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Showing posts from August, 2020


I chose this moment to write an overview about the incomparable lobbying and mobilisation accuracy of aspiring Arua Central Division Member of Parliament Candidate Mr Ejiku Robert 2021 to 2026. In his entire life, he has lobbied and mobilised resources for Organisations, for different groups of people and also for individuals. With the generosity of Mr Ejiku Robert, he is neither feeble nor effeminate when it comes to extending helping hands / supports inform of words, materials, monies and so on. He does all these not because he is rich but because he understands the pain when somebody has nothing and needs help. Mr Robert has personally launched and, or participated in Charity donations, financial lobbying and mobilisations for different noble causes ranging from fundraising for the sick, fundraising for funerals, fundraising for the vulnerable and the needy. He has participated and spearheaded many of these lobbying and fundraising ventures because of the public trust. Mr Ej

Kizinda Town Council NRM Registrar Natwijuke Evans, In Bushenyi District Has Been Arrested For Deleting Names From Register.

Bushenyi municipality Bushenyi Police is holding the Kizinda Town Council NRM party registrar for allegedly tampering with the voter’s register. He has been identified as Natwijuka Evans. Archangel Barekye, the Bushenyi District NRM party registrar said that Natwijuka was found deleting names and replacing them with new names. He said several complaints have been brought to his office mostly from Ishaka Division and Ruhumuro. Barekye condemned the act noting that those whose names were deleted will be allowed to vote as they are investigating all allegations. The administrative secretary NRM Bushenyi Gilbert Lukooko said altering of names in the registers has been a concern since the start of the display exercise on Friday. He says they have started investigating all registrars across the district. Al-Hajj Hassan Basajabalaba, Chairperson Bushenyi NRM party, warned registrars that whoever will be pinned in voter register alteration will be fired. They risk losing their jobs, let Natwij

Russian Arrested After Offering $1 Million Bribe to Technology Company Employee for Planting Malware.

Hackers always find a way in, even if there's no software vulnerability to exploit. The FBI has arrested a Russian national who recently traveled to the United States and offered $1 million in bribe to an employee of a targeted company for his help in installing malware into the company's computer network manually. Egor Igorevich Kriuchkov , 27-year-old, entered the United States as a tourist and was arrested in Los Angeles after meeting with the unnamed employee of an undisclosed Nevada-based company numerous times, between August 1 to August 21, to discuss the conspiracy. "On or about July 16, EGOR IGOREVICH KRIUCHKOV used his WhatsApp account to contact the employee of victim company and arranged to visit in person in the District of Nevada," the court documents say. "On or about July 28, EGOR IGOREVICH KRIUCHKOV entered the United States using his Russian Passport and a B1/B2 tourist visa." Kriuchkov also asked the employee to participate in developing t

Rubaga South MP Kato Lubwama; My Supporters Voted Me in 2016 to Enjoy Cash Ponanzas in Parliament. The first term (2016) i asked the voters to vote for me and i ‘eat’, now this time (2021) i am asking them to vote for me and we ‘eat’ together. Lubaga South Member of Parliament Hon. Paul Kato Lubwama is seeking reelection for the Lubaga South MP seat however this time with a totally different mission. Speaking during an interview on a local TV, Lubwama said that his supporters sent him to parliament to enjoy the cash bonanzas just as he requested them while campaigning in 2016. Nevertheless in the forthcoming elections he is requesting them to send him back so that they can now enjoy the money together.  “Last time, I told my people in Lubaga to vote for me so that I can also eat but I’ve finished eating. Now I want them to vote for me so that we eat together this time,” Kato Lubwama said. According to Lubwama, being in parliament is all about sharing and enjoying the country’s resources. Lubwama was also asked why he has not yet join

Minsters; Muruli Mukasa, Godfrey Kiwanda, Raphael Magyezi and Sam Kutesa Quit 2021 MP Race.

