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Showing posts from December, 2019

Osuta Yusuf Resumes Back On Internet. Below is What My Fellow Online Publication Team, My Fellow Activists And My Fellow Technology Team Published On The Day (28-12-2019) i Sadenly Resurfaced On Internet After My 2 Months Disappearance.It is a long Write-up.

Never Ending Lies Created Trust Issues Humanity   Society  29/12/2019. Never Ending Lies Created Trust Issues. We live in world of lies – once we tried to separate what is real, what is lie, what is fake, what is truth – we still do but we lost the track so much. In society and politic whole history is made by alternating facts. In past people had not many ways how to confirm, true or false certain information given. Media, newspapers, TVs all was controlled by certain groups (governments, business groups) and were serving their interest. One source of news made possible to keep people following certain “truth”. It was easy to control, make or obtain evidence, spread it. Doubters could just doubt but had no ways (at least not easy ways) how to find alternative sources of news. Power of media was hugely used by wise – but not always good leaders. It was more than obvious in Nazzi Germany, where minister of propaganda Joesep