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Showing posts from November, 2020

Uganda's Ambassador to Kenya, Phibby Otaala Who Contested and Lost in 4-Sep-2020 NRM Primary Elections for Tororo Woman MP, Has Refused to Resign and Warns the Newly Appointed Ambassador Not to Set His Foot in Nairobi.

Uganda's Ambassador to Kenya who participated in NRM primaries and lost refuses to hand over office, warns newly appointed ambassador Hassan Ggaliwango not to set foot in Nairobi. "We have five other embassies without Ambassadors. He can go to China, Japan, Angola or Geneva. If they vetted him for Nairobi then that's byoya bya nswa.  He should not look at where I am because I'm not about to leave. Nairobi etandise okumpomera (Nairobi is becoming delicious for me)," Phibby Otaala said.

Busia Municipality MP Godfrey Macho (NRM) Survives Death as His Bodyguard (a UPDF Officer) was Shot Dead by Fellow Security Operatives.

        Hon. Godfrey Macho (NRM, Busia Municipality) has said he narrowly survived death when security operatives shot and killed his army bodyguard, Ivan Kakayi, on Sunday, 15 November 2020 outside a church compound in Busia district. Macho told his peers during the Thursday, 19 November 2020 sitting that he suspected the shooters were after him because they accosted the passenger – his bodyguard, who had a few minutes prior, taken up his seat by the co-driver side after he had stepped out to attend a church service. The legislator identified the assailants as Assistant Superintendent of Police, Patrick Javuru and Corporal Chelogoi attached to Police’s Flying Squad Unit and Crime Intelligence respectively. “I was told by eyewitnesses that during the scuffle, ASP Javuru chased after Private Kakayi who had attempted to run away and shot at him to death,” Macho said. The MP says that in the days leading up to the incident, he was being trailed by two unknown men on a motorcycle and did n

BREAKING NEWS. Without User's Consent, Apple Now Moves to Breach Privacy and Allow Its Apps Bypass Firewall and VPNs.

Big Sur macOS Apps. Apple is facing the heat for a new feature in macOS Big Sur that allows many of its own apps to bypass firewalls and VPNs, thereby potentially allowing malware to exploit the same shortcoming to access sensitive data stored on users' systems and transmit them to remote servers. The issue was first spotted last month by a Twitter user named Maxwell in a beta version of the operating system. "Some Apple apps bypass some network extensions and VPN Apps," Maxwell tweeted. "Maps for example can directly access the internet bypassing any NEFilterDataProvider or NEAppProxyProviders you have running." But now that the iPhone maker has released the latest version of macOS to the public on November 12, the behavior has been left unchanged, prompting concerns from security researchers, who say the change is ripe for abuse. Of particular note is the possibility that the bypass can leave macOS systems open to attack, not to mention the inability t

Detailing Manifestos; What Aspiring Candidate Hon Adiga Wilfred Lawrence Intends to Offer Once He Becomes the MP for Maracha East County From 2021 to 2026.

#Episode_One . Unlike some politicians who decide to build mansions (sky crapers) Gorofa, establishing Business, etc, Hon Adiga Lawrence has pledged, if once elected as the MP for Maracha East Constituency from 2021 to 2026, he will construct a house for people of Maracha to sleep in when they travel to Kampala. This became one of his manifestos, after knowing there are many people (majority of them Youths) from WestNile region sleeping in boxes at Arua Park - Kampala due to financial hardship and no where to sleep. Stay tuned by subscribing here  as we shall continue to give more insights into the manifestos of Aspiring Candidates.

Hackers Group "Anonymous" have Hacked Uganda Police Website Over Free Bobi Wine Riots.

