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Showing posts from February, 2018

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The Supreme Court today ordered that candidates contesting elections will have to declare their source of income.

LAWYERS FRATERNITY WROTE THIS. NOTE: This is not my hand writing and i do not an editor or admin to any of the online lawyers of Uganda.

WEARING MILITARY ATTIRE/ CAMOUFLAGE One day, Jacob was walking down Kampala Road when he was stopped by an army truck and asked to hand over his designer shirt. He wondered what he had done wrong and refused to do so. So it was forcefully taken away from him. This puzzled him and so he asked his friend, Seth, who is a lawyer, why they did this to him. Seth gave him very important information. In the recent past, the UPDF warned civilians against wearing military attire or military-like attire such as camouflage, saying it undermines the law governing the military dress code and could aid terrorism. Under the laws of Uganda, people cannot wear military attire if they are not part of the army. This directive was given after the army realized that there was an increased use of military attire by the public. The act had security implications as some would go masquerade as military personnel. This also goes ahead to undermine the laws governing the use of military attire. Many musicians usu

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Ekene is a house boy who drinks his boss' wine and then adds water for cover up.​ ​His boss became suspicious and decided to buy pasties ( A french wine that change colour if water added)​. ​As usual, Ekene drank the pasties and topped it up with water. ​Unfortunately for him, the pasties changed colour. When the boss came back home and notice the colour change, he told his wife about it.​ ​ Ekene knew he was in trouble and decided to stay in the kitchen. ​ ​The boss shouted, "Ekene!!!" ​ ​Ekene answered.."Yes,Sir!" ​ ​Boss.. "Who drank the pasties?"​ ​Ekene didn't respond. ​The boss ask again, still no answer. Then the boss went to the kitchen to confront him.​ "Are you insane or what? When I called you, you said 'Yes Sir', but when I asked you a question, you didn't answer me! ​Hmmm Oga, when you are in the kitchen you don't hear anything except your name,"​ Ekene answered. "Let's try it. Okay go to the bar and stand beside madam, while I will stay in the kitchen. Then call me and then ask me any question,"​ The Boss suggested. ​Ekene shouted, "Boss!"​ ​Boss answered, "Yes!" ​ ​Ekene asked, "Who goes into the maid's bedroom when madam isn't around?" ​ ​Boss didn't answer​. ​Ekene ask again, the Boss kept quiet. ​ ​The boss came out from the kitchen shouting, "Wonders shall never end!!! Ekene it's true. When one's in the kitchen, one doesn't hear anything except ones name"​. ​The wife interrupted, "That's not true. It's a lie".​ ​Without argument Ekene ask if she'd like to enter the kitchen to be tested and she agreed. ​ ​Ekene called, "Madam! ​Madam answered, "Yes!" ​ ​Ekene asked, "Who is Junior's biological father? Me or boss?"​ ​Madam rushed out of the kitchen saying, "This kitchen needs to be checked, I can't hear anything!"​ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😀😀😀 Don't laugh alone. Share with others, spread the joke​.

Ekene is a house boy who drinks his boss' wine and then adds water for cover up.​ ​His boss became suspicious and decided to buy pasties ( A french wine that change colour if water added)​. ​As usual, Ekene drank the pasties and topped it up with water. ​Unfortunately for him, the pasties changed colour. When the boss came back home and notice the colour change, he told his wife about it.​ ​ Ekene knew he was in trouble and decided to stay in the kitchen. ​ ​The boss shouted, "Ekene!!!" ​ ​Ekene answered.."Yes,Sir!" ​ ​Boss.. "Who drank the pasties?"​ ​Ekene didn't respond. ​The boss ask again, still no answer. Then the boss went to the kitchen to confront him.​ "Are you insane or what? When I called you, you said 'Yes Sir', but when I asked you a question, you didn't answer me! ​Hmmm Oga, when you are in the kitchen you don't hear anything except your name,"​ Ekene answered. "Let's try it. Okay go to the bar and