        State Minister for Tourism, Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi, has become the latest ruling NRM figure to pull out of the race for MP in the 2021 general elections. He announced Thursday announced that he will not be seeking re-election for the Mityana North parliamentary seat, just a week to the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party primaries. Kiwanda’s withdrawal from the race leaves Muhamad Kibedi Nsegumire unopposed in the race for the NRM flag for the area. He becomes the fourth minister after Sam Kutesa (Foreign Affairs), Muruli Mukasa (Public Service) and Raphael Magyezi (Local Government) not to seek re-election in the 2021 General Election. The 47-year-old, who has represented Mityana North for 15 unbroken years since 2006, told Sunday Monitor that his election last week as NRM vice chairperson for central region requires him to concentrate on the work of mobilising for the party in order to ensure victory in next year’s elections. “I have withdrawn from the race for Mityana No

Five Intrigues that Deserve Response from Ayivu Division MP Atiku Benard. The people of AYIVU are Questioning you for the following deliberate and malicious technical blunders you did knowingly.  1. You comfortably spectated the dismantling of the SATELITE ANTENNA at Ombaci by your NRM citing that by no technical means it can't be repaired.  2. You maliciously, deliberately and bad heartedly hesitated to tell the people of AYIVU that the constituency was divided not until some candidates wasted money in procuring wrong posters and banners.  3. You're siding away with the rest of the west Nile MPs pretending to be the Frontliner for the National grid project hence reiterating and procrastinating the project and lobbying Generators.  4. You personally signed to give the whole of AYIVU county to arua city council  without the consent of most of the political, cultural, religious and opinion leaders of the county.  5. You pretend to be a lobbyist hence bragging a lot after the botched parliamentary score

Stella Nyanzi Criticizes President Museveni for Declaring August 29 a Public Holiday, to Hold National Prayers for “God to Deliver Uganda from Covid-19”.

Verse 1: Instead of giving doctors and nurses masks, gloves and sanitizers, He made today a National Day of Prayer. God please deliver us from dictator Museveni. Will doctors protect themselves with prayer? Will they wash away the virii with prayers? Verse 2: Instead of building more isolation units with beds for the infected, He made today a National Day of Prayer. God please take away dictator Museveni. Will patients of COVID19 be quarantined in prayer? Will they sleep on prayer when ill? Verse 3: Instead of sustainably securing food to feed hungry unemployed Ugandans, He made today a National Day of Prayer. God please liberate us from dictator Museveni. Will starving families eat prayer? Will mothers fill our cooking pots with prayer? Verse 4: Instead of freezing interest on the loans of Ugandans locked down for months, He made today a National Day of Prayer. God please defeat dictator Museveni. Will banks accept prayer from imprisoned debtors? Will money lenders take prayer

The Candidature of Mr Ejiku Robert Blossoms the Hearts of Many People. In fact, people would only need the polling day just to go and vote him, because they know his leadership wouldn't be a gambling. Mr Ejiku Robert loves fullfiling his thoughts and he will be representing Central Division Arua City to the fullest, in all times and in whatever circumstances. The pride of Arua and WestNile would be him. Kindly support and vote Mr Ejiku Robert for Member of Parliament, Arua Central Division so that he will regain the pride and glory of Arua which is almost at the verge of deeming to disappear. Vote Ejiku Robert, MP Central Division - Arua City 2021 to 2026.

Posing as Journalists to Trick People Into Installing Malware - The Iranian Hackers Who Were Known for Targeting Governments, Defense Technologies, Military Agencies and Diplomacy Sectors Across the World.

An Iranian cyberespionage group known for targeting government, defense technology, military, and diplomacy sectors is now impersonating journalists to approach targets via LinkedIn and WhatsApp and infect their devices with malware. Detailing the new tactics of the "Charming Kitten" APT group, Israeli firm Clearsky said, "starting July 2020, we have identified a new TTP of the group, impersonating 'Deutsche Welle' and the 'Jewish Journal' using emails alongside WhatsApp messages as their main platform to approach the target and convince them to open a malicious link." This development is the first time the threat actor is said to have carried out a watering hole attack through WhatsApp and LinkedIn, which also includes making phone calls to victims, Clearsky noted in a Thursday analysis.                                    Cybersecurity. After the company alerted Deutsche Welle about the impersonation and the watering hole in their we

Museveni Declares August 29 Public Holiday, to Hold National Prayers for “God to Deliver Uganda from Covid-19”.

