50,000 and remit 50,000 to the Police housing account. That will bring 1 billion to the housing account per day, 30billion per month, 360 billion per year. By end of 6 years, all our Police officers will be housed in descend accommodation. Joel Aita Joadah Design Inst

Suspected Child Trafficker Found in Possession of Military Items in Arua City.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in this link . BY ANDREW COHEN AMVESI. ARUA. Security operatives in Arua City have recovered a military jungle boot, three tins of Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) and several documents including bank slips from the house of the recently arrested suspected child trafficker. Sabiri Siraj, 27, and his co-accused-wife, Geriya Salima, 28, were last Tuesday remanded to Arua government Prison until March 14, 2023 by Christine Imalingat, the acting senior grade one magistrate, over allegations of child trafficking. The duo was arrested for the second time on February 1, 2023 at Hotel Arua in Arua City, six months after they had been arrested on the same offense in Maracha district but were released by Police. Intelligence operatives found the suspects keeping over 40 children at Continental Hotel in Arua Central Division awaiting to be transported to a non-existing Al-Rahman Islamic Primary and secondary school said to be located along Kampala- Gulu highway in


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read details in this link. Makella is a member of Mwoyo Gwe Church. The choir leader Anateo had been single for a long time because he was waiting for a sign from God. A month ago, Makella led worship, and Anateo’s eyes ‘opened’. He finally saw Makella as the beautiful girl that she is. Anyway, Anateo even went to the church leaders and said he had a ‘vision’ about marrying Makella as his wife. He registered both their names for an April wedding and marriage counselling classes last week. The marriage banns were read in church. Makella is in shock because Anateo never spoke to her or even proposed. Can Makella be forced to marry Anateo? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? In law, consent is one of the most important requirements for a valid marriage. Consent is when one person voluntarily agrees to something. So for a marriage to be valid, both parties should consent (agree) to the marriage. If a person is forced to get married through force, threats, manipulation or fra


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in the link. Dear BarefootLaw, I sent my boyfriend my special n*des this Valentine’s Day as a gift, and I even clearly wrote ‘ONLY FOR YOUR EYES’, and he even said ‘ONLY FOR ME BAE’. Now they are splashed all over Twitter. What am I supposed to do to him legally? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? The law (The anti-pornographic Act) says that it is illegal to distribute pictures, words and videos that are of a pornographic nature, and anyone doing it may be convicted to ten years imprisonment or a fine. This does not mean that all pictures or videos of a naked person are pornographic. Instead, Pornographic material means any video, movie, photograph, or other recordings that display sexuality in a gravely indecent manner of exposure specifically for arousing sexual expression. This means what is shared between husband and wife or people who are intimate may not be pornographic until it is shared with anyone else outside that relationship, such as on Twitter. S


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in the link. Dear BarefootLaw, I sent my boyfriend my special n*des this Valentine’s Day as a gift, and I even clearly wrote ‘ONLY FOR YOUR EYES’, and he even said ‘ONLY FOR ME BAE’. Now they are splashed all over Twitter. What am I supposed to do to him legally? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? The law (The anti-pornographic Act) says that it is illegal to distribute pictures, words and videos that are of a pornographic nature, and anyone doing it may be convicted to ten years imprisonment or a fine. This does not mean that all pictures or videos of a naked person are pornographic. Instead, Pornographic material means any video, movie, photograph, or other recordings that display sexuality in a gravely indecent manner of exposure specifically for arousing sexual expression. This means what is shared between husband and wife or people who are intimate may not be pornographic until it is shared with anyone else outside that relationship, such as on Twitter. S


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Tina’s Valentine’s day was just perfect. In the morning while at her desk, the office attendant called her ‘mbu’ something was outside for her, and lo and behold; a Range Rover was in the parking lot. A large pink banner with the words, ‘Happy Valentines Day, my Love’ and her picture was spread out on it. She was so excited that her man was finally showing her the love she deserved. However, in the evening, she got a call from Byange Motors and the guy told her that he wanted his car back before 10pm because her boyfriend only hired it for one afternoon. Tina does not want to return the car, after all it was a gift and she did not know about any funny deals. Should she really return what was given to her as a gift? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? First of all, we need to understand what a gift is. By law, for something to be considered a gift, that thing must be voluntarily (without force) transferred from one person to another without paying or doing anything for it


#we_inform_the_uninformed . Tina’s Valentine’s day was just perfect. In the morning while at her desk, the office attendant called her ‘mbu’ something was outside for her, and lo and behold; a Range Rover was in the parking lot. A large pink banner with the words, ‘Happy Valentines Day, my Love’ and her picture was spread out on it. She was so excited that her man was finally showing her the love she deserved. However, in the evening, she got a call from Byange Motors and the guy told her that he wanted his car back before 10pm because her boyfriend only hired it for one afternoon. Tina does not want to return the car, after all it was a gift and she did not know about any funny deals. Should she really return what was given to her as a gift? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? First of all, we need to understand what a gift is. By law, for something to be considered a gift, that thing must be voluntarily (without force) transferred from one person to another without paying or doing anything for it

