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Video; Hon Rose Obigah has Voted “Yes” to Support the Censure Motion Against State Minister Persis Namuganza Princess.

via IFTTT Watch the video here 👆 Hon Obigah Rose, Woman MP Terego District.  ‎@ministryoflandshousingandu9424   ,  ‎@parliamentwatch4944   ,  The Woman MP for Terego District, Hon Rose Obigah has this day 12pm 23-1-2023 voted to support a censure motion against State Minister for Land, Housing and Urban Development Hon Persis Namuganza Princess who also doubles as the MP for Bukono County in Namutumba District. Several charges were brought against the State Minister, including among others; 1. Handling of the controversial Nakawa-Naguru land giveaway (Hon. John Amos Okot (NRM, Agago North County)led that motion.  The ad hoc committee in their report, recommended that Namuganza steps aside for falsifying a presidential directive that saw the Uganda Land Commission allocate the said land to a section of investor.  But Namuganza defended herself by saying that, parliament did not have the right to censure her in relation to her involvement in the Naguru-Naka

Rotary Club in Partnership with World Vision, Launches Reading Culture Campaign in WestNile Region


How Sex Scandal is Rocking and Destroying Service Delivery and Development in Maracha.

Gossip rocked a section of youthful councillors across the District after it emerged that, one of them traded sex with another youth leader (name withheld for security reasons) to be able to win a position in the youth council. Speaking on anonymity, one of the youth leaders told this online publication blog, that, one of them (a lady) who was in love relationship with another powerful youth councillor, used that advantage to manipulate ways to impose the young lady onto that seat which she is not supposed to hold. Another youth councillor (a guy) said, in 2020 when they traveled to Gulu for election of female youth MPs, Electoral Commission officials denied this young lady to sign transport allowance of 350,000 Shs on grounds that, her name was not showing anywhere in the EC system as a Youth councillor holding any position from any Sub-county or any Parish in Maracha District. This embarrassing moment took the intervention of her bonk mate (lover) who used his position to ple

WhatsApp Hit with €5.5 Million Fine for Violating Data Protection Laws.

The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) on Thursday imposed fresh fines of €5.5 million against Meta's WhatsApp for violating data protection laws when processing users' personal information. At the heart of the ruling is an update to the messaging platform's Terms of Service that was imposed in the days leading to the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) in May 2018, requiring that users agree to the revised terms in order to continue using the service or risk losing access. The complaint, filed by privacy non-profit NOYB, alleged that WhatsApp breached the regulation by compelling its users to "consent to the processing of their personal data for service improvement and security" by "making the accessibility of its services conditional on users accepting the updated Terms of Service." "WhatsApp Ireland is not entitled to rely on the contract legal basis for the delivery of service improvement and security," the DP

Mess in Maracha District as Youth Leaders Gave Shs 2.4 M to 27 Graduates Instead of Shs 2.7 Million.

Following a six months successful training of Youths in the region under the "WestNile Presidential Initiative Institute for Skilling the Youths" whose first graduation ceremony was held at Zombo District on 4-Jan-2023, where Maracha District had 27 graduates, the Government of Uganda through State House Comptroller Mrs Jane Barekye gave a total of shs 22,000,000 Shs to the 220 graduates, who shared the money 100,000 Shs each. When we spoke with some of the students over their experience during the 6 months training at the institute, many appreciated President Museveni for thinking about skilling the Youths and some of them mentioned the issue of deducted transport refund money as one of the challenges they faced towards closure of the training which they said resulted from misbehavior of some students who had stolen some of the training materials in the school. To dig deeper into finding out what happened with the money, the leadership of the institut

GEF & UNEP Via Ministry of Water & Envir Have Launched Demarcation & Restoration of Wetlands in Arua


73-year-old man pays $370/month to live in a plane he bought for $100,000 from a salvage yard

Video attached  Embracing Aerospace;  Click on this video link to watch the amiable life of this Man. In the early ’70s, Bruce Campbell paid $25,800 for 10 acres of land in Hillsboro, a suburb of Portland, Oregon. The electrical engineer, who’s now   73 and resides in a parked plane on his property, tells  CNBC Make It  the dream began when he saw   an airplane boneyard on TV when he was 15 years old. He decided he   wanted to live in one. In 1999, Campbell resolved to follow through but had no idea how to go about it, so he hired a salvage company to find him a plane. “That was a Whopper class mistake. I’ll never do that again. Salvage companies are wreckers,” Campbell says. “I highly recommend just buying a jetliner completely intact and completely functional, except maybe the removal of the engines.” Campbell’s jetliner is parked on a 10-acre property he bought in the early ’70s. CNBC Make It After months of searching, the company found Campbell a Boeing 727 200-passenger je