President Museveni reading the bible (file photo). President Yoweri Museveni has declared August 29, 2020 a day of National Prayers for “God to deliver us from Covid-19. Below is the President’s statement in full: A certain Ugandan came to me and told me that God had told him in a vision that I should organise National Prayers, scientifically organised, for God to deliver us from COVID-19. Therefore, by the powers given to the President of Uganda by Section 2(2) of the Public Holidays Act, I declare the 29th of August 2020, a day of National Prayers and a Public Holiday. Stay in your houses or Compounds and pray. I have invited a few religious leaders to come to Entebbe State House and pray together with Janet and myself when you are all watching on TV or listening on Radios. I appeal to all Ugandans to join this massive act of supplication “Mushabe, muryaheebwa, musherure, muryazoora”, I remember from our priests at Kyamate in 1950s. T

2021 Polls: NRM to Buy Media Space for its Flag Bearers.

Emmanuel Dombo, Director of Information at NRM Secretariat. The National Resistance Movement (NRM) has said it will buy media space for its flag bearers for different positions in the coming 2021 general elections campaigns. Speaking to journalists at the Uganda Journalist Association (UJA) offices in Kawempe, Kampala, Emmanuel Dombo, the director for information and publicity at the NRM secretariat said the party is cognizant of the challenges that its flag bearers will face in light of the Electoral Commission guidelines. At the beginning of June, the Electoral Commission informed the country that during the 2021 general elections, candidates will not be allowed to hold open air mass campaigns. They reasoned that this is important in order to limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country. Justice Simon Byabakama, the Electoral Commission chairman said that all campaigns will be conducted using the media and other means that do

Speaker of Parliament Kadaga Adjourns Plenary as Workers MP Lyomoki Kicks off Demo at Parliament over Pending NSSF Bill.

Workers' MP Sam Lyomoki camping at Parliament on Wednesday evening. The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has been forced to adjourn Wednesday’s plenary sitting after Workers’ Representative in Parliament, Sam Lyomoki insisted on having the National Social Security Services (NSSF) Bill, 2019 read for the second time. The Bill was scheduled for second reading according to the order paper and was thus called by the Speaker as the next item. The bill would not be received as the Ministers of Finance and Gender, Labour and Social Development were not in the house prompting Minister of Public Service Muluri Mukasa to request for a period of two weeks in which the Ministers shall be able to attend to the matter. “In the absence of the Minister for the sector, I beg that this issue be deferred for about two weeks so that the Bill can be ably handled when the Minister is around and the whole bench,” Mukasa said. Lyomoki shot up demanding that t


As many people might be aware of unequalled Mr Ejiku Robert, whose virtues thrive in Developments and Service delivering, but i would like to incantate further more on curtain issues other people might have not had the moments to be aware of. Let alone adorable and elegant personal characters of humbly beautiful Mr Ejiku Robert, his major ethics of leadership rely in rule of law, development and service delivery. No competitor can equal to Mr Ejiku Robert when it comes to these three major leadership ethics. If there is anybody who gets traumatized and stressed if there is underdevelopment, it is Mr Ejiku Robert. He weeps when disservice is done. He ridicules misappropriations of tax payers money, projects and he ondemns the entities which do such shoddy ventures that compromise genuine Development. Mr Ejiku Robert cherishes excellent growth. Lastly but not least, these Factors have legitimate place in the heart of Mr Ejiku Robert. Therefore;- voting him would be a privilege to

You want me to go where?. Are you the ones who brought me to Power ?, Says Belarus Dictator Alexander, As He Threatens to Shoot Protesters. Belarus leader Lukashenko brandishes rifle at rioters, calls them rats. People are ‘striving for freedom’ in Belarus The head of the opposition in Belarus, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, explained why the hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in protest.The head of the opposition in Belarus, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, explained why the hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in protest. MINSK — A massive crowd of protesters demanding that President Alexander Lukashenko step down poured into the center of Belarus’ capital, Minsk, on Sunday, for the second weekend running, in a historic display of opposition. The protest appeared to be even larger than the historic demonstrations that swamped central Minsk last Sunday, when over a hundred thousand people took to the streets. This time, a colossal procession of protesters marched back and forth from Minsk’s central Independence Square to a monument where

Popular iOS SDK Caught Spying on Billions of Users and Committing Ad Fraud.

  phone-hacking. Software development kit (SDK) used by over 1,200 apps—with a total of more than a billion mobile users—is said to contain malicious code with the goal of perpetrating mobile ad-click fraud and capturing sensitive information. According to a report published by cybersecurity firm Snyk, Mintegral — a mobile programmatic advertising platform owned by Chinese mobile ad tech company Mobvista — includes an SDK component that allows it to collect URLs, device identifiers, IP Address, operating system version, and other user sensitive data from compromised apps to a remote logging server. The malicious iOS SDK has been named "SourMint" by Snyk researchers. "The malicious code can spy on user activity by logging URL-based requests made through the app," Snyk's Alyssa Miller said in a Monday analysis. "This activity is logged to a third-party server and could potentially include personally identifiab

