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Showing posts from October, 2023

In-charge CID in Buyende District Dismissed for Raping 30-Year-Old Woman Who Went to Report Domestic Violence Case.

📸: Courtesy. The in-charge CID at Namusita police post in Buyende District, D/IP Godfrey Balikowa has been dismissed from the police force on accusations of scandalous behaviour after he allegedly raped a 30-year-old housewife who had gone to report a case of domestic violence against her husband. The victim, a resident of Kalambo village, Ndolwe sub-county is said to have been violated by the officer in Nakabira police barracks on October 12 this year. “A team of three police officers went to her home to arrest her husband but they did not find him at home. The victim feared to return to her home until when the husband is arrested. At around 6:30pm, the officer asked the victim to be with him since he had found a place for her to sleep. He instead drove her to his home in Nakabira police barracks, bought her food and drinks, and afterwards sexually assaulted her on two occasions,” police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said Tuesday.  The following mor

The Passing of Anti-Homosexuality Law has Caused Depreciation of Ugandan Shillings, Says Bank of Uganda.

Bank of Uganda, on 25-10-2023, has informed Parliament that following the pronouncement by World Bank to stop approval of any new loans to Uganda after the passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, the Uganda shilling depreciated within two days & the depreciation has remained stagnant to date. "Following the pronouncement by the World Bank regarding new financing as a result of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, that they wouldn’t be funding any new loans in Uganda, that had an impact on the exchange rate. We saw the exchange rate depreciating from about 3650 to nearly 3750 in a period of two days. So it has kind of remained there, so there are all those pressures and uncertainties regarding the currency as a result of the passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Act," Michael Atingi-Ego, Deputy Governor, Bank of Uganda.


Atanansi was an accountant at a big company, but he liked to play ‘zaala’ (gambling). He was sure that that Arsenal would beat Man City and win the premier league, so he got the money meant for everyone’s salary and made a bet of 100 million. Unfortunately, Arsenal did not win the title and Atanansi lost the money.  The company found out, fired him and even sued him in court for the money. He was ordered to repay the money with interest, but he did not have any money to do it. So, the company got the land he was staying on and decided to sell it. The issue is the land belongs to Atanansi’s wife. Can they still use this property to pay off the debt?   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? When you lose a case in court, the winner can ask court to sell your property to pay them the money that court has awarded to them. This is a legal process known as attachment which is used to make sure that the winner in the case gets what the court has awarded to them from the person who lost the case.


By Anguzu Vincent. Among the guests that attended the 40th priesthood anniversary celebration of His Lordship Bishop Sabino Ocan Odoki was, Hajjat Medina Naham Ojale, the Director Finance And Administration of the National Resistance Movement. The NRM Director Finance And Administration represented the Secretary General; Rt Hon Richard Todwong Awanyi. In her speech, Hajjat Medina preached the importance of Unity, Love and Togetherness irrespective of differences in religious affiliations. She emphasized that divisions especially along religious or tribal lines only breed hatred and backwardness which hinder development. The NRM Director Finance, thus  rallied the church to continue to preach love and unity as they have always done to foster and accelerate development. Hajjat Medina, made this appeal to thousands of religious men and women gathered to celebrate this day with his Lordship Bishop Sabino Ocan Odoki of Arua Catholic  diocese.

Minister Baryomunsi Describes Opposition MPs Walkouts as Drama, LOP Hon Mpuuga Hits Back.

On Thursday 26-10-2023 Hon Mathias Mpuuga Leader of Opposition in Parliament (LOP) responded to Minister for ICT and National Guidance, Chris Baryomunsi who described Opposition walkouts as drama, with Mpuuga wondering whether the Minister is capable of guiding his family if he can’t guide the nation to the whereabouts of the 18 missing Ugandans. "I wonder if he is able to guide his own family with that kind of attitude and seemingly flat knowledge of what matters to our people. He thinks what we are doing is drama when as a Government Spokesperson, he isn’t able to explain whether Government was actually able to dispense justice, was able to account and compensate victims of murder. That the Minister continues to ridicule us while making these demands, this speaks about the attitude of this regime that he is serving," Mpuuga.

The Name of Late President Amin and His Legacies Should be Wiped Out from the History of Uganda, Says President Museveni.