{Mr Span has wrote this short phrase and sent it for me right now! My response is with a link at the middle of this publicity}. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHICH POLICE ACADEMY DID Kayihura GRADUATE FROM? Ugandans must accept the reality that the country has no trained police. You cannot just pick a military general to head the police. Where did Kayihura train to be a policeman? Can anyone tell us? How can someone untrained for the job hire competent police force? How many times has this so called police arrested real criminals that commit crimes? A police force that conspires with the executive to invade parliament and one calls it a police? Now Susan is killed and her death is worth 100M/= but 27 woman killed in EBB, their lives were worthy a pen and a yellow notepad used to write on pretending to take notes from residents and perhaps has no idea of where that paper is. Any life lost either through accidents, murder, is unfortunate and the police should treat such case fairly in trying to resolve what led to the victims death. We need real trained police force not bushmen and military generals policing the public. ____________________________________________________________________________ Hallo Mr Span you have some points in your above text but let me let you know that, I wrote a letter in 2016 to Mr Kayihura concerning Police professionalism but he seems not to abide by the contents i intrigued and he seems not to hear and see too. I wish Mr Kayihura a Good luck. In fact, below is the link leading to the letter: Facebook link is also here"1829407613953796"%3A%7B"page_id"%3A1829407613953796%2C"role"%3A1%2C"actor_id"%3A100009314063577%2C"psn"%3A"EntStatusCreationStory"%2C"attached_story"%3A%7B"role"%3A1%2C"page_id"%3A1829407613953796%2C"post_context"%3A%7B"story_fbid"%3A2043225415905347%2C"publish_time"%3A1503772155%2C"story_name"%3A"EntComposerPhotoCreationStory"%2C"object_fbtype"%3A22%7D%2C"actor_id"%3A1829407613953796%2C"psn"%3A"EntComposerPhotoCreationStory"%2C"sl"%3A4%7D%2C"sl"%3A4%2C"targets"%3A%5B%7B"page_id"%3A1829407613953796%2C"actor_id"%3A100009314063577%2C"role"%3A1%2C"post_id"%3A2043225415905347%2C"share_id"%3A0%7D%5D%7D%7D%3Athid.100009314063577%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1519891199%3A4165043504977311709&__tn__=C-R&fbt_id=2043225415905347&lul&ref_component=mbasic_photo_permalink_actionbar#s_83f9af4edd0649ef8fa18a37f6fbe68f MY LETTER TO INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE GEN KALE KAYIHURA, CONCERNING POLICE BRUTALITY AND UN PROFESSIONALISM AT WORK. Dear IGP Kale Kayihura, i am Osuta a resident of Kijomoro sub-county in Maracha District. I wrote this missive, making one year ago today and perhaps am obliged to do it again because i do not want to witness bloody riots unfold betwixt police and citizens. Many People have commented on the level of indiscipline in the Uganda police force, the level of training, welfare and assignment execution (professionalism) that have fallen to its lowest standards since colonial times. it is not yet too late for police to redeem its image but I am a little bit skeptical if the current regime canreally implement these proposals but I will still propose them any way. 1.There should be an overhaul of the entire force by thorough review and inquiry into the recruitment process. 2.All policemen and women must reapply for their jobs. 3.Those who do not meet the requirements must be retired. 4.Army men must not be appointed to the police force. Any Army man wishing to join the police, must first resign and attend police training. 5.Police carrying guns must only act as backup forces not to be seen any how and any where in the public. 6.Refresher courses must be conducted regularly, especially in the field of human rights, crowd management, investigation and forensic audit. 7,The force should strive to gain trust of the citizens by doing Right Things all the Time. 8.They must desist from asking and receiving bribes. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …......................... .... AUTHOR; OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLOTICIAN / LAWYER .

{Mr Span has wrote this short phrase and sent it for me right now! My response is with a link at the middle of this publicity}. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHICH POLICE ACADEMY DID Kayihura GRADUATE FROM? Ugandans must accept the reality that the country has no trained police. You cannot just pick a military general to head the police. Where did Kayihura train to be a policeman? Can anyone tell us? How can someone untrained for the job hire competent police force? How many times has this so called police arrested real criminals that commit crimes? A police force that conspires with the executive to invade parliament and one calls it a police? Now Susan is killed and her death is worth 100M/= but 27 woman killed in EBB, their lives were worthy a pen and a yellow notepad  used to write on pretending to take notes from residents and perhaps has no idea of where that paper is. Any li


