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THIS COOPERATION AGREEMENT is entered into by and between THE NATIONAL RESISTANCE MOVEMENT of Plot 10 Kyadondo Road, P.O. Box Kampala and THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY of Plot 2/3 William Street, P.O. Box Kampala (collectively referred to herein after as the parties). The signatories herein warrant their full authority from theirrespective entities to append their signatures and that cooperation agreement binds the principals and their entities.   By accepting this Agreement, it is recognized to be the duty of the Parties to cooperate in good faith and fully with each other, both individually and collectively, for the advancement of the purposes of this Agreement and in accordance with the terms herein below.     GENERAL PROVISIONS    PRINCIPLES The Parties confirm their commitment to a strong, cohesive, united and inclusive Uganda. The parties reaffirm their beliefthat these values are a necessary prerequisite for social, politicaland economic success and stability of Uganda. The parties seek

Museveni assures Russia of cooperation, says Uganda can’t be enemy of somebody’s enemy.

President Yoweri Museveni says Uganda will continue cooperating with Russia, noting that it's not Kampala's doctrine to be an enemy of other people's enemies. President Yoweri Museveni says Uganda will continue cooperating with Russia, noting that it’s not Kampala’s doctrine to be an enemy of other people’s enemies. He made the remarks on Tuesday at a press conference in Entebbe alongside Russia’s Foreign Minister, H.E Sergey V. Lavrov, who is in Uganda as part of his tour in Africa in a bid to strengthen Moscow’s relations with the continent. “We want to trade with Russia, we want to trade with all countries of the World. We don’t believe in being enemies of somebody’s enemy, no. We want to make our own enemies not to fight other people’s enemies, this is our doctrine,” Museveni said on Tuesday. “When there was the cold war, one day they asked me a question, ‘are you pro-east or pro-west?’, I said you must think I am an idiot, why do you think my main job is to be pro-some

WestNile MPs Have Today 26-7-2022 Held a Meeting to Address Challenges Affecting the Region.

The West Nile Parliamentary Caucus held a general meeting today July 26,2022 in the northern Wing Committee Room 18/19 of Parliamentary Building. The purpose of the meeting was to review progress in implementation of caucus development agenda and plan for priority activities to implement in the second session of the 11th Parliament.  The caucus approved schedule for engagement of ministries ,departments, agencies ,partners and stakeholders at national, regional and districts levels on matters of strategic interest to West Nile that include but not limited to security ,land and environment management, health ,education ,production, industry, trade and commerce ,infrastructure ( electricity, roads ,ICT), urban development and regional cooperation, inter alia.  Together ,we can transform West Nile Region.  Publicity Secretariat  West Nile Parliamentary Caucus


So, the person you demand ‘big’ money has just been declared bankrupt. This is probably worrying news for you because you cannot sit in front of his door or send threatening letters through your lawyers until the person pays you. This does not mean the end of the world for you and that ‘ka-money’. What it means is that now you must be a bit more patient and go through the person court has appointed to know the next thing that will bring you closer to your money. That next thing will be called a meeting of creditors where you will bring proof and details of how much you demand, and you will participate in appointing the person going to sell off or manage the property of the person with your money so that it can yield your ‘missing’ money. (That person is called a trustee). Remember, if you are too busy to keep tabs on what is happening, the law allows you to appoint a representative to sit for such meetings and follow up with the trustee to get your money. When this person (trustee) sta

Meet Joy Nakato, who is heading to the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) in August 2022.

  “With the support of EducationUSA, I got to learn about the Mastercard Scholarship at UC, Berkeley and applied to the Berkeley School of Public Health.  Upon admission, I was invited to apply for the scholarship and after a rigorous selection process, I was chosen to be among the Mastercard scholars cohort of 2022,” Joy says. “To me, getting an American education means getting an opportunity to attend a world class academic institution while receiving mentorship from notable research professors to build the right capacity I need for a shared, successful future in an interconnected world," she adds. I hope to leverage the incredible opportunities an American education comes with, to grow professionally and to broaden my perspective both intellectually and culturally. I am looking forward to building meaningful and life-long networks with both students and faculty while at UC Berkeley. Thank you #EducationUSA for providing an environment where students’ dreams come alive. Go Bears

Why the MAO-MUSEVENI deal shows Uganda is not ready for Multiparty democracy.

By Collines Jeremiah Mawa At the onset of independence in 1962, Uganda sought a self-government under the Multiparty system. This demonstrated the conciousness in Ugandans; that a Multiparty political environment would gurantee stability. Several challenges experienced in the following years after Independence made it inevitable for that first attempt at political pluralism to fail.  In retrospective, these negative experiences remind us of the fragility of an open and competitive political system and its reliance on committed, responsible and credible actors on all sides and at all levels. After taking over power, the (NRM) proclaimed an era of “fundamental change”, based on a  “Ten-Point-Programme”. The new President promised an interim period of four years for restructuring the system and creating democratic institutions. Museveni did not allow a multiparty system and prohibited political party activities in the interim period during which a new constitution was to be elaborated.  A


Sande has been jobless for the last three years and he believed that at this rate, he would probably never get another job until Munaku Traders Co. Ltd called him for an interview. It turns out he was the best person for the job and was given the position of ‘Sales Associate’. On getting home, his housemate told him that he remembered that Munaku Traders had financial issues and had possibly been ‘bankrupted’. Sande does not want to lose his new job but wants to know if a company that is ‘bankrupt’ is allowed to hire.   WHEN IS A COMPANY BANKRUPT? When we say a company is Bankrupt, we mean when that company cannot continue to run its business because of its debts. When a person (an individual) is bankrupt, they can continue ‘living’. Unfortunately, when a company is declared bankrupt, it means that the company’s life must come to an end. This is called liquidation (the process of putting an end to a company’s operations and work).   CAN YOU WORK FOR SUCH A BANKRUPT COMPANY? By law, whe