THE MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR AYIVU, HON ATIKU BENARD HAS JOINED NRM PARTY BECAUSE OF CONSTITUENCY PRESSURE. Hon Atiku Benard, who first contested and won on Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) ticket, served from 2011 to 2016. Having seen during 2016 Campaigns that, another contestant emerged on FDC party ticket and they would be going for FDC party primary elections, Atiku Benard left FDC and he decided to contest as Independent Candidate. He won and served from 2016 to date, till 2021. This time around after him realising some of his Weaknesses (mistakes) in Ayivu Constituency that may cause him to loose the seat if a tough National Resistance Movement (NRM) party Candidate wins in the party primary elections and will be facing him (Hon Atiku Benard), the man (Hon Atiku) decides to join NRM (in Lugbara, 'Ba ma onzoru woro vua 'de) thinking he will take chance and emerges victorious in the NRM party primary elections, henceforth giving him upper hand to trounce any weak Candidate who shows up in the general 2021 elections. This Politic

Maracha District Woman MP Ayaka Rose Distributes Fabric Face Masks, Advises People to Always Wear It. *PUT ON YOUR MASKS- HON AYAKA ROSE*  Woman MP for Maracha District has urged her people to always use their masks whenever they are going out in public, she made the call this morning as she and other district officials received 165,201 face masks from the ministry of health as promised by government. The distribution team of the district straight away started on the distribution using local councils and they are free of charge to the population. This comes at a time when community infections have increased in the country, being a border district they have come at the right time.  There has been intense pressure from the population to receive the masks. " I would like to thank the government under H E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni  for being mindful to protect his people against covid 19" .  This comes at a time when Maracha district has today started mass immunisation for yellow fever amongst the communities, which was launched rece

BREAKING NEWS. Lawyer Baguma Saidy Threatens to Fight Land Grabbers, Once He Becomes the Mayor for Central Division Arua City 2021 to 2026. Greetings my people of Arua Central Division, Arua City. Allow me in this evening to shade lights on rumors by some misconfigured politicians who have been claiming that, the elevation of Arua Town into City status will fuel abject land grabbing by the government and also some Individuals. The alone of this false alarm, has obliged some of our uninformed people into selling Animals, others borrowing monies just to register and get land titles for fear of loosing their land to land grabbers. First and foremost, i would like to entail for everybody on what is enshrined about Land under our Ugandan Law ( the 1995 Constitution), under Articles; 237. Land Ownership. (1) Land in Uganda belongs to the citizens of Uganda and shall vest in them in accordance with the land tenure systems provided for in this Constitution. (2) Notwithstanding clause (1) of this article— (a) the Government or a local government ma

Google Drive “Feature” Could Let Attackers Trick You Into Installing Malware. An unpatched security weakness in Google Drive could be exploited by malware attackers to distribute malicious files disguised as legitimate documents or images, enabling bad actors to perform spear-phishing attacks comparatively with a high success rate. The latest security issue—of which Google is aware but, unfortunately, left unpatched—resides in the "manage versions" functionality offered by Google Drive that allows users to upload and manage different versions of a file, as well as in the way its interface provides a new version of the files to the users. Logically, the manage versions functionally should allow Google Drive users to update an older version of a file with a new version having the same file extension, but it turns out that it's not the case. According to A. Nikoci, a system administrator by profession who reported the flaw to Google and later disclosed it to The Hacker News, the affected functionally a

President Museveni Praises Soldiers for Torturing Bobi Wine in Arua on August 2018.

