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Showing posts from July, 2020

EU Sanctions Hackers from China, Russia, North Korea Who are Wanted by the FBI. The Council of the European Union has imposed its first-ever sanctions against persons or entities involved in various cyber-attacks targeting European citizens, and its member states. The directive has been issued against six individuals and three entities responsible for or involved in various cyber-attacks, out of which some publicly known are 'WannaCry', 'NotPetya', and 'Operation Cloud Hopper,' as well as an attempted cyber-attack against the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. Out of the six individuals sanctioned by the EU include two Chinese citizens and four Russian nationals. The companies involved in carrying out cyberattacks include an export firm based in North Korea, and technology companies from China and Russia. The sanctions imposed include a ban on persons traveling to any EU countries and a freeze of assets on persons and entities. Besides this, EU citizens and entitie

BITING THE HANDS THAT FED YOU. Hon Kassiano Wadri Discards People Power (National Unity Platform), Joins Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) Party.

Fellow Ugandans,  Today, @TheAllianceUG had the honour of welcoming within its fold three new members of high standing. Hon. Kasiano Wadri, Engineer Frank Ndamureeba Mukunzi  and Mr.Chris Charles Oyua. Hon. Wadri needs no introduction to the country. For years he has been at the frontline of fighting for an equitable and just Uganda. His vast experience and commitment is a major boost to our young party and we look forward to harnessing it to maximum effect. Engineer Frank Ndyamureeba Mukunzi is a professional with vast international experience in technology. He joins the party with no intention to run for office, but help bolster our efforts to build institutional, democratic structures for party and country. We welcome him. The Alliance for National Transformation seeks to walk the talk. We believe that the vast majority of Ugandan professionals and middle class yearn for change as much as all other groups. What has been missing for them, is a political space in which ideas r


New vision CEO Robert Kabushenga. reportedly sacked two top investigative journalists over Hirji , Byaruhanga story. The two top investigative journalists were following a story in the domain of social media that City lawyer Masembe and Attorney general William Byaruhanga. Byaruhanga procured a fake will of the late Karim wife Ziba Charm and assiste city tycoon Karim Hirji through fraud to convet her properties and Bank Accounts in London and Uganda. Kabushenga is a brother in law of William Byaruhanga, both marry from the same family of Senyonga. Kabushenga wife is the young sister of the wife of William Byaruhanga. It is not the first time that Kabushenga is being accused of pocketing millions in exchange of killing publication of stories against powerful men and women. Media analyst Tamale Mirundi has on several occasions come out to accuse Kabushenga of foul play and being part of the media gang killing government.  It is also reported that Kabushenga is under investig

Seventeen NRM Secretariat Staff Put Under Quarantine after Two of Them Tested Positive for Coronavirus.

           NRM Secretariat. The Secretariat of the ruling political party, National Resistance Movement (NRM), has Wednesday evening placed two of their their key staff under isolation and 17 others in institutional quarantine in a bid to prevent further spread of coronavirus. Without providing particulars, the ruling party Secretary General Justine Kasule Lumumba earlier on Wednesday revealed that two key staff members of the Secretariat had tested positive for the virus. “This morning, two of our key staff at the National Resistance Movement – NRM Party Secretariat tested positive for COVID-19 and have been admitted to the Hospital for proper care,” Lumumba said in a statement. The Secretariat management team would thereafter convene an urgent meeting with the National Incident Management Team headed by Dr. Monica Musenero to forge a way forward, according to Emmanuel Lumala Dombo, the Secretariat’s Director for information, Publicity and Pub

SOME INSIGHTS INTO WHY HON ADIGA WILFRED LAWRENCE IS ASPIRING ON INDEPENDENT TICKET, FOR MARACHA EAST CONSTITUENCY MP SEAT. By Political Party affiliations and ideologies, he may not be in the same faction with others but his Virtue and Enthusiasm are franchising to eulogise him since he is a Personality of vigor. I may ought to publicly tell you that, Political Party aspects do not apply in some Politics of Some Curtain Areas and Regions. The circumstances are what render every civil and political scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind. Apart from amending Laws, the Other roles of MPs are for National Duties but the greatest endeavor is beneficial to the Local Voters of the District or Province or County or Municipality. Of course, every Political act could be construed as consistent with such doctrines. And yet, where Policies are adjusted in the light of Circumstances to some underlying common principles Order, Liberty and Virtue, the obsession consideration of Political Party differences (For us we are FDC, we are JEEMA, we are NRM, we are PPP) may subd

25-Year-Old Youth Got Disappointed with People Power and Attempted to Commit Suicide Today at People Power Headquarters in Kamwokya, Central Division Kampala - Uganda.