Like and follow here for more 👇 👇 #Opinion. We do not sugar coat because we are running low on sugar supply!  #Yeah, i just published this sometimes back and my hand is itching to share it again with anyone who can read and abide by.  NOTE: All the phrases i publish on this website are mine, mine alone unless i indicate the source. 24-2-2018. Failed regime. Many times i wonder whether ugandans were given sleeping conconctions to keep dizzy or totally unaware of their surroundings. These pages and many other people warned early last year about the coming devaststing drought. We Warned about a collapsed economy and the simmering instability in the region.. unfortunately few comprehend these truths, either bec

THE FAILED GOVERNMENT OF HIRACHY AND NEPOTISM ONLY. Like and follow here 👆 for much more. #Opinion. We do not sugar coat because we are running low on sugar supply!  #Yeah, i just published this sometimes back and my hand is itching to share it again with anyone who can read and abide by.  NOTE: All the phrases i publish on this website are mine, mine alone unless i indicate the source. 24-2-2018. Failed regime. Many times i wonder whether ugandans were given sleeping conconctions to keep dizzy or totally unaware of their surroundings. These pages and many other people warned early last year about the coming devaststing drought. We Warned about a collapsed economy and the simmering instability in the region.. unfortunately few comprehend these truths, either because of prejudice or low capacity to comprehend issues. Whatever the case, it alters nothing. What wi

THEY HAD A RIGHT TO SUPPORT WHO THEY WANTED, WE ALSO HAVE A RIGHT TO BOYCOTT THEIR MUSIC. I published this making one year ago today 20 February 2018.

THEY HAD A RIGHT TO SUPPORT WHO THEY WANTED,WE HAVE A RIGHT TO BOYCOTT THEIR MUSIC. Quite Often I meet people tripping when they see the word Boycott Tubonga Naawe Artists.The First question they ask is,Are they not human.don't they have the freedom to support who they want?Why are we not boycotting those who sung for Mbabazi and Besigye? Here is what I answer to them........ The people are tired of a dictatorship and all the agents of it.The people are hurting,people are jobless,people are wrongfully detained,people are damn sick of the steady retrogress,the hospitals have no service for the people,the Education structures all messed up,tax payers money is given to one man without question,mush money is spent on protecting the ways of the dictator.The tired people are SO DISAPPOINTED with the musicians who have come to heights with the help of the people.The people are crying out loud and expect that those full of Voice can help.The "Voiceful" Musicians decided to give a

The Most illiterate is the Political illiterate.

The political illiterate! He hears nothing, sees nothing and takes no part in his political life. He doesn't seem to know that the cost of living, the price of; rice, sugar, beans, book, vehicles, food, rent, education, security and the price of medicines all depend on political decisions. He even prides himself on his political ignorance, sticks out his chest and says he hates politics. He doesn't know, the imbecile, that from his non political participation comes; the prostitute, the abandoned child, the jobless, the robbers and the worst of it all, corrupt officials. #Information is #power. #We_inform_the_uninformed. #osutayusuf


Why would i hate my  own father and elder?. In fact, i Love him like my own biological father. BELOW IS WHAT I HATE: Corruption, poor education, nepotism, teargassing innocent people, embezzlement, unemployment, bribery, poverty, lack of medical services and medicines, non payment of civil servants and soldiers and the police, torture, incompetence, inneficiency, fraud and poor leadership. Non, i do not hate museveni. Pay attention to the real things i hate and museveni will tell you he also hates those things. Never mistake my anger towards these things to mean i hate our elder and our fathers. PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN / LAWYER.


I recently gave my mind about friendship over social media and this note changed people’s minds for the best. Therefore, I wish to use the same magic to define the bond between the church and the GOVERNMENT. For most of the times, minus deep analysis, we cannot know what unites the church and the government. We have assumptions that they are totally different and yet they are not. Government officials often use the church as the platform for campaigns. The church will definitely receive an offer from the government official who will have campaigned in church. Church leaders rarely have political sides. They know what and who they believe in, in their HEARTS. The church, specifically the Catholic Church in Uganda is highly boosting the economy, financially. The catholic church has shares in centenary bank. The government is also driving harder in developing financial institutions, so this is something common between the church and the government. You as a Christian, you are a component


