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Court Officials in Las Vegas Have Sustained Injuries After Defendant Jumped to Attack Judge During Court Ruling.

By, The Guardian. Click here on this link to watch the fight in court and also subscribe to our YouTube channel for more news and updates.   Defendant attacks judge in Las Vegas during sentencing. Las Vegas Mary Kay Holthus and court officials injured in incident which has led to new charges against Deobra Delone Redden. A defendant has attacked a judge during a felony battery case, dragging her to the floor and sparking a brawl involving court officials and attorneys, officials and witnesses have said. In a violent scene captured on courtroom video on Wednesday, Deobra Delone Redden jumped over a defence table and the judge’s bench, knocking the Clark county district judge Mary Kay Holthus from her seat and against a wall then pulled her to the floor. She sustained some injuries but was not sent to the hospital, courthouse officials said. A courtroom marshal was also injured as he came to the judge’s aid and was hospitalised for treatment to a gash on


📸: Unsplash. Early morning on 1st Jan, Mary left the village. She has endured almost 10 days of every relative accusing her of refusing to give them grand children or to enlarge the clan. One even told her to stop coming to the village if she is going to visit alone without a ‘friend’.   Mary is fed up and she wants to know if she can just sue them for emotional damage and torture for always demanding for a child from her.      WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?   According to the law, you can sue another for emotional torture if you can prove that the actions of the other person resulted in an actual diagnosable emotional effect on them. For example, if what has been done to you directly led to a medical condition like depression, then you can sue that person.     However there are certain conditions you have to fulfil before you can claim that a person caused you this kind of damage.  This person must have a legal duty not to cause you damage (to take care of you) such as a neighbor

Local NGO, RETE-UG Launches 5 Years Strategic Plan.

📸: Rete-UG signpost in Arua City. Restitute Team - Uganda (Rete-UG) a local NGO based in WestNile region have on Wednesday 3-January-2024 launched a five years strategic plan to be implemented. The organization's Annual General Meeting (AGM) which was held in its regional office in Arua City, also presented their performance, kind-donations, funds received from donors, other partners / Well Wishers, their challenges and their expenditure in the year 2023. 📸: Afoyo Venesha, a beneficiary. One of the beneficiaries of the NGO, Ms. Afoyo Venesha from Zombo District thanked RETE-UG for its immense contributions through talkshows to sensitize the public and teenagers against HIV Aids among others. Hon Julliet Onyera, the councilor representing people of Onzivu ward to Ayivu Division council reiterated that, RETE-Uganda has done a lot for the vulnerable and needy people since it's inception in 2020. While equating the Christian religion and Muslim religion, E


. Today morning. Mumbere went for mass in the morning. The mass started off beautifully and everything was going wonderfully until the time of the incense. The Alter boys moved with the incense however they were giggling, and the incense did not smell like it always did. Something about it was different. On coming out of the church, the police arrested the altar boys for putting weed in the incense and everyone in the church is now ‘high’ on weed. Is Mumbere now under the influence?    WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? . According to the Narcotic and Psychotropic (Control) Act, a person who smokes, inhales, sniffs, or chews any form of narcotic drug or psychotropic substance (like weed) commits an offence and if found guilty by the court, that person can be fined, or imprisoned or both fined and imprisoned. However, given that Mumbere went to church without the intention of smoking weed but rather to pray, and the weed was not his choice but the action of the altar boys, he may not be


In Kitagwenda, you cannot organize a successful kuhingira unless you have invited Mugisha. The moment you tell him your plans to get married, he will tell you all is ok and he will let you pick out the fattest cows and gift them to you on your kuhingira.    Kabayo took his invitation card to Mugisha 3 months before the kuhingira and he pointed out a fat cow and healthy bull. He kept rubbing his hands when it was time for Mugisha’s speech and as expected ‘he was gifted’ a cow and a bull.     Unknown to everyone, the cow and bull had died that morning and when Kabayo went to collect his, he was given the bad news and told to wait a year for ‘something’ else.   Kabayo does not want to wait a year or for a replacement. He wants to sue Mugisha for deceiving him and breaking his promise.     WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?    The law says that people are free to make promises to each other and the courts will make sure that those people do not break those promises to each other and if the

Police want their salaries increased to match that of UPDF officers.

Retiring police officers received their certificates Kampala, Uganda | By Michael Wandati | Retiring police officers are appealing to President Yoweri Museveni for salary increase, urging that the salaries of senior police officers align with those of their counterparts in the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF). A total of 233 officers from the rank of SCP to PC on Tuesday 12, December 2023 retired from the Uganda Police Force (UPF) after clocking 60 years of mandatory retirement at a colorful function held at Police Headquarters Naguru. The plea for salary enhancement was conveyed by the retiring Deputy Director for Interpol-Uganda, Joseph Obwana, representing 233 police officers retiring from active service. Obwana, holding the rank of Senior Commissioner of Police (SCP), equivalent to Lieutenant General, revealed earning Shs 2.5 million, significantly lower than the over Shs 13.5 million received by counterparts in the army. H


Kato and Nambi decided to stay together around the time when Idi Amin had just overthrown Obote’s government. So, things were constantly moving from one place to another. At some point, they even went to Tanzania and came back. When their children grew up, they asked Nambi when the wedding was, and she would always tell them that their father visited her home and even brought a ‘thigh of a cow’ and the gomesi that her mother wanted. Two months ago, Kato passed away, and the bank wants proof from Nambi that she was his wife before they can give her access to the money he left behind.     How can Nambi prove that she and Kato were married?    WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?  What makes a traditional marriage legal depends on the culture of the people getting married. For example, in most cultures, you must go to the woman’s home and bring certain things the family has asked for. These things are commonly called bride price or dowry in some places. The couple is officially married once