The battle has moved from the streets to the World Wide Web after Hackers put down the Uganda Police Force website. International hackers’ group Anonymous have chest thumped claiming that they put down the website because of the recent human rights violation by UPF. “Anonymous has taken down @PoliceUg’s website in response to recent violent government repression & killings. Anonymous calls for police to respect human lives & the freedom of peaceful assembly and protest,” a statement on their twitter page reads. Anonymous claim they are a group that: “Supports the weak against the powerful and stands for justice, Human rights, Autonomy & self-governance, Resistance against tyranny, A more humane society, Actions Not Nouns.” In a communication with Charles Twine, the Police Criminal Investigations Department (CID) spokesperson, he disclosed that it’s true their site was hacked but they redeemed it and they are still looking for the culprits. “We have been working clos

The Funny Freak With Most Liars-in-Chief (Opposition Politicians) in Africa.

They come here, they make noise, in fact make a lot of noise and they disappear! They get their salaries or payments in different ways; others get from parliament / government offices and others get from donors. When they sense uncertainties that may curtail their financial sources, they use or incite the poor men to go protesting and burning tires on the streets. In some cases, they even make sure if there is any individual who intends to expose or block their way of financial gain, technically they will fight tooth and nail to eliminate or compromise such people. When the poor men get arrested for protesting on the streets, thus, disrupting the business activities of other people / disrupting other road users, they  (the opposition politicians) show up to secure police bond or court bail for the poor men arrested. They may at times give some penny (money) for the poor men as an appreciation for the job well done, thus, the protests. Wait when the poor men get into some person


Last week, i focused on America, where a Houston Police Department Sergeant Sean Rios was brutally taken away from his loved ones and killed on 10-Nov-2020. This time around, am focusing on Uganda, where Soldiers and Police are been hit by Civilians using hot objects like Hammer and so on. The culprits, in their entirety, have been observed as National Unity Platform (NUP) party supporters. The incident occurred this week 18-11-2020 when NUP supporters in Kampala were protesting the arrest of their leader, Presidential Aspirant Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine who was arrested for misleading and endangering the Life of people by inciting them to attend political rallies in big numbers, contrary to the guidelines given by Ministry of Health in respect to prevention of Covid-19. Regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion, let's all unite to condemn violence upto its totality, most especially the violence committed against our Soldiers and Police. #Soldiers_are_humans #Police_

Chinese Hackers Target Southeast Asian Government Institutions.

Cybersecurity researchers today unveiled a complex and targeted espionage attack on potential government sector victims in South East Asia that they believe was carried out by a sophisticated Chinese APT group at least since 2018. "The attack has a complex and complete arsenal of droppers, backdoors and other tools involving Chinoxy backdoor, PcShare RAT and FunnyDream backdoor binaries, with forensic artefacts pointing towards a sophisticated Chinese actor," Bitdefender said in a new analysis shared with The Hacker News. It's worth noting that the FunnyDream campaign has been previously linked to high-profile government entities in Malaysia, Taiwan, and the Philippines, with a majority of victims located in Vietnam. According to the researchers, not only around 200 machines exhibited attack indicators associated with the campaign, evidence points to the fact the threat actor may have compromised domain controllers  on the victim's network, allowing them to move later

Maracha District Woman MP Race; Jennifer Driwaru Eager to Win the 2021 Elections.

When i was campaigning for Hon Ayaka Rose during 2016 general election period, i took some days to physically attend the campaigns of Mrs Jennifer Driwaru, who was by then contesting on Independent ticket for the same position of Woman MP Maracha District. I analysed her speech during the rallies i attended and my rational conscious thought was telling me that, this lady speaks fierce and she deserves to be in an Opposition party. I reserved my instinct, until recently when i had the moment to tell this off to her. Upon listening to my instinct, she with a smiley face, replied me that, in her entire Life she only stands for the truth only, nothing but the truth in whatever circumstances. What an impressive person! I was sparked by her glittering face and vigorous brain that speaks the truth to power, justice and to people. Virtually, i was lamenting if my heart was not voluntarily committed to supporting / campaigning for Mrs Ayaka Rose, i would turn to supporting / campaigning

Agriculture; Ewadri Valley Agro-Forestry Farm Revamps Aesthetic Values of Tree Planting and Tree Growing in WestNile Region - Uganda.