  Press Release Police have arrested Robert Kakooza Kwesiga alias Sanya Tim aged 25 years, a resident of Kasokoso Kireka, Kira Municipality, Wakiso District for attempted suicide. Kakooza attempted to burn himself in the offices of People People Kamwokya, Central Division Kampala, but police intervened. Kakooza alleges that on 19/7/2020 while he was on a procession of People Power heading to Kayunga District for the burial of the late Charles Mutyabule, he was arrested and his motorcycle impounded.  He was later released but the motorcycle remained at Nagalama Police Station.  He alleges that he tried several times to get back his motorcycle, but a police officer kept on demanding for money. Kakooza alleges that he informed Mr Fred Nyanzi about his predicament, who promised to help and called him for a meeting today. When he reached People Power offices, Nyanzi only gave him Shs 40,000 and yet he expected Shs200,000.  He said he got di

Uganda Parliament Approves Sarah Kanyike as Minister for the Elderly and People with Disabilities.

                                         Sarah Kanyike. Parliament Tuesday approved Sarah Kanyike as the State minister for the Elderly and People with Disability. Kanyike was first nominated to the technical wing of Kampala Capital City Authority [KCCA] as a director. On July 16, President Museveni wrote to Speaker Rebecca Kadaga who chairs Parliament Appointments Committee to approve the nomination of Kanyike as a minister. The state-run New Vision quoted MPs on the committee saying Kanyike was unanimously approved without any objection. MPs praised her as “a smart lady with brilliant ideas for the sector”. According to the report, Kanyike informed the committee how she is bringing on board a master plan strategy that will revamp the Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE) programme meant for the elderly to be more inclusive and participatory so as to achieve its intended goals. She told the committee that there is need to red


The Member of Parliament Aspirant for Arua Central Division - Arua City, Mr Ejiku Robert is as unique as his name, when it comes to politics of party. He never minches his words. This humanity man is not only a gift to the NRM Party he ascribes to but he is also a gift to the People of Arua and WestNile Region. He never in particular praises President Museveni and National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party, but rather he praises what President Museveni and NRM Government has successfully achieved for the People of Uganda. Mr Ejiku Robert is not thirsty and in hurry to be known and start taking selfies with President Museveni and other big NRM members, because Mr Ejiku knows time factor and hardwork are the core principles to Popularity and Praising. He believes in time and hardwork as the Bible says. Unlike some Aspiring Candidates despite of been less contributing to NRM Party, to WestNile Region and Uganda, their only ego are to feel known to President Museveni. But why 😆😀😂.

21-Year-Old Hacker Extradited Over Fraud and Extortion Charges. The United States Department of Justice has extradited two criminals from the Republic of Cyprus—one is a computer hacker suspected of cyber intrusions and extortion, and the other is a money launderer with known connections to the terrorist organization Hezbollah. Both suspects—Joshua Polloso Epifaniou, 21, a resident of Nicosia, and Ghassan Diab, 37, a citizen of Lebanon—were arrested earlier last year and extradited to the United States. According to the indictment, Epifaniou conducted a brute force attack against the Phoenix-based online review portal Ripoff Report (ROR) in October 2016 and successfully override ROR's login and password protection to gain access to its database through an existing account associated with a ROR employee. In November 2016, Epifaniou tried to extort the company by emailing ROR's CEO with a hyperlink to a video demonstrating Epifaniou's unauthorized access to the ROR CEO's account, threa