7-February-2018. Like and follow our Facebook page  👆 👆 . The court prosecution which was filed in 2016, which seeks to compel Facebook to disclose the identity of Third-parties who post defamatory contents on Facebook. There is no freedom of speech in the medias in Uganda and thus, leaving the most patriotic Ugandans with no option but to choose internet as platform for freedom of speech. On behalf of the Political activists and Human Rights activists, We would like to thank Facebook, their team of perfect lawyers and especially the IRISH COURT OF APPEAL for passing a land mark judgement. [Writer is proud Lugbara Osuta Yusuf a career Politician and Lawyer]. __________________________________________________________________________________________ In Muwema v Facebook Ireland Ltd [2017] IEHC 69, the Irish Hig

THE ENEMY OF KNOWLEDGE IS POOR READING CULTURE. ____________________________________________________________ PEOPLE Do me a favour. Stop clicking LIKE on articles without reading them. I know you are not a speed reader. It would be better for you to walk away than pretend that you read things. Uganda has to stop this mentality of "too long, I will not read". No wonder some of you comment out of order. Reading is great for you. Do it or stay off my posts. How will you know what is going on in Uganda and around the world if you just read titles and not the article?

THE ENEMY OF KNOWLEDGE IS POOR READING CULTURE. ____________________________________________________________ Members d o me a favour. Stop clicking LIKE on articles without reading them. I know you are not a speed reader. It would be better for you to walk away than pretend that you read things. Uganda has to stop this mentality of "too long, I will not read". No wonder some of you comment out of order. Reading is great for you. Do it or stay off my posts. How will you know what is going on in Uganda and around the world if you just read titles and not the article?

GOOD BYE MOSES RADIO A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES. Its sad that Ugandans are dying without getting the best medical treatment our nation can afford to offer our citizens. Not that people don’t die with the best healthcare system available but in Uganda you life hangs in a balance daily. I grieve for the lives lost unnecessarily in our nation Uganda. I have no complete diagnosis available for the late Moses Radio but from what I have heard he formed a blood clot in the brain after being hit or thrown out from a building. This trauma is mainly due to head injuries attributed to force on ones head. Most often blood clots form in subdural space between the brain and the skull causing a subdural hematoma or bleeding in that area which could cause a clot, and if detected soon, an emergency surgery can be performed to save the victim. I am not a neurologist and am not an expert in head trauma injuries but with my limited medical ideas through reading, I can tell of what might have happened to Moses. If Moses was injured in Entebbe and emergency responders were called, they would have taken the victim to Entebbe Hospital where a quick CAT scan of his head would have revealed a blood clot and an emergency surgery should have been performed. We don’t know where the victim was taken and for how long he was without treatment. He was last seen in Kampala clinic with a help of a walking stick which should have alerted medical professionals that something was wrong for him not to maintain his balance after the trauma. The medical professionals in Uganda must be given credit given the conditions they practice medicine and they must be applauded. The government of Uganda has relegated its obligations to invest in medical facilities. We are all gonna need medical services at one point or another. We have many Uganda medical professionals and others outside Uganda that could help but the political situation at home must change. Museveni cannot pretend not to know what is going on in his government, police, prison that torture innocent Ugandans. On so many occasions Museveni has admitted that the police is infiltrated by criminals but he keeps on appointing Kayihura to head the police. The way the police arrested their own,, Muhammad Kirumira by breaking his door down as if he had committed a murder or taken hostages, must be condemned by all peace loving citizens. My condolences go out to Moses’s family and may God give him ever lasting peace.

GOOD BYE MOSES RADIO A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES. Its sad that Ugandans are dying without getting the best medical treatment our nation can afford to offer our citizens. Not that people don’t die with the best healthcare system available but in Uganda you life hangs in a balance daily. I grieve for the lives lost unnecessarily in our nation Uganda. I have no complete diagnosis available for the late Moses Radio but from what I have heard he formed a blood clot in the brain after being hit or thrown out from a building. This trauma is mainly due to head injuries attributed to force on ones head. Most often blood clots form in subdural space between the brain and the skull causing a subdural hematoma or bleeding in that area which could cause a clot, and if detected soon, an emergency surgery can be performed to save the victim. I am not a neurologist and am not an expert in head trauma injuries but with my limited medical ideas through reading, I can tell of what might have happened to Mo

MORE THAN 2000 WORDPRESS WEBSITES HAVE ONCE AGAIN BEEN FOUND INFECTED WITH A PIECE OF CRYPTO-MINING MALWARE. I am sharing this one, just because i have some of my friends who use WordPress. You better read before it is too late.