In a statement  Posted on their  Facebook page today, Ewadri Valley Agro-Forestry, a farm located 10kms Arua City off-Arua-Rhino-camp road, 2.5 kms ahead of Abi-Farm NARO-ZARDI, Manibe sub-county Ewadri Parish, Ewadri trading Centre, opposite Ewadri Primary school Football playing grounds, have explored some arts about tree planting and management, most especially Clonal Eucalyptus tree. You can read the full details below here 👇👇 👇👇 We have ready clonal eucalyptus tree seedlings for sale. In Today's Uganda Clonal Eucalyptus is important to the Country's Economy, environment and citizen's livelihoods because of its high carbon sequestration potential and ability to produce high volumes of utilizable products in a short time. Clonal Eucalyptus is here to address our wood deficit, resulting from loss of natural forests, decreasing farm areas, increasing Urbanization and rising need for construction materials. Let's go Clonal Eucalyptus for increased Family

Uncovered: APT 'Hackers For Hire' Target Financial Institutions / Banks and Entertainment Firms in Africa, America and Asia.

A hackers-for-hire operation has been discovered using a strain of previously undocumented malware to target South Asian financial institutions and global entertainment companies. Dubbed "CostaRicto"  by Blackberry researchers, the campaign appears to be the handiwork of APT mercenaries who possess bespoke malware tooling and complex VPN proxy and SSH tunneling capabilities. "CostaRicto targets are scattered across different countries in Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia and Africa, but the biggest concentration appears to be in South Asia (especially India, Bangladesh and Singapore and China), suggesting that the threat actor could be based in that region, but working on a wide range of commissions from diverse clients," the researchers said. The modus operandi in itself is quite straight-forward. Upon gaining an initial foothold in the target's environment via stolen credentials, the attacker proceeds to set up an SSH tunnel to download a backdoor and a payloa

Maracha East Constituency MP Aspirant Hon Adiga Lawrence Alfred Changes His Campaign Symbol from "Clock" to "Radio".

The incumbent LC V boss for Maracha District, Hon Adiga Lawrence who is now vying for Maracha East County MP seat on Independent ticket, has changed his campaign symbol from "Clock" to "Radio". In a telephone communication concerning this abrupt change, he said, his preferred symbol of "Clock" was grabbed by another candidate who was nominated ahead of him. When asked on the new Campaign Symbol and the meaning, he clarified that, his new campaign symbol is "Radio" and it implies "Proclamation of message of peace, unity, hardwork and love for socio-economic transformation of Maracha District". However, he echoed that, despite the change of symbol, the message he passes and his manifestos remain the same. Vote Adiga Lawrence Alfred for MP Maracha East Constituency 2021 to 2026. Click here to stay tuned and updated  on variety of news.

List of Softwares and Products; Windows 10, iOS, Google Chrome, Samsung Galaxy S20, Mozilla Firefox and Others Hacked.

Multiple software products from Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Samsung were successfully pwned with previously unseen exploits in Tianfu Cup 2020, the third edition of the international cybersecurity contest held in the city of Chengdu, China. "Many mature and hard targets have been pwned on this year's contest," the event organizers said. "11 out of 16 targets cracked with 23 successful demos." The hacking competition showed off hacking attempts against a number of platforms, including: Adobe PDF Reader Apple iPhone 11 Pro running iOS 14 and Safari browser ASUS RT-AX86U router CentOS 8 Docker Community Edition Google Chrome Microsoft Windows 10 v2004 Mozilla Firefox Samsung Galaxy S20 running Android 10 TP-Link TL-WDR7660 router VMware ESXi hypervisor The Tianfu Cup, analogous to Pwn2Own, was started in 2018 following a government regulation in the country that barred security researchers from participating in international hacking compet

The Political Office; the Most Important Things to Know from this Office / the Type of People Vying for it.