What Types of Churches are Permitted by Law to Hold Weddings ?.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Maseko is confused as to why her parents are against her getting married at her new church by her favourite pastor, where she met her ‘hubby’. According to her, her parents’ church is “old-fashioned and boring”, yet the theme for her wedding is enjoyment. Does it matter which church she gets married in? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? The law states that marriage must be celebrated in a licensed place of worship by a recognized minister of the church that is a Priest for the Catholic Church, a Reverend for the Anglican church, a pastor for the Pentecostal church and a Sheikh for the Islamic faith. Before deciding which church to marry, you need to find out if the church is licensed by searching at Uganda Registration Service Bureau. Getting married in a church that is not licensed makes the marriage invalid. HOW DOES THE CHURCH BECOME LICENSED? 1. The church writes an application letter to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional affairs through the Registrar Gener

What Types of Churches are Permitted by Law to Hold Weddings ?.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Maseko is confused as to why her parents are against her getting married at her new church by her favourite pastor, where she met her ‘hubby’. According to her, her parents’ church is “old-fashioned and boring”, yet the theme for her wedding is enjoyment. Does it matter which church she gets married in? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? The law states that marriage must be celebrated in a licensed place of worship by a recognized minister of the church that is a Priest for the Catholic Church, a Reverend for the Anglican church, a pastor for the Pentecostal church and a Sheikh for the Islamic faith. Before deciding which church to marry, you need to find out if the church is licensed by searching at Uganda Registration Service Bureau. Getting married in a church that is not licensed makes the marriage invalid. HOW DOES THE CHURCH BECOME LICENSED? 1. The church writes an application letter to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional affairs through the Registr

Uganda Journalists Association (UJA) Dragged to Court Over Its Leadership Election.

#we_inform_the_uninformed  . The Uganda Journalists Association(UJA) has together with its top most leaders been dragged to the Civil Division of the High Court in Kampala over irregularities in the forthcoming elections. Abubaker Lubowa is one of the five disqualified candidates who have dragged UJA to court. The Uganda Journalists Association(UJA) has together with its top most leaders been dragged to the Civil Division of the High Court in Kampala over irregularities in the forthcoming elections. In a suit filed by  five journalists including Abubaker  Lubowa, Zambaali Blasio Mukasa, Emmanuel Nkata, Hasifu Ssekiwunga and Martin Kimbowa,  UJA  president Mathias Rukundo and Secretary General  Emmanuel Kirunda have been personally been sued alongside the association. “The process leading to the decision or directive and the decision itself of  the respondents communicated to the applicants on February, 3, 2023 barring, stopping, eliminating, and ejecting the applicants from standing fo

Uganda Journalists Association (UJA) Dragged to Court Over Its Leadership Election.

#we_inform_the_uninformed  . The Uganda Journalists Association(UJA) has together with its top most leaders been dragged to the Civil Division of the High Court in Kampala over irregularities in the forthcoming elections. Abubaker Lubowa is one of the five disqualified candidates who have dragged UJA to court. The Uganda Journalists Association(UJA) has together with its top most leaders been dragged to the Civil Division of the High Court in Kampala over irregularities in the forthcoming elections. In a suit filed by  five journalists including Abubaker  Lubowa, Zambaali Blasio Mukasa, Emmanuel Nkata, Hasifu Ssekiwunga and Martin Kimbowa,  UJA  president Mathias Rukundo and Secretary General  Emmanuel Kirunda have been personally been sued alongside the association. “The process leading to the decision or directive and the decision itself of  the respondents communicated to the applicants on February, 3, 2023 barring, stopping, eliminating, and ejecting the applicants from standing fo

Who is Matua Job Richard; The Chief Petitioner in NSSF Scandals.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Job Richard Matua is the man who petitioned the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development about Richard Byarugaba’s continued employment despite clocking 60 years. But who is Job Richard Matua? He identifies as an NRM Cadre and to show how serious he is, he wants to stand for National Vice Chairperson Central Executive Committee NRM Northern-Uganda a position that fell vacant after the death of former speaker Jacob Oulanyah. Matua is a former teacher of Biology. He has taught the subject for 14 years and his speciality was on the Biology practical paper. This is where he discovered that rearing rats for practicals can be a business since one of the specimens UNEB always sets for Advanced level students is a rat. Matua says each rat sells between 10,000/= to 20,000/= off season but during UNEB exams, one rat goes for 30,000/= to 50,000/=. He says that his friends Robert Musinguzi in Blessed Sacrament Kimanya and Aisha from St Peter’s SS Nsambya inspir