I chose this moment to write an overview about the incomparable lobbying and mobilisation accuracy of aspiring Arua Central Division Member of Parliament Candidate Mr Ejiku Robert 2021 to 2026. In his entire life, he has lobbied and mobilised resources for Organisations, for different groups of people and also for individuals. With the generosity of Mr Ejiku Robert, he is neither feeble nor effeminate when it comes to extending helping hands / supports inform of words, materials, monies and so on. He does all these not because he is rich but because he understands the pain when somebody has nothing and needs help. Mr Robert has personally launched and, or participated in Charity donations, financial lobbying and mobilisations for different noble causes ranging from fundraising for the sick, fundraising for funerals, fundraising for the vulnerable and the needy. He has participated and spearheaded many of these lobbying and fundraising ventures because of the public trust. Mr Ej...
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