📸: Late President Field Marshal Iddi Amin Dada. President Museveni has vehemently rejected a request by Hon Kaps Fungaroo, the former Obongi County MP  to license an institute in memory of former President Idi Amin Dada. Fungaroo had written to the First Lady and Minister of Education Janet Kataha Museveni asking the ministry to consider licencing an institution to celebrate Amin. 📸: The envelope in which Hon Fungaroo Kaps Hassan received the response letter. 📸: The letter written by President Museveni, to Hon Fungaroo. However, on stumbling upon the request, President Museveni wrote to his wife, the minister urging her to thwart the request. “This is a wrong request and it should be rejected,” Museveni ruled. Museveni argues that Amin’s government was illegal and Amin was unconstitutional as a leader. Museveni also maintains that Amin committed so many atrocities including killing Acholi and Lango

President Museveni Congratulates Rt. Rev. Bishop Odoki Upon His 40 Years in Priesthood.

H.E The President, Y.K MUSEVENI APPLAUDS Rt. Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki, Bishop of the Diocese of Arua, for serving 40years in priesthood. *The Speech was delivered by the Minister of Gender, labour and Social Dvelopment who represented the President at the anniversary celebration. See H.E Speech below.* SPEECH BY: H.E. YOWERI KAGUTA MUSEVENI PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA. AT THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY IN PRIESTHOOD OF RT. REV. SABINO OCAN ODOKI (BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE OF ARUA) EDIOFE CATHEDRAL, ARUA, 26TH OCTOBER, 2023.   I want to thank Rt. Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki, Bishop of the Diocese of Arua, for inviting me to witness and celebrate your 40th Anniversary, in Priesthood. I wish to congratulate you upon making forty years, in the service of the Church and God’s people. I thank the Almighty God for your ministry and shepherding of God’s people. Today, we return honor and glory to the Almighty God, for his divine protection and blessings, upon your life and ministry. It is by th


📸: Unsplash. Mr Mukisa is the CEO of LLL company. He has over 30 employees and property which he rents out. Mr Mukisa through his company decided that they would not be paying any taxes. The employees do not pay Pay as You Earn (P.A.Y.E), Value Added Tax for the products that they produce or property tax for any of the properties that they rent out. Is Mukisa breaking the law?   WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?. In Uganda, there is a legal duty for individuals and entities to pay taxes. This is because taxes are the primary source of government revenue and citizens and businesses are required to fulfil their tax obligations as stipulated by the Ugandan tax laws and regulations. Failure to pay taxes can result in various penalties and consequences, including;  1. Penalties and Interest: Taxpayers who fail to pay their taxes on time may be subject to penalties and interest charges.  2. Legal Action: The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)which is the body responsible for the collection of

Maracha County MP Hon Oguzu Lee Elected Vice Chair for "IFFs" East Africa.

📸: Hon Oguzu Lee in Brownish Shoot Takes Group Photo with Some of the Officials. Kenya . Maracha County MP Hon. Oguzu Lee Denis has today Thursday 26-10-2023 been unanimously elected Vice Chair of East African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) and Tax Justice. He will deputize the Hon. Nancy from Kenya, also a former member of East Africa Parliament. In elections that took place in Nairobi at the Radisson Hotel,  Oguzu's call for regional unity and  harmonization tax policies and laws that disadvantage the EAC appreciated. He also voiced the need for the region to have common position in the discussion on reforms to the global tax structures. Oguzu also heads Uganda's caucus that is focussed combating IFFs and mobilization of adequate domestic resources for service delivery. The Vice Chair elect in his acceptance remarks noted that poverty and underdevelopment in Africa is as result of resource leaks through IFFs. "Each year, according to

Maracha County MP Hon Oguzu Lee Elected Vice Chair for East African Parliamentary Network on "IFFs".