More than 2,000 WordPress websites have once again been found infected with a piece of crypto-mining malware that not only steals the resources of visitors' computers to mine digital currencies but also logs visitors' every keystroke. Security researchers at Sucuri discovered  a malicious campaign that infects WordPress websites with a malicious script that delivers an  in-browser cryptocurrency miner  from CoinHive  and a keylogger. Coinhive  is a popular browser-based service that offers website owners to embed a JavaScript to utilise CPUs power of their website visitors in an effort to mine the Monero cryptocurrency. Sucuri researchers said the threat actors behind this new campaign is the same one who infected more than  5,400 Wordpress websites  last month since both campaigns used keylogger/cryptocurrency malware called cloudflare[.]solutions. Spotted in April last year, Cloudflare[.]solutions is cryptocurrency mining malware and is not at all related to network managemen

WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY ABOUT FIGHTING IN PUBLIC. Earlier the better. The source of this story is, online lawyers! i repeat again, this story is written by online lawyers, 24 January 2018.

WHAT LEGAL LESSONS CAN WE LEARN FROM THE FIGHT INVOLVING “MOZE RADIO”? Moses Ssekibogo most commonly known as ‘Moze Radio’ is alleged to have been involved in a brawl with a bouncer at a club in Entebbe. It is reported that he was beaten up and is now lying in a sensitive condition at one of the renowned clinics in Kampala. While we empathise with his friends and family concerning his current condition, we think that it is important that people understand the implications and consequences of fighting in public. WHAT IS THE LEGAL TERM FOR WHEN PEOPLE FIGHT IN PUBLIC: Under the law in Uganda, fighting in public is called ‘Affray’ and is illegal. The law says that any person who takes part in a fight in a public place could be imprisoned for up to one year. Both persons will be charged with this offence and may also be liable for damage of property which may have arisen as a result of the fight. ARE THERE ANY OTHER CHARGES THAT CAN BE BROUGHT AGAINST THOSE INVOLVED: Other charges include


Residents of Butaleja district have resorted to squeezing water out of soil for use after the region was hit by  scarcity. District officials attribute the water scarcity to climate change, saying that most wells have dried up and there are no alternative water collection sources. Micheal Dungu, a youth councilor says that the region has been hit by a prolonged dry spell that has destroyed crops and left animals either dead or malnourished. This he said has reduced the amount of food in the area as people now have to survive on one meal a day. “The people have now resorted to surviving on one meal a day due to food shortage. We do not even have the water to prepare the meals,” Dungu said. Dwelling more on the water crisis, Dungu said that residents have now resorted to trekking long distances to salvage a few litters of water for household use. In Kapisa village, Mazimasa sub-county, residents have dug a hole that acts as a community collection point. This however, has not solved the p

UGANDA HOSPITALS ARE DEATH TRAPS. Leah just wrote this! Had our health care facilities not been a rot, we would have not keep on loosing our citizens like chicken. Rest in Peace MOZE RADIO.

Some additional reading on Ug healthcare (Mozey Radio death  context): #RIPMwozeyRadio I did not want to say it publicly because I thought many of you would think I am a Witch. I didn’t want to blow the trumpet publicly that Mowzey Radio’s death was a matter of when because only God knows the endtime for each one of us. But when I heard Radio was a deep injuries victim, I told my peers that he may not make it out alive, I said it would take a miracle, the same thing I said of Dans Kumapeesa, not long ago. Once you hear someone is in ICU in Uganda – friends pray hard, and YES call upon God for divine intervention. But Pray first that neither you, nor your loved ones end up needing ICU services in Uganda. For me I have lived it, I have seen it. I have never recovered or forgotten. In 2014, I painfully watched how my nephew died in one top private ICU facility. And they all want cash down! Its like 1.5 m per night. He had injuries you would call "not so badly off." A minor septi