Let alone obsession talks of "Amending Law",  how the elected personality focuses their time on ordinary people and energy in office, is an evident reflection of how they lived their life before entering any Political or Public office. Hon Adiga Lawrence is a very good man who understands the daily struggle of an ordinary person. As a humble man, Adiga Lawrence had to quit his current and previous jobs to serve the ordinary man at a better level. Hon Lawrence has tirelessly continued to serve our people of Maracha District even in the face of sheer criticism from enemies of progress and unimaginable occurrences. Hon Adiga has sticked on his dedication, faith and love in the line of duty even though some people wanted to weaken down his efforts. This is typically the person Maracha East Constituency deserves on the steering wheel. Vote Adiga Lawrence Alfred for MP Maracha East Constituency 2021 to 2026. #Adiga_Lawrence #MP #Maracha_East_Constituency #Parliament #hashta

Confusion Looms in; Former Director General for ISO, Col Kaka Bagyenda Boycotts Parliamentary Vetting as Uganda's New Ambassador to Angola.

        The former director general of the Internal Security Organisation (ISO) Col Frank Kaka Bagyenda didn’t show up at Parliament to be vetted for his new job. He was recently appointed as Uganda’s Ambassador to Angola. He was supposed to appear before the Parliament’s Appointments Committee. Parliament’s director of communications and public affairs, Hellen Kaweesa, said the former spy chief never surfaced. Col Bagyenda and the newly appointed Uganda’s ambassador to Kenya Hassan Galiwango were supposed to appear separately before the committee for vetting. Galiwango was vetted but there was no information whether he had been approved.

Premium-Rate Phone Fraudsters Hack Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Servers of 1200 Companies.

Cybersecurity researchers have took the wraps off an on-going cyber fraud operation led by hackers in Gaza, West Bank, and Egypt to compromise VoIP servers of more than 1,200 organizations across 60 countries over the past 12 months. According to findings published by Check Point Research, the threat actors — believed to be located in the Palestinian Gaza Strip — have targeted Sangoma PBX, an open-sourced user interface that's used to manage and control Asterisk VoIP phone systems, particularly the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) servers. "Hacking SIP servers and gaining control allows hackers to abuse them in several ways," the cybersecurity firm noted in its analysis. "One of the more complex and interesting ways is abusing the servers to make outgoing phone calls, which are also used to generate profits. Making calls is a legitimate feature, therefore it's hard to detect when a server has been exploited." By selling phone numbers, call plans, and live a

Presidential Aspirant Robert Kyagulanyi; Today i Was Betrayed by my Own Police Bodyguards Deployed by the Electoral Commission to Protect Me.

Bobi Wine: One of the officers given to me by the Uganda Independent Electoral Commission was responsible for breaking into my car to help officers of the Uganda Police to arrest me. Click to subscribe and stay tuned here  for much more news and updates.

2021 General Elections; We Are Ready to Crush Bobi Wine if He Causes Chaos, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba Tweets.

                 Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba. The Presidential advisor on special operations, as well as First Son Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainrugaba, has said National Unity Platform (NUP) principle and Presidential contender Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu alias Bobi Wine will be defeated should he seek non-peaceful means in his search for presidency. Muhoozi, who was the head of the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) now the elite Special Forces Command (SFC), made the statements on his Twitter handle. He said that if Bobi attempts to fight, he will be defeated “I told you, my young brother, that you can NEVER intimidate us. We are much stronger than you can ever imagine being. If you want to fight we will simply defeat you. We want peace! But if you attempt to fight us then Bring it on!” Muhoozi’s comments came moments after Bobi Wine was snatched from his car, through his bodyguards’ hands and whisked away in a police van to his home in Magere. The incident happened just outside the nomination ven

No Processions; Electoral Commission Releases Guidelines for 2nd and 3rd November 2020 Nominations, as Police Shall Pick Presidential Candidates from Their Respective Offices.

Click here on this link  for more updates and news. AIGP Edward Ochom the Director Operations "For those political actors and groups that are still defiant and mobilizing Boda Boda riders and militias onto the streets; and ferrying supporters from upcountry into illegal processions and rallies; we are closely monitoring them. Therefore, any Presidential Aspirant who mobilizes boda bodas for a procession risks being arrested including those boda boda riders.   We have plans to respond proportionately, in the face of violent crime, which may include the use of teargas to disperse these violent groups and arrest the culprits for prosecution.