📸: Hon Oguzu Lee in Brownish Shoot Takes Group Photo with Some of the Officials. Kenya . Maracha County MP Hon. Oguzu Lee Denis has today Thursday 26-10-2023  been unanimously elected Vice Chair of East African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) and Tax Justice. He will deputize the Hon. Nancy from Kenya, also a former member of East Africa Parliament. In elections that took place in Nairobi at the Radisson Hotel,  Oguzu's call for regional unity and  harmonization tax policies and laws that disadvantage the EAC appreciated. He also voiced the need for the region to have common position in the discussion on reforms to the global tax structures. Oguzu also heads Uganda's caucus that is focussed combating IFFs and mobilization of adequate domestic resources for service delivery. The Vice Chair elect in his acceptance remarks noted that poverty and underdevelopment in Africa is as result of resource leaks through IFFs. "Each year, according t

Most Musicians in Uganda Don't Have Copyright for Their Songs, Says UCC.

📸: Group of some musicians attending plenary session in Parliament as they went to raise their grievances. Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has revealed that most prominent musicians in Uganda don’t own rights to the songs they sing, because they sold their copyrights to record companies & promoters, saying even if the Copyright law is amended, they will still not commercially benefit from their music. "Some of the musicians that we interact with, aren’t the owners of the songs they sing because it is one thing to perform a song & another to be the owner of the copyright. Many of these artists work under labels or companies that create facilities for them, write songs for them, & they get one vocal artist to perform that song. So even when you are negotiation, who to pay money, they don’t pay this artist you see on TV, you pay the person who owns the rights & this is one of the biggest challenges," Dr. Abudu Waiswa, Lead of Legal and Complia

Hotel Le Confidentiel, the Destination to Create Your Real Life Experience on Luxury.

📸: One of the dinning rooms at Hotel Le Confidentiel. Gone are the days where people were told riddles and hearsay stories of luxurious hotels and food stuffs. Join the people who are making real time and real life experience of what is called luxurious and high standard hotel at Le Confidentiel. With over 50 food items on the menu at Hotel Le Confidentiel, make your orders through this telephone number  +256761688181 Or Email:  . #iip_adverts #iip_updates #Information_is_Power   (iip) #we_inform_the_uninformed


   Kakembo has been having challenges with his supervisor at work. He has been accused of so many things, and during his performance review, he was given a very bad report and even claimed he should not be an accountant. The HR has informed him that he has been invited for a disciplinary meeting based on his review and constant complaints from his supervisor for coming late and not obeying instructions. Kakembo informed the HR that he would be coming with a representative from the body of accounts to represent them.     WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?   The law recognises the right to freedom of association. Under this right, different people or organisations are allowed to come together and form groups or clubs to carry out different activities or interests.  When people who work in the same field of work, such as lawyers, doctors, and businesspeople, come together to form a group under which they belong, it is known as a worker’s union or labour union.  Under the different workers

Kampala Central MP Nsereko Urges Government to Pay Fees of Poor University Students Instead of Bailing Out Indebted Tycoons and Companies.

📸: Hon Muhammad Nsereko. Muhammad Nsereko (Kampala Central) MP, wants Gov’t  to bail out 3000 Makerere University students grappling with paying tuition fees, instead of reserving financial bailouts to only struggling businesses, saying these students will be barred from sitting for examinations & graduating yet their parents/guardians are also taxpayers in Uganda. Hon Nsereko made the appeal on Monday 23-10-2023 during the plenary session in Parliament. "These are children of our own, this Gov't has bailed out a number of people in business corridors, we can talk about Roko, Bujagali through tax waivers. Their parents pay their taxes, none of them wouldn’t like to see their children reaching the pinnacle of their education, that is graduating with a bachelor’s from a University. What best thing can we do for the girl & boy child rather than help to bail them out during their most important time of need than investing in their education now?” remarked Ns

Six Teachers, Invigilator Arrested Over UNEB Exam Malpractice in Yumbe District.

UNEB Principal PRO, Jennifer Kalule-Musamba. By East News. Six teachers and an invigilator have been arrested on allegations of engaging in examination malpractice during a Biology practical paper on Thursday, 19 th October 2023. According to UNEB Principal Public Relations Officer, Jennifer Kalule-Musamba’s press statement issued today, 23r d October, 2023, the arrested teachers are all of Nampita Secondary School in Yumbe district. Meanwhile, the invigilator was one sent to supervise examinations in the same school. The group is charged with possession of unauthorised material and disturbance in an examination room. The seven include; Obbo Julius Caeser, a teacher of Economics, Angukoru Josephine, a teacher of Biology, Ntibiringirwa Boniface, Wasswa Godwin, Bamukabire James, Okello Emmanuel, and Sadam Hussein, all teachers of Napita S.S., together with an invigilator, Oryema Bosco. It is alleged that on Thursday Octo