        President Museveni at the passout of police officers in Masindi Friday President Museveni has praised his Special Forces Command [SFC] guards for properly and legally beating National Unity Platform [NUP] presidential flagbearer, Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine. “The other day, there was a fracas in West Nile where our young friend Bobi Wine was fighting security people,” Museveni said Friday while passing out police recruits at Kabalye Training School in Masindi district. “I think they beat him a bit and then they came and said a Member of Parliament has been beaten. I said let me study and see how he was beaten. I found the man had been beaten in the right way,” Museveni explained. “This was because…I think this was SFC people who are not police-minded. They are used to doing other things. But somehow they managed to act properly, I was surprised.” When they [SFC] went where this young man was in the room, he had caused problems a day

THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF HON AJEDRA GABRIEL ARIDRU (FROM 2016 TO 2021) ARE WHAT NO ANY OTHER MP HAS EVER ACHIEVED IN THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF VURRA COUNTY. I managed to influenced a number of tax related policies for the entire country not only West Nile.  WEST NILE IS FINALLY GOING TO BE CONNECTED TO NATIONAL GRID AS I BOLDLY DEFENDED THE LOAN FROM EXIM BANK FOR EXTENSION OF NATIONAL GRID TO WEST NILE IN FLOW OF PARLIAMENT AMIDST CRIES THAT GOVERNMENT WAS CHOCKING IN LOANS BUT I STOOD MY GROUND AND HON.ATIKU BERNARD WALKED OUT IN PROTEST IF THEY ARE NOT APPROVING THE LOAN. a) After the people of Vurra requesting for a District since 2006, it's finally  delivered it. b) I have donated Iron sheets, cement  and iron bars to almost 90% of all churches and mosques in Vurra Constituency.  c) I mobilized budget  fund of UGX 1.2billion for construction of Kawuanjeti Health Center III in Ajono Parish. Community started this project in 1984, and ALL past MPs promised but never delivered. Construction is ongoing.  d) I lobbied NWSC for the extension of water from Pokea to Ajono parish and to the


Women elders have this morning endorse Hon Mourine Ososru as the only suitable Woman MP to lead Arua City. As a surprise and without informing Hon Osoru, the elders convened the meeting to endorse her. The elders expressed their gratitude to Hon Mourine, for been the first Woman MP in the political history of Arua, to deliver such massive Achievements on ground.

President Museveni has Ordered Police to Arrest People Who Post Death Rumours of Kabaka, on Social Media. President Museveni has ordered security to arrest individuals who spread rumours claiming the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi had died. “I was surprised that people were saying on social media that someone had poisoned Kabaka Mutebi, then later they said he had died,” Museveni said Thursday night. “How can people behave like that? If anything goes wrong with the Highness, the people to announce are there.” He said pople on social media are announcing that the Kabaka is dead. ” Is it their duty to do that? Those people, we shall go for them.” Museveni who was addressing NRM delegates said he hopes the police has gotten them. They have to explain their irresponsible behaviour, he noted. Still, on social media, some media houses were showing how opposition groups had defeated NRM in the youth elections, he went on. A journalist is supposed to entertain, inform and educate, Museveni pointed out. “If a journalist misinforms, then the

JUST IN. Users Worldwide Have Reported Problems with Google Services Such as Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Docs.

Some users are reporting problems with sending mails via Gmail and uploading files on Google Drive. Others say that they are experiencing issues while connecting to Google Docs or Google Meet. Details loading...

A New Fileless Peer-to-Peer Botnet Malware Targeting SSH Servers Worldwide.

                     Cybersecurity researchers today took the wraps off a sophisticated, multi-functional peer-to-peer (P2P) botnet written in Golang that has been actively targeting SSH servers since January 2020. Called "FritzFrog," the modular, multi-threaded and file-less botnet has breached more than 500 servers to date, infecting well-known universities in the US and Europe, and a railway company, according to a report released by Guardicore Labs today. "With its decentralized infrastructure, it distributes control among all its nodes," Guardicore's Ophir Harpaz said. "In this network with no single point-of-failure, peers constantly communicate with each other to keep the network alive, resilient and up-to-date." cybersecurity In addition to implementing a proprietary P2P protocol that's been written from scratch, the communications are done over an encrypted channel, with the malware capable of creating a backdoor on victim systems

Campaigns of Mr Ejiku Robert Hitting to the Climax.

Since morning upto now, many diehard supporters of Mr Ejiku Robert have gathered in Anyafio - Arua, to welcome him after he traveled for nominations in Kampala. Mr Ejiku Robert, who is currently pulling the crowd and other supporters, including Opposition members defecting to his camp, seems to be taking upper for the NRM party primary elections scheduled on 10-September-2020 for the position MP Arua Central Division - Arua City. Prior this event, is whole lot of excitements from the Youths and Ladies who are dancing with sweat out of happiness.