LANGUAGE IS ONE OF THE FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN VOTING LEADERS. #Episode_One. Effective representations start by verbal expressions. Verbal expressions start by words. Words convey speech. Speeches are best delivered in Languages. The Official and widely spoken Language in rural and urban areas of Uganda, is English. Therefore;- Vote Mr Collins Dramani for the NRM Chairpersonship position in Maracha District, 2021 to 2026. Mr Collins is not Corrupt and he is fluent in speaking. He is not like some of the Contestants who not only stammer, but the worst of it all, their hands are shooked in bad leadership code of conduct tendencies and Language barrier. Otherwise, the fate of effective representation will be crippled if we support and vote for Candidates who can not speak English. It must only be Mr Collins Dramani, who knows how to articulate issues. #Vote #Dramani_Collins #osutayusuf

THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF VURRA CONSTITUENCY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT HON AJEDRA GABRIEL ARIDRU, FROM 2016 TO 2021. #PHASE_ONE. Hon Aridru Gabriel is also the State Minister for Finance. He has influenced a number of tax related policies for the entire country not specifically West Nile.  a) After the people of Vurra requesting for a District since 2006, it's only Hon Aridru who delivered it. b) He has donated Iron sheets, cement  and iron bars to almost 90% of all churches and mosques in Vurra Constituency.  c) He budgeted funds of UGX 1.2billion for construction of Kawuanjeti Health Center III in Ajono Parish. Community started this project in 1984, and ALL past MPs promised but never delivered. Construction is ongoing.  d) He lobbied NWSC for the extension of water from Pokea to Ajono parish and to the Health Center III above. e) He also lobbied NWSC to construct Mini water supply project at Ovision for the surrounding areas, esp. Ovision Health Center III  f) He lobbied NWSC to extend water from Ocoko / Dubai to Ajia Sub-County Headquarters, especially f

Joseph Kabila Still Powerful and Influential in the Politics of Congo.

Joseph Kabila, the gentleman farmer. Officially, he stepped down in January 2019, retiring after 18 years at the helm of the biggest country in sub-Saharan Africa. But nearly 18 months on, former president Joseph Kabila remains a powerful figure, wielding influence in the murky politics of the Democratic Republic of Congo through a network of followers and a forced coalition with his successor. “Kabila, come back quickly so we can restore order,” his supporters chanted on Thursday as they marched in Kinshasa, where the coalition with backers of President Felix Tshisekedi is in trouble and heads are rolling. Prime Minister Sylvestre Ilunga has publicly denounced a decision by Tshisekedi to replace two pillars of the former Kabila regime: the army’s inspector general and the president of the Constitutional Court. Kabila handed the presidency to Tshisekedi after elections in December 2018, in the first peaceful transfer of power since independence

Researchers Reveal New Security Flaw Affecting DJI Drones.

Cybersecurity researchers have revealed security issues in the Android app developed by Chinese drone-maker Da Jiang Innovations (DJI) that comes with an auto-update mechanism that bypasses Google Play Store and could be used to install malicious applications and transmit sensitive personal information to DJI's servers. The twin reports, courtesy of cybersecurity firms Synacktiv and GRIMM, found that DJI's Go 4 Android app not only asks for extensive permissions and collects personal data (IMSI, IMEI, the serial number of the SIM card), it makes of anti-debug and encryption techniques to thwart security analysis. "This mechanism is very similar to command and control servers encountered with malware," Synacktiv said. "Given the wide permissions required by DJI GO 4 — contacts, microphone, camera, location, storage, change network connectivity — the DJI or Weibo Chinese servers have almost full control over

BREAKING NEWS. Newly Created Okokoro Town Council in Maracha District, Has Received Shillings 50M To Aid Development of the Town Council. How it all begun! In 2017, i Hon Oguzu Lee Denis, Hon ADIGA WILFRED Lawrence and Hon Acidri James moved to Ministry of Local Govertment to resubmit documents for proposed town councils and sub counties which had long disppeared from the Ministry. When we asked the Minister how and why only documents relating to Maracha would dispear in the Ministry, he asked if ash from your own fire can't burn you. This wasn't the first time our documents disappeared in the same Ministry. Following resubmission of all documents with copies acknowledged, I move to enlist support of Parliamentary Chair, Committee on Local Govt and Commissioner for Urban Development, through whom we got a statutory instrument issued to create these administrative units and their details immidiately relayed to Electoral Commission for further management. The next struggle was to be among units to that would receive funds for operations out of the many administrativ