It's One Year Since Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba Traveled to Launch MK Project in WestNile Region. This date 22-10-2023 has made exactly one year ever since the first Son, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba traveled to Arua City, WestNile region to launch MK Project. Information is Power was able to cover the event and here are some of the stories and pictorial updates from that ceremony. We ask, how has the launch of MK Project impacted the life of people in WestNile region and Uganda at large ?. What are the positive or negative  changes the Project has brought amongst the people in WestNile?. Stay tuned here as Information is Power will be following and interviewing some of the responsible personnels in this MK project chapter in WestNile region. #iip_updates  #Infor

Hotel Le Confidentiel Health Club, a Hub for Burning Excessive Calories in the Body. Did you know, too much calory is bad for your health ?. Reports by some health researchers discovered that, excessive calories in the body can lead to too weight gain henceforth aiding chances of getting hypertension and diabetes. That is why Hotel Le Confidentiel established gymnastic rooms with equipments to help you burn calories by doing regular physical exercises. Call  telephone number  +256761688181 Or Email:   for bookings. #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power   (iip) #we_inform_the_uninformed

S.4 Candidate gives birth during UCE exams.

📸: Courtesy Photo. A Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) candidate gave birth to a baby girl during an examination. Without disclosing the school’s name, Jennifer Kalule, the spokesperson for the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB), said that the incident happened on Wednesday at one of the exam centers in Kampala. Kalule explained, “The candidate, who had successfully completed her papers on the first three days, did not have an exam on Day 4 and stayed home. According to her parents, she began experiencing labor pains around 1:30 P.M. She was taken to the hospital, where she delivered her baby by 4:00 P.M.” She revealed that both the baby and the mother are in good health, and the candidate sat for her Physics Paper III on Friday 20-10-2023. Source: Umoja Standard.

Google Play Protect Introduces Real-Time Code-Level Scanning for Android Malware.

Google has announced an update to its Play Protect with support for real-time scanning at the code level to tackle novel malicious apps prior to downloading and installing them on Android devices. "Google Play Protect will now recommend a real-time app scan when installing apps that have never been scanned before to help detect emerging threats," the tech giant said . Google Play Protect is a built-in, free threat detection service that scans Android devices for any potentially harmful apps downloaded from the Play Store as well as other external sources. In extreme cases, an app may be blocked from being installed. The check expands on previous existing protections that alerted users when it identified an app known to be malicious from existing scanning intelligence or was identified as suspicious from heuristics gathered via on-device machine learning. With the latest safeguards, important signals from the app are extracted and sent to the Play Protect b

Bridge Construction: Maracha Woman MP Hon Jennifer Rescues Community Members in "Self Help Program".

📸: Community Members Working on the bridge this morning Wednesday 18-10-2023. Construction of cat walk bridge on Dodo stream in ombia bura Parish Yivu subcounty, Maracha district is underway. The community in self help program been supported by woman mp Jenifer Driwaru mobilised local materials to erect a bridge so as to easy access to health facilities, market and schools. The community members narrated horrible experience while crossing through the stream in the absence of the bridge  as motivational factor for their mobilisation of materials and labour to improve on access. The team from woman mp Driwaru Jennifer intervened out of  community outcry for help, they  offered material support such as timber logs, nails,timbers offcuts, , transport means for ferrying the material and technical advise team. The community members are hopeful that once constructed, their often challenge of hardship in  accessing  market such as kubala, area p

Final exams should not be the end of the world.

  By Daily Monitor. Students of Kitante Hill SS being checked before entering the examination room on Monday at the School premises. PHOTO | STEPHEN OTAGE What you need to know: In their current format, final exams often focus on testing memorisation and regurgitation of information rather than deep understanding or practical application of knowledge.  You can now touch the tension as students sit their final examinations to get ‘promoted’ from one level of education to the next. The end of the year brings with it Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE). Pupils and students are expected to excel in these final examinations or else they are seen as ‘failures’. An entire seven years of learning is summarized in doing well in PLE while the same is expected in the latter two given to secondary school ‘graduates’ are the closest you may ever come to being an academic giant or dwarf. While examinations are