Court Charges Two Chinese Hackers for Targeting COVID-19 Research and Trade Secrets. The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) has revealed charges against two Chinese nationals for their alleged involvement in a decade-long hacking spree targeting dissidents, government agencies, and hundreds of organizations in as many as 11 countries. The 11-count indictment, which was unsealed on Tuesday, alleges LI Xiaoyu (李啸宇) and DONG Jiazhi (董家志) stole terabytes of sensitive data, including from companies developing COVID-19 vaccines, testing technology, and treatments while operating both for private financial gain and behalf of China's Ministry of State Security. "China has now taken its place, alongside Russia, Iran and North Korea, in that shameful club of nations that provide a safe haven for cyber criminals in exchange for those criminals being 'on call' to work for the benefit of the state, [and] to feed the Chinese Communist party's insatiable hunger for American and other non-Chinese companies' hard-


Good evening everyone here. I can confirm that the battle for MP Central Division NRM flag bearer has hit the ground after several consultative meetings and core team formation. Join me in realizing this dream to offer good leadership in Arua City. I thank you for the support and constructive criticism. We will use all that for our work. The work of political supporters has often been a thankless job because when people get elected they forget where it all started. Let me take this opportunity to say thank you. 👏👏👏


In Pictorial; Hon Ayaka Rose, Adomati Dickson, Yorke Odria, Evelyn Anite, Matua Richard, Atiku Benard, D'uijanga Simon, Atima Jackson and many other MPs from WestNile Region. Joy and Jubilations in West Nile as government inks contract to connect the region on the national grid, this comes after prolonged meetings and deliberations over the need to have the region connected to the grid. West Nile has for a longtime been agitating for the cause and as promised by the government.  Government of Uganda, through Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL) in partnership with Exim Bank of China have been undertaking the construction of a 600MW Hydro Power Plant at Karuma, which is nearly completed. UETCL was mandated to construct interconnection system to evacuate power from Karuma and feed into the national grid. Most importantly to increase power supply and accessibility to northern Uganda which includes (West Nile, Acholi,

Ukraine Government and Rebels Reach New Ceasefire Deal.

              Firefighters douse flames at a house. Government officials and pro-Russian separatists have agreed on the terms of a full ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. European leaders had demanded such a deal before they would agree to holding a new summit on Ukraine. The Ukrainian government and pro-Russian separatists have reached an agreement for a full ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, the president's office confirmed Wednesday.  A "complete and all-encompassing ceasefire" will be implemented in the region starting from Monday, the presidential office in Kyiv announced. Representatives of pro-Russian separatists had earlier announced the deal, the latest in some two dozen failed attempts at a complete ceasefire in Ukraine's east.  The conflict between Ukrainian troops and Russian-backed rebels in Donetsk and Luhansk, near the Russian border, has killed over 13,000 people since 2014, when Moscow took over Ukraine's C


  1 ABABIKU   JESCA        0772315541   2 ABACANON   ANGIRO  0392944775   3 ABALA        DAVID        0772408242/ 0702888820 4 ABIGABA    CUTHBERT   0776111026/ 0772121660 5 ABIRIGA      IBRAHIM    0779901166/ 0787934640  6 ACHEN       CHRISTINE  0772715196   7 ACHIA            REMIGIO   0772471833 0752471833 8 ACHIA            TERENCE  0772681008   9 ACHIENG       SARAH     0785610633 0700544982 10 ACHIRO           LUCY     0784845588   11 ACIDRI          JAMES     0772400198/ 0392964883 12 ACOM          JULIUS B 0789834089/ 0705204113 13 ADOA          HELLEN     0752468930 /0702468930 14 ADEKE            ANNA     0784792708  15 ADOME           BILDAD 0772670800   16 ADONG           LILLY     0772314224   17 AGABA            ABBAS  0772628660   18 AJILO          M GORET 0772469070  0751991294 19 AKAMBA       PAUL      0772989289 0704223364 20 AKELLO         JUDITH  0772906878  21 AKELLO          LUCY      0772576006   22 AKELLO         SILVIA   0782013696   23 AKENA           JIMMY  0